zondag 8 augustus 2021


Possible Antidote for Spike Protein Transmission




mRNA vaccines turn your body into a spike protein bioweapons factory to expose others


mRNA vaccines transform the human body’s own cells into spike protein factories, spilling deadly spike protein particles into the bloodstream. A growing number of researchers are also finding that these spike proteins appear to be “shedding” or transmitting from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated, causing adverse reactions in people who were never vaccinated themselves, but who have spent time close to other people who were.


The technology behind this is called “self-replicating vaccines,” and it was pioneered by doctors and scientists working under the racist Apartheid regime of South Africa. There, medical researchers designed race-specific, weaponized, self-replicating vaccines that were designed to spread through the Black population of South Africa and exterminate the masses who posed a threat to the ruling technocratic elite.

Today, we are all the targets of these weapon systems as globalists seek to exterminate human populations on a global scale, regardless of skin color or country of origin.


Just this year, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has celebrated this self-replicating vaccine technology and is calling for it to be used to achieve global mass vaccination, augmented by surveillance drones and AI robots that enforce vaccine compliance (probably at gunpoint).

In effect, mRNA vaccines function as bioweapons factories that turn human beings into biological weapon manufacturing and transmission hubs, spreading vascular damage and death to the entire population, including those who were not yet vaccinated.

Geplakt uit <https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-05-07-salk-institute-reveals-the-covid-spike-protein-causing-deadly-blood-clots.html>



Editors Note:

Front line doctors and medical experts have come forward recently and revealed that transmission between the Covid vaxxed and unvaxxed is causing Adverse Reactions in people who did not take the Covid injection. Transmission is happening at a rapid rate without skin to skin contact. The expert’s consensus is that the Covid shots are not vaccines but experimental bioweapons. The cells of the vaxxed are now producing a synthetic spike protein from the pathogen they were injected with. It was also determined by the experts that the vaxxed must be quarantined because transmission is airborne.

There is a potential antidote to the current spike protein contagion which is called Suramin. It’s found in many forests around the world, in Pine needles. Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA. Excessive coagulation causes blood clots, mini-clots, strokes, and unusually heavy menstrual cycles. 

 Pine needle tea is one of the most potent anti-oxidants there is and it’s known to treat cancer, inflammation, stress and depression, pain and respiratory infections. Pine tea also kills parasites.


All along I have assumed that there is some such antidote, with which Fauci/Gates and all their masters and familiars "stay safe" while their pathogens kill off the rest of us; and here, apparently, it is. 



Article begins:


Possible Antidote for the V-Serum and the Current Spike Protein Contagion


Dr. Judy Mikovits (1 min. MP4 is attached) has revealed that the medical establishment has known all along about the antidote to the contagion – acontagion that is now being seen today by thousands of people who have not taken the serum, but have merely come in close proximity with others who have taken the jab. 

(The word “serum” is being used here since, evidently, the way to avoid taking the jab is to say “I am allergic to the serum”.) 

When the medical establishment and political promoters want to exempt themselves from taking inoculations, they always give themselves a legal way out, while pushing the “citizenry” to take the jabs. 

“I am allergic to the serum” is one of their solutions. 

Taking the serum is one thing. The spike protein contagion now being experienced in large numbers by those who did not take the serum, but just visited with a relative or friend who did, is entirely new and unprecedented.


What are the side effects being seen by this contagion? 

·         massive headaches

·         micro-clots and sudden bruising throughout the body

·         exceptionally heavy menstrual cycles among both the young and post menopausal

·         miscarriages

·         reduction in breast milk 

·         sterility among both women and men

·         household pets dying shortly after the owners get the serum.



The Antidote to the Contagion

This antidote to the contagion, that has been known of by the upper levels of the medical establishment and insiders of the elitist class for almost 100 years, is called Suramin, an isolated compound originally derived from an extract of pine needle oil. 

It is only available by injection, and has been a closely guarded secret not made openly available to the masses during this “pandemic”, yet is an effective solution for parasites and viruses of several kinds, along with a large number of other conditions. 

Pine and Spruce needles




Yet anyone can now take advantage of this solution by tapping its root origin, pine needle tea, an antidote that is freely available today in evergreen forests and in many people’s backyards. (Sources for buying it are also listed here.) 


How can this simple remedy work so well in the face of such a seemingly insurmountable condition? 


There is a direct relationship between Suramin (the isolated extract), pine needle tea (a hot water extract of the pine, fir, cedar, and spruce needles), and pine oil (which is derived from the needles though an essential oil steam distillation process). 

All three are derived from the properties of the conifer needle.


My personal take on this is that it is far better to get Nature’s whole herb source than just a tiny fraction of an extract. There are many other benefits that can be derived from the whole herb that will be missing from the isolated chemical.


