woensdag 18 augustus 2021



  • If there are medically accepted treatments acknowledged like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine then they can no longer authorize the experimental use of the vaccine which has nano bio tech in it that they desperately want in everyone. They are so desperate to get this in everyone they are giving the vaccine to pregnant women. The amount of deaths and injuries from this 'vaccine' far exceeds any other vaccine in history. Stand your ground if you do not want this vaccine. We are the majority.

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        Brave woman thank you so much I learned a lot

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            Thank you so much for stepping forward. My thought are with you. Sending you a hug. I too am a nurse and I am saddened by what is happening to health care which I have devoted my life to.

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                Found this article, https://vaccinefromhell.com...

                Proof of Hydrogel bots on PCR swabs.

                Talks about self-organizing propagating nanobots created by darpa...creates lattice structures that self-replicate - making you a node on the network over time...shows under microscope...but then at Figure 19 there is an explanation that

                Figure 19: "Ivermectin was added to the right side of hte structures in Figure 17 and occurred immediately to complete and permanent disappearance of the Darpa Hydrogel Crystal structures. "

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                    So if I was scared into getting the vaccines (2 Pfizer) - if I take the Ivermectin, it will mess with their plan? Detoxing here, trying to get rid of the spike proteins. The 3rd vaccine, the booster, is already out and people are running out to get it. This is insane!

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                        Don't take anymore!!!!! I'm not a doctor, but from the videos I've seen, and I figured out how many I've watched for the last 20 months - around 2880 - pine tea, star anise, ivermectin, for blood clots prevention Vitalzym Cardo version clean your blood reduce bad fibrin, - oh hey, Dr. Zalenko has a treatment or setup where you can call him and get advice/or the stuff...even call Dr. Sheri Tenpenny in Ohio as well and ask for who you can call locally. The video above in https://vaccinefromhell.com... re Figure 19 shows what it does to the hydrogels. Oh Kefir for cytokine storms I remember seeing.

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                          Nanoparticles in the injections and its purpose is one of the charges Gates is facing in Gitmo! he is also charged with coercing ( using his wealth) the FDA to issue an emergency authorisation for an pharmaceutical, dangerous cocktail KNOWING its intent to kill and maim! These alongside the vile Master minding of child abuse , trafficking and Adrenochrome worldwide with Epstein!

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                            Thank you so much for stepping up and doing the right thing here with this video. Super valuable to hear from someone on the frontlines.

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                                Thank you for this presentation. You are a courageous woman. I am an RN with 28 years ICU experience and will not take this new shot. I had Covid about a year ago and did fine. My natural immunity trumps any shot they force on us. I have no problem with folks who want the jab but also believe others have the right to say no to it. It needs to be an individual choice with no coercion..

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                                    Vaccines ( or what they make them out to be) have been LOWERING peoples immune reactions for almost a century ...hence when hit by a deliberately released flu like infection ...many died ! Had their NEVER been modern 'health care' we would all be stronger and more resilient ...simple fact! Attention to hygiene is what stopped much disease ! Now tell us WHY one laboratory has investigated that covid injection ... and found carcinogenic monkey virus ... the same monkey virus that was found in early polio injections ...why would that be??? Expect a massive rise in cancers ....just as happened from the fifties ...at least for the kids of those who were covid injected as most will not survive very long!

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                                  Thank You For this.

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                                      This woman sounds stressed.

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                                          Well, yes. Here she is; she dedicated her working life to helping people heal. Then she discovers that the "healthcare system" she works in is now promoting an injurious program that seems aimed at depopulation! She's beyond shocked, disappointed, outraged, tired. I don't blame her. I applaud her.

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                                              Yes she does and as a Frontline healthcare worker I understand why. Great job Nicole!

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                                                Does this medication work on people who have already been injected and then get sick? I would think that it is dangerous to try and treat people who have already been injected because the PCR tests are bull so how does anybody know what is wrong really? The biggest issue is that there is no "real" test for Covid.

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                                                    how many times can a person say "WOW" in one video. She puts it ALL in there! Thanks, Nicole!!!



                                                  ‘Als ze die prik verplichten, verlaat ik de zorg’   20 JUL 2021

                                                  Vorige week werd bekend dat verpleegkundigen in Griekenland en Frankrijk zich verplicht moeten laten vaccineren tegen covid-19. Als het aan Nederlandse verpleegkundigen ligt, gebeurt dat hier absoluut niet. 'Als ze die prik verplichten, verlaat ik de zorg.'
                                                  Afval van de coronavaccins bij de xl-priklocatie van de GGD Brabant Zuidoost in Eindhoven. Foto: ANP
                                                  Afval van de coronavaccins bij de xl-priklocatie van de GGD Brabant Zuidoost in Eindhoven. Foto: ANP

                                                  86% van de ruim 2300 respondenten op een Nursing-poll liet weten tegen verplichte vaccinatie te zijn. 14% stemde ‘voor’ of had geen mening.

