vrijdag 27 mei 2022

blckbx today: Krijgt Geert Vanden Bossche gelijk? | piloten luiden vaccinatienoodklok | ongevaccineerd op vakantie?

Vrijdag 27 mei 2022         Redactie blckbx


Viroloog Geert Vanden Bossche waarschuwde al langer dat de bescherming van coronavaccins snel afneemt én dat massavaccinaties resulteren in mutaties. Gezondheidsinstituut Sciensano zegt nu hetzelfde!

Duizenden piloten luiden de noodklok over een gezondheidscrisis onder piloten. Hoe passen 'experimentele vaccins' binnen de 'Flight Safety and Security Manuals' van vliegmaatschappijen? En waar kan je nog naartoe deze zomer als je niet gevaccineerd bent of niet te maken wilt hebben met mondkapjes en testen? Dat en meer in blckbx today.


                     VIDEO Link: https://youtu.be/AydQoVogtMU

 In de uitzending van vanavond onder andere:

·         Uit een recente studie blijkt dat de bescherming van coronavaccins snel afneemt én dat massavaccinaties resulteren in mutaties, zo maakte het Belgische gezondheidsinstituut Sciensano gisteren bekend. Viroloog Geert Vanden Bossche waarschuwde hier al langer voor, maar werd hierom verketterd.

·         Een internationale alliantie van duizenden piloten luidt de noodklok over een gezondheidscrisis onder piloten. Hoe passen 'experimentele vaccins' binnen de 'Flight Safety and Security Manuals' van vliegmaatschappijen?

·         Nederland krijgt een Nationaal Centrum voor Wetenschapscommunicatie. Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf wil hiermee een steviger fundament geven voor wetenschappelijke feiten en de communicatie hieromtrent. In hoeverre wordt dit propaganda?

·         De zomervakantie is in aantocht. Wat zijn de mogelijkheden als je niet gevaccineerd bent of mondkapjes en testen wilt vermijden?

·         Uitgelichte artikelen van De Andere Krant

·         Aan de desk staan publicist Sietske Bergsma, onderzoeksjournalist Elze van Hamelen, redacteur Bas Reijnierse en Flavio Pasquino.

·         Presentatie: Sanae Orchi

Relevante achtergrondinformatie en bronnen

·         Artikel Parool Het Parool wil van jou weten: waarom blijven de zalen leeg in de culturele sector?

·         Artikel NOS Inspectie: politie mist toekomstvisie en kan daardoor taken niet goed uitvoeren

·         Artikel NU.nl Russische centrale bank verlaagt opnieuw rente om opmars van roebel te stoppen

·         Uitzending blckbx “Boosters verergeren de zaak” legt Viroloog & Vaccinoloog Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche uit...

·         Uitzending blckbx “Kinderen vaccineren tegen Covid-19 is een doodzonde!” zegt viroloog & vaccinoloog Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche...

·         Artikel VRT Gezondheidsinstituut Sciensano: "Bescherming coronavaccins neemt snel af, vooral tegen besmetting met symptomen"

·         Artikel blckbx Belgische viroloog voorspelt nieuwe varianten en hoge sterfte onder gevaccineerden

·         Artikel Volkskrant Nationaal centrum voor communicatie over wetenschap naar Brits en Duits model op komst

·         Website Luchtvaart Collectief luchtvaartcollectief.nl

·         Uitzending blckbx blckbx today: Wat doet Kuipers op bezoek bij de WHO?, vaccinatieplicht KLM en andere rechtszaken... (met strafrechtadvocaat Claudia Berghout)

·         Rapporten Discriminatie “Landelijk rapport discriminatiecijfers 2021”

·         Publicaties Rijksoverheid m.b.t. rapport 2021 “Meer meldingen van discriminatie vanwege coronamaatregelen”

·         Reisadviezen Rijksoverheid “Nederland Wereldwijd”

·         Website De Andere Krant: deanderekrant.nl

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Iedere maandag, woensdag en vrijdag LIVE om 19:00 uur

Het nieuws belicht vanuit het oogpunt dat je van blckbx gewend bent, diepgravend en kritisch. Dat is wat je van blckbx today kan verwachten. Onder aanvoering van Flavio Pasquino verzorgt het team van redacteuren, de webredactie, video editors, de regie en de techniek drie keer in de week dit unieke live actualiteitenprogramma. Hierbij zal geen enkel onderwerp geschuwd worden en streven wij ernaar om de nodige balans aan te brengen in het brede medialandschap.