My observation is that those who maintain high levels of health are not affected by either the serum nor the transference contagion. Their immune system seems to be warding off side effects at this point. Come winter when the spike protein in their bodies will be challenged with new pathogens, we will all discover our true levels of health.

Anyone on the fence health-wise, or depleted (which can be said of many of us today), are being affected to varying degrees.



The Trail from Suramin to Pine Needle Tea


Here is the trail of science and data that shows the derivative relationship between pine needles and Suramin (“the elist’s antidote” to microbial illnesses) – and which also provides a potential antidote for those affected by the spike protein contagion (for reasons explained within the following data):



Suramin is used for treatment of human sleeping sickness caused by trypanosomes.[1] [a parasite] Specifically, it is used for treatment of first-stage African trypanosomiasis caused by Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Trypanosoma brucei gambiense without involvement of central nervous system.[9][10] It is considered first-line treatment for Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, and second-line treatment for early-stage Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, where pentamidine is recommended as first line.[10]

It has been used in the treatment of river blindness (onchocerciasis).[2]


Suramin has been available to the medical profession for almost 100 years. A summary of its antioxidant benefits are outlined in this report – 100 Years of Suramin (attached as a PDF). 

The most relevant parts of the summary are outlined below with supportive evidence:



When suramin was introduced for the treatment of African sleeping sickness in 1922, it was one of the first anti-infective agents that had been developed in a medicinal chemistry program. Starting from the antitrypanosomal activity of the dye trypan blue, synthesized in 1904 by Paul Ehrlich, Bayer made a series of colorless and more potent derivatives. Molecule 205 was suramin (Fig. 1), synthesized by Oskar Dressel, Richard Kothe, and Bernhard Heymann in 1916. Sleeping sickness (also known as human African trypanosomiasis [HAT]) was at the forefront of research at that time, not a neglected disease as it is today, and the development of suramin was a breakthrough for the emerging field of chemotherapy.  


Now read the following paragraph within the subtitle (Too) Many Targets in the 100 Years of Suramin PDF to understand its antidote properties to the spike protein contagion (derived from the mRNA that gives instructions to replicate a spike protein in other cells):  

Suramin further decreases the activities of a large number of enzymes involved in DNA and RNA synthesis and modification: DNA polymerases (103, 104), RNA polymerases (103, 105, 106), reverse transcriptase (18, 103), telomerase (67), and enzymes involved in winding/ unwinding of DNA (107, 108) are inhibited by suramin, as well as histone- and chromatin-modifying enzymes like chromobox proteins (109), methyltransferases (110), and sirtuin histone deacetylases (111)  


This is medical-speak for inhibiting the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA. 

This comment in the PDF also reveals Suramin’s ability to inhibit micro-clots:

Suramin also showed inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade (71, 130)…  


Excessive coagulation causes blood clots, mini-clots, strokes, and unusually heavy menstrual cycles. 

This is why so many people are dying today of blood clots after receiving the serum, and why others are now showing unexplained bruising after coming in contact with one that has taken the serum. 

Something is being transferred from one to the other, likely through the breath, complemented by a type of sympathetic resonance, or pheromone emanation. 


The method of transfer is unclear at this point, but is certainly happening. 

This phenomenon is not an accident, these symptoms were known well in advance of unleashing this serum on the public. Vaccine trials have been going on for decades. 

Why did they decide to test a completely new approach with the mRNA without animal trials, thus using humans as the first test case for their effectiveness? 


An Obvious Sham

Any natural medicine with 0.01% of these deaths and side effects would have been pulled from the market immediately. That our professionals and decision-makers have continued to allow this sham to continue reveals that this sham is intentional. 

The upper echelon of the medical profession promote this program to the people, while they exempt themselves from it, and then take their personal antidote to prevent being affected by the transference contagion. 

Since when is it acceptable to kill thousands of people and maim hundreds of thousands more with a “medicine”??? Why are we finding this OK? Why are we still trusting the media and the medical wizards that dreamed up this sham? When will enough be enough? 


The People’s Antidote


Now the people have the antidote, and it is readily available in the form of pine needle tea. How do we know this? Because Suramin is a derivative of the oils in pine needles. 

The whole herbal source (needles) is superior to the single compound extract (Suramin) – because the needles possess a full complement of phytonutrients providing numerous additional benefits that the extract is incapable of. 


Now, here is the direct connection between Suramin and Pine Needle Tea:

Suramin is Derived from Trypan Blue




Yet pine needle tea provides a similar, if not superior, benefit, due in part to the fact that it is a direct mild extract of the whole herb leaving many of its properties still intact that might be destroyed by excessive heat during distillation and further dissection of its many nutrient components. 