                                                  Tegen verplichte vaccinatie

                                                  Verpleegkundige Thea verwoordt op het poll-bericht op de Facebookpagina van Nursing duidelijk wat de meeste stemmers vinden: ‘Het is de eigen keus van medewerkers in de zorg om zich wel of niet te laten vaccineren. Eigen baas, in eigen lijf! Als dit wordt verplicht, blijft er geen medewerker over.’

                                                  Tineke onder hetzelfde bericht: ‘Verplichten moet en mag nooit de norm worden.’ Marijn denkt dat, als de vaccinatie verplicht zou zijn, veel mensen de zorg gaan verlaten. ‘Onder wie ikzelf. Wat resulteert in nog meer personeelstekort.’

                                                  Voor verplichte vaccinatie

                                                  Verpleegkundige Tecla is een van de ‘voor’-stemmers. Hepatitis B is ook verplicht. Ik vaccineer me ook tegen griep, dtp en hepatitis A. Toen ik naar de tropen ging ben ik ook gevaccineerd tegen gele koorts, cholera en slikte pillen tegen malaria. De vaccins tegen corona zijn echt geweldig. Kom op zeg, de bijwerkingen van covid zijn veel erger.’

                                                  Dina reageert: ‘Ik zou het voor mezelf niet erg vinden als het verplicht zou worden, maar ik begrijp het ook als mensen er wel een probleem mee hebben.’

                                                  Verplicht vaccineren: kan dat?

                                                  In februari dit jaar stuurde de Gezondheidsraad een advies aan de minister van VWS over verplichte vaccinatie. Het gaat over de ethische en juridische afwegingen die de overheid kan maken rond deze kwestie.

                                                  De Gezondheidsraad stelt dat voor groepsbescherming een minimum aantal mensen in ons land gevaccineerd moet zijn. Tegelijkertijd zijn er mensen die de vaccinatie niet kunnen of willen nemen. De overheid mag hen wel adviseren, overreden en nudgen. Maar de vaccinatie verplichten kan niet volgens de Wet publieke gezondheid.

                                                  Verplicht vaccineren is een politieke keuze. Als de regering en de Tweede en Eerste kamer het willen, kan de wet aangepast worden. Daar gaat een ingewikkelde afweging aan vooraf. Voor zover bekend speelt dit niet in Den Haag.

                                                  Over de poll

                                                  Vorige week werd bekend dat verpleegkundigen in Griekenland en Frankrijk zich verplicht moet laten vaccineren tegen covid-19. Ook New York scherpt de coronaregels aan voor medewerkers van openbare ziekenhuizen. Ze moeten zich laten vaccineren of wekelijks een coronatest ondergaan. Nursing vroeg zich af hoe Nederlandse verpleegkundigen hierover dachten en peilde de stemming met een poll. Hier stemden 2367 lezers op. De poll geeft dus een beeld van de volgers van Nursing die op deze kanalen actief zijn en hun mening willen geven. Dit is niet noodzakelijk representatief voor de hele beroepsgroep.


                                                  Renners van Acrog-Tormans Balen BC 

                                                  Renners van Acrog-Tormans Balen BC  — ©  Facebook Acrog-Tormans Balen BC

                                                  Drie jonge renners krijgen hartproblemen door sport na vaccinatie: hoe gaat het met hen?

                                                  De voorbije drie weken kregen drie jonge renners van 15 tot 17 jaar kort na hun coronavaccin zeer ernstige hartklachten. Twee zijn op intensieve zorgen opgenomen. Dat meldt Het Laatste Nieuws en is aan onze redactie bevestigd. “Zo’n felle reactie is uitzonderlijk”, zegt sportarts Kris Van der Mieren “maar laat dit verhaal een waarschuwing zijn: doe geen zware sportieve inspanningen tot twee weken na je coronavaccin.”

                                                  Paul Demeyer


                                                  “Ook internationaal worden er bij rusthuisbewoners doorbraakinfecties vastgesteld”, zegt Boudewijn Catry, epidemioloog bij Sciensano. 