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Klaus Schwab heeft het over ‘implantaten in onze hersenen’

 by Redactie   mei 3, 2022  in BuitenlandMaatschappijNieuws


                              VIDEO URL: https://youtu.be/64dKPF866mM


Klaus Schwab heeft het over ‘implantaten in onze hersenen’ om onze gedachten en de effectiviteit van globalistische propaganda te volgen.

In de roman van Orwell gaf 1984 ons het concept van ‘gedachtecriminaliteit’ – waar je gestraft voor kunt worden door alleen maar te denken dat het beleid van de grote regering verkeerd is.

Klaus Schwab en zijn globalistische vrienden willen dit mogelijk maken.


Video Link: https://www.lnnmedia.nl/nieuws/buitenland/klaus-schwab-heeft-het-over-implantaten-in-onze-hersenen/

Het is wat je zou verwachten van een gekke schurk in een James Bond-film — wat de toekomst is die we tegemoet gaan als deze globalisten hun zin krijgen.

Labour, liberalen, de groenen en nep-onafhankelijken zuigen allemaal Klaus Schwab en globalisten op het World Economic Forum op.

Alleen de VERENIGDE AUSTRALIA  PARTIJ (*)  zal Klaus uitroepen voor wat hij is – een gevaarlijke gek.

Tags: 1984GlobalistenKlaus SchwabpropagandaWorld Economic Forum

(*)De Australische Arbeiderspartij (ALP, vaak ook kortweg als Labor aangeduid) is de oudste politieke partij van Australië. Het is een sociaaldemocratische partij die officieel verbonden is met de vakbonden. Sinds 2013 zit de partij weer in de oppositie.



Voormalig Pfizer wetenschapper geeft een laatste waarschuwing aan de mensheid

 Morgen kan alles weer normaal zijn...

by REDACTIE   november 1, 2021   in BuitenlandCoronaNieuws

 Reading Time: 1 min read


LINK: https://www.lnnmedia.nl/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Als-de-regering-tegen-je-liegt.mp4

Voormalig hoofd wetenschapper van Pfizer, Michael Yeadon, geeft een dringende waarschuwing om nu te stoppen met het gehoorzamen van een leugenachtige regering. Hij drukt mensen op het hart dat het niet zozeer om jezelf gaat, maar om je kinderen en kleinkinderen. Dat hen niet een normaal leven wordt ontnomen door een systematisch proces van angst en controle die zal leiden tot een verschrikkelijke tijd.

Hij wil met deze video de mensheid wakker schudden en moedigt iedereen aan deze video zo veel mogelijk te delen. Morgen kan alles weer normaal zijn, als we weigeren om mee te doen aan de systematische opbouw van leugens en bedrog door onze regeringen.

“We hebben toegelaten dat de overheid af en toe liegt, maar als ze liegen over iets technisch wat we kunnen controleren en als ze herhaaldelijk liegen gedurende een aantal maanden en ze liegen over alle aspecten binnen hetzelfde probleem, geloof mij dan alsjeblieft, ze vertellen je niet de waarheid. Dat betekent dat ze ergens mee bezig zijn en ik zeg je dat er iets ergs staat te gebeuren. Als je niet oplet kan je er niets meer tegen doen. En zeg niet dat je niet gewaarschuwd bent.”