I harvested some young Dougles Fir needles last fall and have been adding it to my morning tea blend for the last couple of months. It must have been an instinctive call. I discovered the Suramin info just last week. 

The Douglas fir needle tea I have been drinking provides an energetic lift and a nice boost to the immune system. 


Pine needles are high in vitamin C and A among numerous other compounds which provide a long list of benefits:

2011 Korean study demonstrated using pine needles in tea was the best way to access the antioxidant benefits from pine needles. 

The study demonstrated that the hot water extract of pine needle proanthocyanidins and catechins offer the highest levels of antioxidant benefits compared with chemical extract processes.


There are other known benefits that pine needle tea and the tea made from other conifers share, which include:

·         Analgesic

·         Antibacterial

·         Antifungal

·         Anti-inflammatory

·         Antimicrobial

·         Antioxidant

·         Antiseptic

·         Antitumor

·         Antitussive

·         Antiviral

·         Aromatic

·         Astringent

·         Decongestant

·         Detoxifying

·         Disinfectant

·         Diuretic

·         Expectorant

·         Immuno-modulating

·         Improves circulation

·         Invigorating

·         Lymphatic

·         Relaxing

·         Relieves nervous exhaustion and fatigue

·         Relieves sore muscles

·         Restorative

·         Tonic

Herbalists the world over have known all along about the benefits of this simple natural tea. Pine needle tea has been used medicinally worldwide for thousands of years. 




Pine Needle Tea Video (3 min)



 Wild Food Foraging – Pine / Spruce / Cedar / Fir – Evergreen Teas



A few notes of caution:

Be careful with the yew pine (which is not a true pine) and can be toxic, although it does have a few medicinal properties).

The cypress is not to be used as an essential oil in high doses, but normally safe otherwise.

The ponderosa pine is not good for cows mostly due to the observation when pregnant cattle eat the needles the loss of the calf has been observed, but has a long history of health benefits for humans for respiratory conditions, cuts, wounds, and burns, etc.  

Get to know your trees. They may provide a medicine cabinet full of health benefits to you and your family.


Pine, spruce and cedar needle tea  (Dennen-, sparren- en ceder naaldthee)  may end up being the easiest way to gain the numerous benefits of the evergreen trees, along with a natural protection against unhealthy replications of spike proteins today. 

Combine with other herbs as desired to obtain further benefits and flavors.


Sources for Pine Needles

 There is one primary American supplier (Etsy) for the pine needles (besides harvesting your own) that I am aware of at this point with 3 quality listings, each from a different East Coast wildcrafter:




Here is the main reference link for new wildcrafters when they post their harvests:



Dosage: 3 cups per day or more of any desired strength (based on the quantity of needles added to a french press or teapot) with an approximate 1-3 tablespoons of needles per cup of near boiling water. This is a maintenance health-building dose.   

Stronger amounts of needles to water can be used therapeutically. If it feels too acidic (due to the vitamin C) for your system, moderate the quantity and complement the tea with alkalizing food and dark green herbs or sea vegetables.  


Editors Pine Tea Recipe

For a strong immune booster I recommend simmering pine needles with any other combination of cedar, spruce. I am using for example, a combination of two thirds pine and one third spruce needles at the moment because that’s what grows in the forest next to my home.

Pine and spruce needles

I bring water to a boil, enough to cover the needles and deposit the needles into the hot water. I remove it from the hot burner and immediately cover the pan and turn the burner down to low heat.

After a minute, I return the pan to simmer on low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Keep the lid on while it brews and that will trap the essential oils inside the water and prevents them from evaporating out.

Pine needle tea

For normal health I would recommend 3 glasses per day but since we are being hit with bioweapons, I suggest doubling your intake to 6 glasses per day. You may want to alternate between the lighter pine needle tea specified here and the stronger tea I’m recommending for immunity boosting.

If you have a strong detox reaction use less tea at first until your body is able to handle a stronger amount.


Tagged antidoteAriyana LoveBioweaponsblood clotscedarCOVID-19firmiscarriagesparasitespine needle teasprucesuramintransmission


Geplakt uit <https://ambassadorlove.wordpress.com/2021/05/06/pine-tea-possible-antidote-for-spike-protein-transmission/>



Dr. Love’s Pine Needle Tea Instructions

By Dr. Ariyana Love  July 15th, 2021

Water is a soluble, meaning it works to extract vital nutrients from foods and pine needles. Boiling water immediately stimulates your needles to begin releasing their vital nutrients into the water.

DRIED pine needle tea instructions

One kilo of dried Pine and Spruce needles will make up to 400 cups of pine needle tea.

Use about 3 teaspoons of needles for each cup of water. Bring water to a boil then pour over your needles. Cover immediately and let steep for 15 minutes.