                                                  “Ook internationaal worden er bij rusthuisbewoners doorbraakinfecties vastgesteld”, zegt Boudewijn Catry, epidemioloog bij Sciensano.  — © Jimmy Kets

                                                  Een op drie coronapatiƫnten in ziekenhuis volledig gevaccineerd, helft van hen komt uit rusthuis

                                                  Bijna een derde van de patiƫnten die vandaag met Covid-19 opgenomen worden in het ziekenhuis, is volledig gevaccineerd. De ernstige doorbraakinfecties doen zich vooral voor bij 80-plussers met een zwakke gezondheid.

                                                  Dries De Smet


                                                  Bombshell: mRNA vaccines can turn people into never-ending spike protein factories, “colonizing” the body with endless bioweapons

                                                  Image: Bombshell: mRNA vaccines can turn people into never-ending spike protein factories, “colonizing” the body with endless bioweapons

                                                  (Natural News) Nuclear cardiologist Richard M. Fleming recently spoke with Mike Adams about the deception used to coerce the world population to take mRNA vaccines. Dr. Fleming provided evidence that the mRNA vaccines are self-replicating and turn people into never-ending spike protein factories. There is now evidence that the genetic sequence for SARS-CoV-2 is self-assembling and self-amplifying by design, carrying genetic code into the person’s DNA through reverse transcription. This runaway process for encoding spike proteins in human cells has the potential to hijack healthy genetic expression for years to come while colonizing inflammatory spike proteins in the blood and the organs for the duration of one’s life. People are literally being programmed with genetic instructions that intoxicate their blood and organs into perpetuity … until they are sick and dying, suffering from chronic disease.

                                                  The mRNA vaccines are NOT temporary nor are they localized medical interventions

                                                  The public was given false information regarding mRNA vaccines from the start. The mRNA vaccine was sold to the public as a temporary process, an immune-enhancing drug that does not interfere with human DNA. Furthermore, the messenger RNA is said to stay in the cells at the injection site, but this has been disproved multiple times, with blood clot formation and spike protein accumulation measured in various organs, including the brain. The spike proteins are not only traveling through the blood and concentrating in vital organs, but these mRNA instructions are also incorporating into the human DNA for future replication of bioweapons in the blood.

                                                  These foreign toxins may augment immune-responsive cells for a short period of time, but they also induce cardiovascular, neurological, and autoimmune inflammation, resulting in severe adverse events and chronic damage to young people. As the spike proteins proliferate the blood, they can cause blood clotting all over the body and even lead to Alzheimer’s disease through prion formation in the brain.

                                                  The mRNA spike protein experiment is so controversial that the federal government is desperately working with Big Tech to algorithmically censor any accurate, dissenting information on this unethical experiment. This experiment, rooted in deception, protected by censorship and liability-free contracts, is being forced onto the world population with totalitarian mandates, propaganda campaigns, and pervasive fraud. Despite the best efforts to silence information and take away consent of the individual, the principle of informed consent in medicine will withstand the test of time.

                                                  The mRNA vaccines incorporate SARS-CoV-2 into human DNA through reverse transcription

                                                  The Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, MA, the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences from Harvard, the Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University have uncovered serious DNA-altering details about the mRNA vaccines.

                                                  The researchers investigated the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse transcribed and integrated into the human genome. What they found was shocking. When studying cultured cells and primary cells of vaccinated patients, they found chimeric transcripts that contained viral fusion to cellular sequences that is consistent with the transcription of viral sequences integrated into the genome. They found twenty-four cells containing reverse transcriptase, all of which can be integrated into the cell genome and subsequently transcribed. This reverse transcription was enabled by “LINE-1 elements or by HIV-1 reverse transcriptase.”

                                                  There was a molecular mechanism that allowed SARS-CoV-2 to undergo retro-integration in the genome of vaccination patients. This process helps explain why vaccination patients continue to produce viral RNA long after their recovery from the vaccine transfection. Vaccinated people are literally the super spreaders, the vector for perpetual bioweapon release. As genetic instruction for spike proteins permeate their DNA, the vaccinated can potentially replicate spike proteins for the rest of their life, putting the public health at risk for generations to come. Yes, it looks like the beginning of transhumanism, as the vaccinated line up for their genetic updates.

                                                  Watch this telling interview on Brighteon.com.