Bron: Bitchute


Tags: #beleid#bewustzijn#gezondheid#kabinet#maatregelen#vaccin#vaccinatiecoronaCorona maatregelenCorona toegangsbewijsCoronapascoronapaspoortcovidCOVID-19Covid19Digital Green PassMichael Yaedonpfizer



10 meest gestelde vragen over de Snowden Smartphone


We krijgen een hoop vragen binnen over de Snowden Smartphone! In deze video geven we in 10 minuten antwoord op de 10 meest gestelde vragen.

We beantwoorden vragen als: 

- Waarom gebruiken jullie Google telefoons? 
- Ik ben totaal niet technisch, kan ik hier mee overweg? 
- Kan ik applicatie ... ook op de Snowden Smartphone installeren?
- Kan ik Google Maps, Gmail, of andere Google applicaties installeren?
- Mijn vrienden zitten nog op Whatsapp en Facebook, kan ik dat installeren? 
- Waarom kiezen jullie voor dit besturingssysteem?
- Op welke manier bescherm de Snowden Smartphone mijn privacy?
- Waarom is de Snowden Smartphone een betere keuze dan een andere privacy Smartphone?
- Zijn er dingen die ik niet kan doen op een Snowden Smartphone? 
- Kan ik mijn huidige sim-kaart en telefoonnummer gebruiken? 

P.s.: t/m komende zondag heb je de tijd om je Snowden Smartphone te bemachtigen. Wil je deze nog bestellen? Dan kan dat hier.





P.s.: t/m komende zondag heb je de tijd om je Snowden Smartphone te bemachtigen. Wil je deze nog bestellen? Sla dan snel je slag!

Ga naar Snowden Smartphone pagina


Forbidden Health - Andreas Kalcker


donderdag 26 mei 2022

New studies show that the COVID vaccines damage your immune system, likely permanently

The vaccines are making it more likely you'll be infected with Omicron 90 days after you are fully vaccinated. 

To keep vaccine effectiveness high against omicron, vaccination every 30 days is needed.

  Dec 25, 2021

Update Jan 7, 2022: The numbers in the Denmark study described below are now confirmed by government data from Germany showing that vaccinated people are 8X more likely to develop Omicron than unvaccinated people. This is not surprising since a paper from Germany showed the same thing: the more you vaccinate, the worse it gets.

Worried about Omicron? Guess what? After 90 days, the vaccine they gave you is going to make you MORE likely to get infected from Omicron, not less. The longer you stay on the vaccine treadmill, the harder to get off in the future and the easier you’ll make it for the virus.

In short, we’ve been lied to about the vaccine. It is protecting you less and less over time. While you may get a benefit for earlier variants, the benefit for other variants (and likely other diseases) is going to be negative. In short, you are getting a short term benefit against Delta, but at the expense of a degradation of your overall immunity to everything else.

These vaccines may help you win the war against a variant that may soon be rare, but the price you pay is that you make your immunity to everything else worse. It’s a dumb tradeoff (especially since early treatments work so well). But the people making the laws won’t believe any of the science referenced in this article, so it will continue.

Alix Mayer alerted me to this game changing tweet about a study in Denmark which instantly went viral as you can see from the number of retweets:

Ezra Levant 🍁 @ezralevant

Holy moly. This study shows that after three months the vaccine effectiveness of Pfizer & Moderna against Omicron is actually negative. Pfizer customers are 76.5% more likely and Moderna customers are 39.3% more likely to be infected than unvaxxed people. medrxiv.org/content/10.110…

10,584 Retweets19,863 Likes


I want to tell you what this really means and how it is being attacked.

Summary: Refuse to comply with mandates. Now.

This paper means we will need to inject people every 30 days if we want to “protect” them. Based on the harm that the vaccines do to our immune system, it’s likely that the needed interval will shorten with each booster.

If people don’t get boosted as required, they will be MORE vulnerable to Delta and Omicron than if they weren’t vaccinated. That’s what NEGATIVE vaccine efficacy means. It doesn’t mean the protection wears off (like we were told). It means the OPPOSITE of what you were told: it means the vaccines helps the virus to infect you (by suppressing your immune system, probably permanently each time we are injected according to Dr. Ryan Cole). It means we were lied to.