You can reuse your needles and extract the Shikimic Acid or Shikimate (antidote) a second time by using boiling water.

FRESH pine needle tea instructions

When picking your Spruce needles, always take the new shoots from the tips of branches. The most desirable needles from both Pine and Spruce are the needles which get the most sunlight.

You can rinse your needles in an equal solution of vinegar to water before preparing your tea, to ensure unseen bird droppings are removed. Or you can just let the boiling hot water sterilize your needles.

In order to extract the maximum nutrition from your fresh wet pine needles please follow these instructions:

Make sure the water fully covers your needles so maximum extraction will occur. Alternate between Pine and Spruce or prepare them together. Have a second burner turned on and set to lowest heat. On the first burner, bring water to a full boil then drop your needles into the pan. Cover immediately and transfer your pan to the burner set on low heat. Simmer for 15 minutes. Do not simmer longer than 20 minutes or the delicate nutrients will begin to depreciate. Make sure no moisture escapes the lid and if it does you know the temperature is too high. If you can taste the vitamin C then you know the Shikimate (antidote) is retained within your tea.

Drink 3-6 cups per day of pine needle tea. Make sure to consume pine tea twice per day, about 6 hours apart. This way you keep the Shikimate actively working within your body for extended hours during the day. This will potentially increase protection against spike protein transmission.

If you have any questions or need additional resources please email me: drlovespine@gmail.com. I would love to hear your testimonies from using pine needle tea.  

Geplakt uit <https://archives.simplelists.com/nfu/msg/16539359/>




— — —    


In order to grasp the seriousness of the situation we are in, and to understand why, we need to look back in history to the times in which this very day had been forecast, obviously planned for, and now created.  


Here is one clear example: 

Jacques Attali was an advisor to François Mitterrand (former President of France) and wrote this in 1981:  

 “In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population.

 We will start with the old man, because once he is over 60-65 years old, man lives longer than he produces and it costs society dearly.  

 Then the weak and then the useless who do not contribute anything to society because there will be more and more, and especially finally the stupid.  

 Euthanasia directed at these groups; euthanasia must be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases.  Of course, we will not be able to execute people or organize camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good.

 Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to stop abruptly rather than gradually deteriorate.  

 We won’t be able to pass intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!  We will find something or cause it;  a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not,  a virus that will affect the old or the elderly, it does not matter,

 the weak and the fearful will succumb.  

 The stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care of having planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.

 The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself: they will go to the slaughterhouse alone. “  

This fragment is excerpted from his book “Brief History of the Future”, published in France in 2006.”                                                                                                                     

 Understand that we are smart enough to find our own solutions, and apply them. Those willing to take proactive protective measures, maintain their health, and become more self-reliant will rise from this period of change and transformation successfully.   

We will be the ones to structure the world to come with a new focus on the common good of all life everywhere. The old mindset expressed by that limited soul above will not be tolerated. That mindset, and those that harbor it, will vanish like the darkness before the approaching dawn. It is true that many will go with the passing night, yet those that remain will then shine all the brighter. 

Do your part. Take care of yourself first, then look to assist any willing to listen and join in the reconstruction.  

Bron: https://archives.simplelists.com/nfu/cache/16539359/1.2.html





P.S.: Safety precautions when using pine needles

Before you consume any tea or extract made from plants, be sure you know what plants you’re using. Not all pine trees are suitable, and some conifers — such as yew trees — are toxic.

Cattle have been widely known to experience spontaneous abortions when consuming fresh pine needles as a food source, so anyone expecting to become pregnant (or already pregnant) should obviously avoid consuming pine needle tea, just as a precaution.

Norfolk Island Pine and Ponderosa Pine trees are also believed to cause spontaneous abortions and should likely be avoided. We don’t know the full composition of various pine species, so we cannot in good conscience tell anyone to drink any tea made from pine needles. Should you choose to do so, exercise common sense and all necessary precaution, and work with a qualified naturopath to design an herbal strategy that’s compatible with your own biology and particular health goals.

Also be aware pine needle tea may interact in unexpected ways with prescription medications, most of which are toxic all by themselves.

MUST SEE - Game Changer! 

Roger Hodkinson Blows Whistle To Reiner Fuellmich

JUNE 13, 2021 By Dr. Ariyana Love

Pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson, maker of the PCR test, blew the whistle to Reiner Fuellmich’s Corona Investigative Committee, Friday. His greatest concern is the biological assault on children through mass vaccination. He stressed that children do not need to be part of this deadly medical intervention and that they are at no risk of Covid-19.

“Vaccination of children should stop now, today, in it’s tracks because it is so unbelievably risky,” says Dr. Hodkinson.

Here is the shocking 18th update on Adverse Reactions to the Covid Vaccines released by the UK Government.