                                                  Sources include:


                                                  Biorxiv.org 1 [PDF]

                                                  Biorxiv.org 2 [PDF]

                                                  SciVisionPub.com [PDF]




                                                  VAXXED TO DEATH: Alarming study confirms vaxxers will face catastrophic Antibody Dependent Enhancement injuries and deaths

                                                  Image: VAXXED TO DEATH: Alarming study confirms vaxxers will face catastrophic Antibody Dependent Enhancement injuries and deaths

                                                  (Natural News) For over a year, intensive research conducted by health experts like Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has brought to light increasing concerns about “Antibody Dependent Enhancement” (ADE), a phenomenon where vaccines make the disease far worse by priming the immune system for a potentially deadly overreaction. Also called a “hyperinflammatory response” to subsequent infections, ADE is well known to occur with coronavirus vaccines that have been tested in animal experiments. The big question has been whether it will emerge in the 2.4 billion people who have now been vaccinated around the world.

                                                  According to OurWorldInData.org, 31.7% of the world population has been vaccinated with one or more covid vaccines. That’s about 2.4 billion people.

                                                  In the United States, according to the CDC, 199 million people have been vaccinated with at least one dose.

                                                  Notably, all the 2.4 billion people who took this vaccine around the world have taken an unproven, deadly, experimental medical intervention that was intentionally formulated to contain spike protein biological weapons, or in the case of mRNA vaccines, instructions for the body’s own cells to manufacture those spike protein bioweapons. Thus, the depopulation globalists pushing this vaccine genocide have managed to inject about one-third of the world’s human population with biological weapons that are well known to cause injury and death.

                                                  Yet the question remains: Just how many of these people will die from vaccine adverse events, including ADE?

                                                  A new science paper published in the Journal of Infection appears to provide solid evidence that the vaccines being administered around the world will, without question, cause ADE effects in people when they are exposed to the Delta variant or potentially other coronavirus strains. The study is entitled, Infection-enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies recognize both the original Wuhan/D614G strain and Delta variants. A potential risk for mass vaccination?

                                                  Written from the point of view of conventional virology and epidemiology, it explains that while the current vaccines (based on the original Wuhan D615G strain) do provide some level of immunity against the original covid virus, they present an unfortunate side effect: The acceleration of “infection-enhancing antibodies” which overreact to Delta variant infections. What the paper is describing is classic ADE, meaning a hyperinflammatory reaction can kill the person as their “primed” immune system overreacts to new infections.

                                                  The study concludes, “ADE of delta variants is a potential risk for current vaccines,” and it goes on to explain the mechanism by which this ADE is emerging:

                                                  Using molecular modeling approaches, we show that enhancing antibodies have a higher affinity for Delta variants than for Wuhan/D614G NTDs. We show that enhancing antibodies reinforce the binding of the spike trimer to the host cell membrane by clamping the NTD to lipid raft microdomains… facilitating antibodies display a strikingly increased affinity. Thus, ADE may be a concern for people receiving vaccines based on the original Wuhan strain spike sequence (either mRNA or viral vectors).

                                                  The paper goes on to suggest that the original vaccines should be essentially scrapped, and replaced with new, “second generation” vaccines that are engineered to attack the antigen targets of the Delta variant.

                                                  Of course, by the time that is accomplished, a new variant will be circulating and threatening the very same people, given that vaccinating people during a period of widespread virus circulation is effectively providing viral evolutionary pressures that cause new, vaccine-resistant strains to be produced in the bodies of those who are vaccinated (as Dr. Bossche has repeatedly warned). No matter how many vaccines are administered to the world’s population, the virus will always mutate to a new form, rendering those vaccines obsolete.

                                                  Only natural immunity — broad-spectrum, “generalized” immunity — can halt the cycle and stop the pandemic. Vaccines can never stop covid mutations, infections or transmission for the simple reason that vaccines can never see the future. Even the CDC admits they do not prevent infection or transmission, either.

                                                  Even if the vaccines stop right now, a billion people could die around the world in the next 36 months as vaccines take their toll

                                                  What’s crucial to understand is that even if the deadly covid vaccines are halted right now, with 2.4 billion people already injected, it is well within the realm of possibility that a billion or more people could die from ADE, spike protein vascular damage, “mad cow disease” from spike protein attacks on neurology, or other devastating effects caused by the covid vaccines.

                                                  In the United States alone, a 20% death rate among the vaccinated would spell about 40 million deaths, with most of the occurring in blue cities and states where left-leaning sheeple demonstrate high obedience to false authorities while volunteering their bodies for deadly medical experiments in the name of “science.” You may not have realized that virtually the entire Democrat party in the US has essentially volunteered to be post-vaccine organ donors, yet at the same time their organs will be colonized with spike protein nanoparticles, so no one will want their organs anyway.

                                                  Get the full details in today’s Situation Update podcast, which also covers many other developing news items on this front:


                                                  See more podcasts at:


                                                  Zaden en plantbeurs 'Reclaim The Seeds' te LIER, 23 maart 10u - 17u

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