In short, the vaccine is like a heroin addiction: once you’ve had a taste of it, you are hooked: you have to continue it for life if you want protection. If you stop it, you’re a sitting duck for the virus.

What’s worse is our government is mandating this now. In light of this paper, they will change the vaccine mandates to force you to get vaccinated every month or you will be fired from your job. Their next move could well be to make it illegal not to be vaccinated. This seems like where things are headed based on what is happening in other countries where they are quickly stripping away your rights to do anything without a vaccination.

And we have no clue what monthly (and later weekly) vaccination will do to your body. This has never been tested.

My advice is simple. If you have been vaccinated, you need to stop now. Do not get the booster. My friend Dr. Robert Malone is fond of repeating the old adage, “When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.”

Sadly, most people cannot afford to lose their jobs, so they will get vaccinated and medical professionals will not speak out since doing so will cause them to lose their license.

The faster, safer, lower cost way to end the pandemic

Everyone needs to stop listening to the CDC ( Center for Disease Control nvdr.) now and start listening to people who have been saying to ditch the vaccines and aggressively promote early treatment with repurposed drugs.

The entire pandemic will end as soon as the CDC stops ignoring the existing early treatment protocols which have been available since March 2020 (Fareed and Tyson protocol was first available back then). Masking, vaccines, mandates, lockdowns, and social distancing were never needed. We could have (and still can) end the hospitalization and death with just one thing: early treatment. Just like Japan has done. But the CDC refused to listen.

What the paper said in detail

First, the link in the tweet is to the outdated version of the paper. The current version can be found here.

Start at the comments, both from social media and also from medrxiv readers.

Check out the social media portion of the comments

Here are some comments (on old and new version of the paper):

·  So assume the results you like (high VE for recent vaccination) are causal, but hand wave confounders at results you don't like (negative VE for distant vaccination)? Science?

·  This is a superb paper, especially the careful approach to CNV calling and the Bayesian methods used throughout.

·  Looking at the graphs, I see both vaccines lose all effectiveness at 90 days, but worse, actually drop into strong negative effectiveness after that time.

This would mean that these vaccines *increase* one's chances of infection after the initial 90 days "honeymoon" period.

Am I getting this right?

If so, why are governments pushing third doses as Omicron is becoming dominant?

The key material is in the full PDF:

The graphs above tell the story. Negative VE means the vaccine is helping the virus, not you.

So at 60 days, the protection is close to zero, so if you want to maintain protection, getting vaccinated every 30 days is required.

This isn’t a vaccine at all. This is basically stimulating your immune system so it is already “geared up” to fight the virus. That’s not what a vaccine is supposed to do.

Furthermore, the negative VE after 90 days means you are hooked for life and I would guess (based on the mechanism of action), that we will need shorter and shorter dosing intervals for every booster you get (since it kills off your immune system every time).

So it could very well be monthly boosters after the 2nd dose, weekly boosters after the 3rd dose, and perhaps daily boosters after the 4th dose to maintain your “immunity.”

You can’t stop after that because if you stop, you’re in worse shape than if you never started.

The stunning conclusion of the paper

In light of the exponential rise in Omicron cases, these findings highlight the need for massive rollout of vaccinations and booster vaccinations.

All I can say is “wow.” The people who wrote this paper are clearly drinking the Kool-Aid on their interpretation of what their study means.

They also wrote this (which is purely speculative with no data behind it as noted in the italics were my addition):

The negative estimates in the final period arguably suggest different behaviour and/or exposure patterns in the vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts causing underestimation of the VE. This was likely the result of Omicron spreading rapidly initially through single (super-spreading) events causing many infections among young, vaccinated individuals.

This paper should be a wake up call: the vaccines do not work. Stop repeating the insanity.

Early treatments like the Fareed and Tyson protocol are 10X better than any new therapy, they don’t “hook you,” and they don’t cause disability or death.

If doctors started prescribing the Fareed and Tyson protocol, we’d have virtually no deaths, and few hospitalizations. But they can’t do that since medical board will take away the licenses of any physicians who prescribe ivermectin, etc. This is happening now.