A Pfizer submission in Japan has just been translated into English revealing a distribution of lipid-nanotechnology in the body as a result of the jab. The study shows that a huge concentration of the lipid-particles were found in the ovaries of rats. Front line doctors have reported thousands of cases and scientific reports now confirm that men and women are being sterilized by the jab, also through secondary transmission.

A Canadian vaccine researcher and viral immunologist Byram Bridle broke the news last week that the spike protein in the Covid-19 vaccine enters the bloodstream causing life-threatening adverse reactions such as blood clotting and it’s able to pass the blood/brain barrier. These bioweapons do not remain in the injection site as scientist first thought. “We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now”, he explains.

The vast majority of people inoculated with the mRNA technology are having spike protein escape in the body’s circulation, resulting in thrombotic events, Dr. Hodkinson explains. This is due to the ACE2 Receptor coating the inside of every blood vessel in the body, explains Dr. Hodkinson. This is the specific receptor to the spike protein called the ACE2 Receptor which is being widely distributed in the body, in 11 out of 13 inoculated people.

The spike protein has the highest percentage of expression in the human body in the placenta, testes and small intestine, which is causing male and female infertility and miscarriages.

Dr. Hodkinson says there’s a debate going on right now at MIT with two opposing groups. One group believes that the mRNA can get into permanent DNA by reversed transcriptase and the other group does not believe that is possible. The reason this is of supreme importance is because reversed transcriptase is transgenerational, meaning the unnatural mutation of DNA is permanent and would then be passed on to offspring.

The most fragile tissue in the body is the lining of the uterus, Dr. Hodkinson explains. The endometrium tissue is exquisitely vulnerable to a vascular attack. The blood vessels are incredibly thin and fragile and the ACE2 Receptor in the endometrium increases it’s expression with age. A targeted attack of the lining of the uterus with the spike protein when it gets out into the general population, means some people are more affected than others.

SARS located itself heavily in sweat glands. If the spike protein in Covid-19 does in fact do the same, it means it could be aerosolized from sweat. This would explain the secondary transmission of spike proteins.

Pfizer refers to it’s Covid-19 jab as “self-replicating vaccines”. Pfizer also claims the efficacy of their vaccine is 95% but that is the relative risk reduction. If you use the absolute risk reduction that figure drops down to just .85% efficacy.

“Do we need this vaccine?” asks Fuellmich. “Herd immunity has already been achieved and there are sufficient treatments for Covid-19 which are not dangerous.”

According to the VAERS reporting system, 30 people are dying per day from the covid-19 injection. Since VAERS reporting is only between 1% to 10% of the actual Adverse Events, it’s closer to 3,000 people killed per day from the jab.

Fuellmich warns that those who continue to inject people with these experimental bioweapons will be held accountable going forward. Notices of Liability have been served to all governments worldwide who are rolling out this Genocide.

Dr. Hodkinson confirmed that the spike protein is a vascular attack and points out that you cannot deny physicians access to safe medicines during an emergency, like what’s been done with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, two very safe and effective treatments for Covid-19.

Please listen and share.

LINK: https://ambassadorlove.wordpress.com/2021/06/13/game-changer-roger-hodgkinson-blows-whistle-to-reimer-fuellmich/

Dr. Roger Hodkinson on the weekly Reiner Fuellmich stream

Please also listen to Dr. Malone, the inventor of mRNA, as he discusses with other front line doctors about Immune Escape that was confirmed by the Japanese study. This is a real game changer and it means Geert Vanden Bossche was correct to issue a worldwide Public Health Emergency, in March.



'Saint' Fauci 'demolished' by Senator Rand Paul in 'testy' US Congress exchange

527.754 weergaven   25 jul. 2021


Sky News Australia

Sky News host James Morrow says Republican Rand Paul "wasn't having any of Dr Fauci's attempts to redefine gain-of-function research" as the senator proceeded to "demolish" his claims amid a "pretty testy" exchange this week in US Congress.

 Mr Morrow said Senator Paul accused Dr Anthony Fauci, the "liberal left's secular saint" of the pandemic, of "lying" to cover up his role as head of America's National Institutes of Health in "funding" coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

 Dr Fauci rejected Senator Paul's claims on the grounds what was conducted at the labs had been judged by "qualified staff up and down the chain" as not being "gain-of-function" research.

  Mr Morrow said Senator Paul "demolished" these claims by saying viruses "in nature that only infect animals were manipulated in the Wuhan lab to 'gain the function' of infecting humans".

  "We know from Dr Fauci's own emails that from the very start of the pandemic he was concerned that gain of function research his agency was associated with could have been responsible for the pandemic," Mr Morrow said.

  "After the exchange, Senator Paul said he was going to ask the Department of Justice for a criminal referral into Fauci, and whether he lied to Congress.

  "It may not be possible to bring back those lives or livelihoods lost to the pandemic, but there may just be some justice for them after all." 

zaterdag 7 augustus 2021

 PLANDEMIC: Full Feature Film Released Online Amidst Tremendous Opposition and Attempts to Censor it

Total Views : 30,459

19 aug. 2020 

Commentary by Brian Shilhavy

Editor, Health Impact News

The full feature film “Plandemic” was released online today, despite tremendous efforts to stop it and censor it.

It being called “Plandemic Part 2” by many, because in May, 2020, filmmaker Mikki Willis released a “teaser” trailer of the film which featured an interview with whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits, who exposed the fraud of Anthony Fauci exposing him for who he truly is, a mass murderer.

This “trailer” soon went viral and the deep state went into over-drive to try and contain the damage and censor it, which only made things worse for them. It is estimated that close to 1 billion people have now viewed that clip, which is now being referred as “Plandemic 1” by many.


PlanDemic Movie Trailer Released Featuring Whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposing Dr. Fauci’s Alleged Criminal Behavior

(Note: I am striking out the word “Alleged” in the original headline, because since then the Frontline Doctors, representing thousands of doctors around the world, have come forward to explain that COVID is 100% curable and that Anthony Fauci has covered up these cures in favor of new drugs and vaccines that have now caused millions of deaths worldwide.)

The full feature film just released today has a follow-up interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits that you most definitely are going to want to watch.

The full feature film released today (August 19, 2020) gives clear evidence that everything unfolding today has been planned since the late 1990s when massive amounts of patents were filed on coronaviruses in 1999, according to National Intelligence Analyst David E. Martin, PhD.

The medical tyrants such as Anthony Fauci and the leaders of the CDC discovered a “gold strike” in 2003 with the first SARS Coronavirus outbreak in Asia.

Led by Anthony Fauci, they patented the SARS coronavirus and proceeded to develop an “empire.”

As Dr. David Martin reports:

They saw that a virus that they knew could be easily manipulated, was something that was very valuable.

In 2003 they sought to patent it, and they made sure that they controlled the proprietary rights to the disease, to the virus, and to its detection and all the measurement of it.

From 2003 to 2018, they controlled 100% of the cash flow that built the empire around the industrial complex of coronavirus.

The film is packed with expert testimony, including names readers of Health Impact News are already familiar with, such as Dr. Meryl Nass, Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies, attorney Mary Holland, and of course Dr. Judy Mikovits.

From the Rockefeller takeover of the media and the pharmaceutical industry years ago, to the modern day rise of Technocracy led by Bill Gates, to the current Plandemic being used to install fear in the masses, this film unmasks it all.

Please watch, and get as many people as you can to watch this film so brilliantly produced by Mikki Willis, because we are running out of time to wake up the masses and prevent the Globalists from fully implementing their New World Order.






Nieuws uit Nederland:

Het is officieel: Ademvrij.NU daagt de staat over mondkapplicht

Ingediend door redactie Ademvrij op 20/07/2021 - 22:41

Persbericht, 21 juli 2021 - De bodemprocedure van Ademvrij.NU en Algemene Nederlandse Burger Belangenvereniging (ANBB) tegen de mondkapplicht is officieel van start gegaan. De twee organisaties hebben de dagvaarding vandaag (21 juli) aangebracht bij de rechtbank van Den Haag. Zij eisen dat de mondkapverplichting zoals die nu in de wet is vastgelegd onverbindend wordt verklaard. Mondkapjes beschermen niet tegen de verspreiding van het coronavirus, zo is bevestigd door het RIVM, en zijn schadelijk voor de gezondheid.

Het advocatenkantoor Legal Nova in Amsterdam heeft namens Ademvrij.NU (het Nationaal Comité tegen Verplichte Mondkapjes) en de ANBB (Algemene Nederlandse Burger Belangenvereniging) op 21 juli de staat officieel gedagvaard in een bodemprocedure tegen de mondkapplicht. De bodemprocedure werd op 3 juni al aangekondigd door Ademvrij.NU. ANBB sloot zich een week later aan bij de procedure. De crowdfunding-actie heeft inmiddels ruim €27.500 opgeleverd. Dat biedt voldoende basis om de procedure te starten.

Ademvrij.NU en ANBB stellen dat Hoofdstuk Va van de Wet Publieke Gezondheid en de Ministeriële Regeling Aanvullende Mondkapjesverplichtingen Covid-19 van 19 november 2020 onrechtmatig zijn en daarom onverbindend dienen te worden verklaard. Zij lichten dit uitgebreid toe in de dagvaarding die op 20 juli is aangebracht bij de rechtbank.