We are in this mess because the NIH, CDC, FDA are corrupt and incompetent and they will not hold themselves accountable in an open debate. This has been going on for 20 years in the vaccine space… it’s nothing new. The book “Evidence of harm” documents all of this. Kirby was deliberately neutral in his presentation (being non-judgmental like reporters are supposed to be), but any neutral thinking person will side against the authorities.

Why the paper went viral

So, the reason this paper went viral is because

1.      It is well done,

2.      It was done by PhDs in infectious disease and epidemiology,

3.      The results show what is really happening, and

4.      Nobody has been able to attack the paper with a credible argument, even on Twitter.

5.      It confirms what my team of experts has been saying about negative VE

Here are some of the ridiculous attempts to discredit the paper:

@ezralevant The article says that it's not peer reviewed and is not published in any scientific journals. So without verification there are all kinds of claims out there about all kinds of things. We go by those principles that have passed peer review to separate fact and fiction.

1 Retweet126 Likes


SwingTrader @SwingTrader1114

@ezralevant It is impossible to have a negative VE. You cannot have a negative VE. The absolute lowest VE is zero, which infers no protection whatsoever. Your statement is completely false, including the data table that isn’t even in the study you cited.

1 Retweet81 Likes


Supporting evidence

The paper isn’t a fluke. There is lots of other evidence in support of the negative VE (and not supporting their speculative explanation for it).

Here’s the data from Canada which shows that we have it backwards. We should be mandating “no vaccines” in order to keep your job and fire all the vaccinated people because these people are the most risky.

In Ontario in the last few days, cases per capita among the vaccinated have skyrocketed above cases per capita among the unvaccinatedClearly, mandates are nonsensical at this point, because the entire case for restricting unvaccinated people is their presumed higher per capita infection rate.

Here’s the UK data showing the same thing. We need to flip around the mandates ASAP.

Robert W Malone, MD @RWMaloneMD

It looks like the U.K. data may support the vaccine-enhanced infection issue both FDA and I have raised.

Triple-Vaccinated More Than FOUR Times As Likely to Test Positive For Omicron Than Unvaccinated, Data Shows – The Daily ScepticAccording to new ONS data, the triple-vaccinated are 4.5 times more likely to test positive for Omicron than the unvaccinated. The double-vaccinated, meanwhile, are 2.3 times more likely to have Omicron.dailysceptic.org

1,257 Retweets2,039 Likes


Other supporting data:

1.      On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination and the video about that paper. If the vaccines don’t kill you, they will leave you weaker. Over 90% of the deaths investigated after vaccination were found to have been caused by the vaccines. There is no other explanation.

2.      The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses
An excellent article by Jessica Rose which explains the underlying mechanism for why we are seeing the effect that the more you vaccinate, the more you make things worse for people. The vaccine damages both your adaptive and innate immune systems.

3.      Vaccine efficacy declines to be negative in the UK (Expose article)

4.      Booster protection fades within 10 weeks against Omicron: UK study

5.      Booster shots protect against symptomatic Omicron infection for about 10 weeks, study finds — which could mean more doses for some in 2022

6.      This substack article looks at the Danish study (described here) and the UK data. Note that the VE numbers in the two studies are different because if you separate our Omicron, you get a very different picture of VE compared to analyses that don’t separate out VE by variant.

7.      Dr. Ron Brown – Opinion Editorial

December 23, 2021

Ontario, Canada reported 5,790 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, December 23, 2021, setting the province’s one-day record for new cases since the beginning of the pandemic: Ontario: Case numbers | COVID-19. Thursday’s numbers include 971 unvaccinated new cases compared to 4,392 fully vaccinated new cases—a rapidly rising trend over the past several weeks clearly showing that most new cases are now occurring in fully vaccinated people.

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I write about COVID vaccine safety and efficacy, corruption, censorship, mandates, masking, and early treatments. America is being misled by formerly trusted authorities.


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