Zij betogen in de dagvaarding dat de mondkapjesplicht een te vergaande beperkende maatregel is, omdat er

a) geen overtuigend bewijs is dat het dragen van mondneusmaskers of een draagplicht effectief zijn tegen verspreiding van het virus;

b) er overtuigend bewijs is dat zowel het dragen van mondneusmaskers als een draagplicht niet effectief zijn tegen verspreiding van het virus;

c) er sterke aanwijzingen zijn dat het dragen van mondkapjes zelfs leidt tot méér besmettingen; en

d) er overtuigend bewijs is dat het dragen van mondneusmaskers ernstige risico’s inhoudt voor de volksgezondheid en schade toebrengt, zowel lichamelijk als psychisch, aan de dragers alsmede gezonde sociale relaties verstoort.

Inperking van grondrechten

Ademvrij.NU en ANBB schrijven in de dagvaarding dat “het recht om in vrijheid en geheel onbelemmerd te kunnen ademen ieders geboorterecht [is] en wellicht een van de meest essentiële grondrechten die een mens heeft (het raakt aan de lichamelijke integriteit). De mondkapplicht schendt dat recht… Het is een verregaande inbreuk op het zelfbeschikkingsrecht van de burger in vele dagelijkse, niet ontkoombare situaties: in supermarkten en winkels, horecagelegenheden, scholen, het openbaar vervoer en andere openbare ruimten.”

Voor de inperking van grondrechten die de mondkapplicht met zich meebrengt bestaan volgens de twee organisaties geen deugdelijke gronden. Nota bene het RIVM heeft in een email aan Ademvrij.NU bevestigd dat je “niet kunt spreken van een positief effect van het dragen van mondkapjes in de publieke ruimte”. Dit bleek onder meer ook uit een presentatie gegeven door RIVM directeur Jaap van Dissel in de Tweede Kamer op 20 januari 2021.

De website van Ademvrij.NU bevat een grote hoeveelheid wetenschappelijk onderzoek dat laat zien dat mondmaskers niet beschermen tegen virussen en niet werken tegen de verspreiding ervan (“het is als kippengaas spannen tegen muggen”). Vergelijkingen tussen landen en staten waar wel en geen mondkapplicht is ingevoerd, of op verschillende tijdstippen, laten ook geen enkel positief effect zien.

Sterker, er is veel onderzoek dat laat zien dat het dragen van mondmaskers schadelijk is voor de gezondheid. Zo ademen mondkapdragers hun eigen bacteriën en schimmels in, wat tot longontstekingen en andere ziektes kan leiden. Daarnaast gaat door het dragen van mondmaskers het CO2-gehalte in de ingeademde lucht omhoog en het zuurstofgehalte omlaag. Dit heeft diverse schadelijke effecten, zoals een verstoring van de ontwikkeling van de hersenen van opgroeiende kinderen.

Voor gezonde mensen geldt uiteraard dat ze sowieso niet besmettelijk zijn en dat er geen enkele goede reden is om hen aan een mondkapplicht te onderwerpen. De mondkapplicht voor scholieren beschouwen de organisaties als een regelrechte vorm van kindermishandeling, die niets bijdraagt aan bescherming van de volksgezondheid, maar de jeugd opzadelt met onnodige angst en ongemak.

De twee organisaties wijzen er ook op dat het in de dagelijkse praktijk onmogelijk is om mondkapjes volgens de hiervoor geldende medische richtlijnen te gebruiken. Zo mogen mondkapjes volgens de officiële NEN-normen maar één keer worden gebruikt, niet te lang worden gedragen, en mogen ze niet met de handen worden aangeraakt. In de praktijk in omstandigheden als school, openbaar vervoer en supermarkt is het onmogelijk om aan deze eisen te voldoen. Het gevolg is dat hierdoor de mondkapjes juist een bron worden voor de verspreiding van schadelijke stoffen en virusdeeltjes en dus averechts werken.


Het feit dat de regering op 26 juni versoepelingen heeft doorgevoerd in de reikwijdte van de mondkapplicht is voor Ademvrij.NU en ANBB geen reden om de bodemprocedure af te blazen. Er geldt nog steeds een draagplicht in het Openbaar Vervoer en in situaties waar anderhalve meter afstand niet kan worden bewaard. De regering kan ook op ieder moment de versoepelingen weer ongedaan maken en heeft ook al aangegeven dat van plan te zijn.

De organisaties constateren bovendien dat op dit moment openbare instellingen steeds meer eigenhandig overgaan tot het instellen van een mondkapplicht. Dit is bijvoorbeeld het geval in een aantal ziekenhuizen en zorginstellingen. Volgens Ademvrij.NU en ANBB is dit illegaal en brengt het schade toe aan de gezondheid van patiënten en bezoekers. Zij beschouwen het als uitermate pijnlijk dat uitgerekend zorginstellingen blijkbaar niet beseffen dat zij met de mondkapjes een bron van bacteriën en andere schadelijke stoffen in huis halen.

Kortom: de mondkapplicht baat niet, maar schaadt wel. Het wordt volgens Ademvrij.NU en ANBB dan ook hoog tijd dat er een einde komt aan deze irrationele verplichting.


Ik Wil Gewoon Naar School stelt schoolbesturen aansprakelijk voor schadelijke gevolgen mondkapjesbeleid

Ingediend door redactie Ademvrij op 06/07/2021 - 11:36

De stichting Ik Wil Gewoon Naar School stelt alle schoolbesturen in Nederland verantwoordelijk voor de wijze waarop zij de mondkapplicht ten uitvoer brengen en de schadelijke gevolgen die dat zich meebrengt. De stichting baseert zich hierbij op een gerechtelijke uitspraak die aangeeft dat de verantwoordelijkheid voor de uitvoering van coronamaatregelen bij de scholen ligt, niet bij de overheid.

De Stichting “Ik wil gewoon naar school”, die zich inzet om leerlingen te beschermen tegen de schadelijke gevolgen van de coronamaatregelen, heeft onlangs een brief gestuurd naar alle schoolbesturen in het basis- en voortgezet onderwijs in Nederland. Daarin stelt zij dat de onderwijsinstelling verantwoordelijk is voor de wijze waarop het overheidsbeleid rond mondkapjes en andere coronamaatregelen ten uitvoer brengt.

Ik Wil Gewoon Naar School verloor op 11 februari 2021 een kort geding tegen de staat om mondkapjes uit de scholen te verbannen (het hoger beroep tegen deze uitspraak loopt nog). De rechter gaf daarbij expliciet aan dat niet de staat, maar de scholen zelf verantwoordelijk zijn voor het individuele beleid van scholen en de schade die daaruit kan voortvloeien. De stichting besloot daarop ook haar pijlen op de schoolbesturen te richten.

Verbaal intimideren

De stichting krijgt veel klachten van ouders en leerlingen over de rigoureuze manier waarop  veel scholen met de mondkapplicht omgaan. Diverse onderwijsinstellingen voeren volgens de stichting een harder beleid dan is voorgeschreven, bijvoorbeeld door de wettelijk vastgelegde uitzonderingsregel niet te erkennen, leerlingen verbaal te intimideren en toegang tot de school te ontzeggen. Enkele basisscholen verplichten leerlingen uit groep 7 en 8 zelfs om een mondkapje te dragen terwijl dit slechts een advies is.

In de brief wijst Ik Wil Gewoon Naar School op de  “wettelijke zorgplicht ten aanzien van de lichamelijke en geestelijke gezondheid van de leerlingen” en op artikel 3 lid 1 van het Internationale verdrag voor de Rechten van het Kind (IVRK). Hierin staat: “Bij alle maatregelen betreffende kinderen, ongeacht of deze worden genomen door openbare of particuliere instellingen voor maatschappelijk welzijn of door rechterlijke instanties, bestuurlijke autoriteiten of wetgevende lichamen, vormen de belangen van het kind de eerste overweging.”

De stichting vindt het onbegrijpelijk en onacceptabel dat het kabinet onlangs de mondkapplicht op scholen heeft gehandhaafd terwijl die in winkels werd opgeheven.

Mentale schade

Volgens Ik Wil Gewoon Naar School staat wetenschappelijk vast dat het langdurig dragen van mondkapjes schadelijke gevolgen heeft, zeker voor jongeren. Daarbij noemt zij tekort aan zuurstof dat kan leiden tot hoofdpijn, duizeligheid, concentratieproblemen en schade aan cellen en organen veroorzaakt, de ophoping van bacteriën en schimmels die ziekten kunnen veroorzaken als huidinfectie, bacteriële longontsteking en ontsteking aan de hartkleppen, en weefselschade door stukjes textiel en het inademen van giftige stoffen. Daarnaast is volgens onderzoek sprake van mentale en psychosociale schade veroorzaakt door een beklemmend gevoel en een verstoring van de non-verbale communicatie en spraakontwikkeling.

De stichting biedt scholen juridische en medische ondersteuning aan om gezamenlijk tot oplossingen te komen. Diverse scholen hebben hiervoor interesse getoond. Tegelijkertijd waarschuwt de stichting echter dat “indien u ondanks de schadelijke gevolgen voor uw leerlingen van mening bent dat u geen andere keus heeft dan de mondkapjesplicht op uw school uit te voeren, dan dient u er rekening mee te houden dat wij een juridische procedure tegen u kunnen starten.”


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