zondag 3 oktober 2021

 COVID-19 vaccines may cause organ damage; pathologists ask for autopsies to investigate inoculation programs

Thursday, September 30, 2021 by: Mary Villareal
Tags: badhealthbadmedicineBig Pharmabiological weaponcoronaviruscoronavirus vaccinescovid-19Dangerous Medicinepandemicpharmaceutical fraudspike proteinvaccine damagevaccine injury


(Natural News) After thousands of people died following inoculation with COVID-19 vaccines, a pathologist finally asks: Where are the autopsies to investigate organ damage caused by the spike protein?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration previously ignored warnings before the vaccines have been distributed that they could likely cause organ damage. The data was published before and after the program was initiated, showing that spike protein can damage the microvasculature.

An analysis of 789 professional athletes who tested positive for COVID-19 showed no adverse cardiac events, however, the vaccine reporting system, VAERS, showed that 11,793 people had heart attacks or were diagnosed with myocarditis or pericarditis after their vaccinations. The list of people reporting adverse events has been growing as well.

A video from America’s Frontline Doctors White Coat Summit showed pathologist Ryan Cole outlining many health challenges associated with the experimental genetic therapy injection program. With thousands of people dying from COVID-19 vaccines, where are the autopsies to investigate the program?

In July, the U.S. military published a study in which they asked whether or not myocarditis was a possible adverse event following an mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.

They identified 23 men diagnosed with myocarditis within 4 days of getting the shot and determined that there was a diagnosis of myocarditis after vaccination in the absence of other identified causes.

Despite finding myocarditis in previously healthy individuals following the shot, the writers only recommended vigilance, adding that citizens should not diminish overall confidence in vaccinations during the pandemic.

Millions may experience potential injuries or death following COVID-19 vaccination

In early 2020, clinicians, scientists and health experts warned that millions of people may experience potentially permanent or long-term injury or death after a COVID-19 vaccine shot. Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, a pediatric rheumatologist, previously warned the FDA of the microvascular injury that the vaccine may cause to different organs. Whelan specializes in treating children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome, which is also associated with coronavirus infections.

While he did not dispute the potential benefit of vaccines to stop the spread of the virus, he did caution that recipients may experience permanent damage to their microvasculature. (Related: The coronavirus may actually be a vascular – and not a respiratory – disease.)

At the time, the main concern was based on data scientists and doctors who reported infections with COVID-19 affecting multiple organs beyond the lungs. This information is particularly important because the study demonstrated that the spike protein associated with SARS-CoV-2 could damage the endothelial function and can cause damage to the endothelial cells lining the circulatory system.

The information was not discussed in the media and was not considered by the FDA. It remains buried as government agencies try to push for full vaccination in the U.S.

Other studies also demonstrated that it was not the virus that was causing endothelial damage that led to organ damage such as in the heart, liver or kidney of COVID-19 patients, but that it was the spike protein that was used in a genetic therapy shot program.

Researchers are still studying how the spike protein affects the endothelial cells, and ultimately, damages the heart muscle. Even as researchers identify the pathway of spike proteins to damage the endothelial cells, it is being ignored by those who continue to push for public vaccination that does not effectively keep people from getting the disease, or stop them from spreading.

The FDA approved the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in August despite many issues. For instance, vaccines were found to more likely kill than save people. While the vaccine reduced COVID-19 deaths by 50 percent, it comes at a cost of increasing deaths from other problems such as cardiac arrests, showing that the net benefit is at a negative. Pfizer’s own studies, for instance, showed that deaths from COVID were reduced by a factor of 2, but the saving was offset by deaths from cardiac arrests, which went up by up to four times.

Get more news and updates about potential problems and other issues related to COVID-19 at Pandemic.news.

Sources include:




The coronavirus may actually be a vascular – and not a respiratory – disease

Sunday, June 28, 2020 by: Ralph Flores
Tags: antibodiesblood vesselsbreakthroughcoronaviruscovid-19discoveriesFlugoodhealthhealth scienceinfectionsmortality rateoutbreakpandemicreal scienceresearchSARS-CoV-2symptomsvascular diseaseviral infectionvirus

(Natural News) The symptoms of COVID-19 may very well be eldritch horrors. In most cases, it can appear as cough, fever, chills and headache. But in severe cases, it can cause acute kidney failure and multiple organ damage – strange symptoms for what’s known as mainly a respiratory infection.

How COVID-19 causes the latter, in particular, was the focus of a recent paper by a team from University Hospital Zurich. In their report, senior author Frank Ruschitzka examined COVID-19 patients who exhibited severe symptoms. After the first body was autopsied, it showed tiny clots and dead cells within the capillaries of the lungs, as well as distended blood vessels in every organ in the body – a sign of severe inflammation.

This also showed why patients with severe COVID-19 are more likely to have strokes, blood clots and even heart attacks: The virus had targeted their blood vessels.

“[COVID-19] is a vascular problem,” added Ruschitzka, who published his team’s findings in the Lancet. “The lung is the main battlefield, but it’s a disease of the blood vessels.”

A blood vessel disease?

Months into the pandemic and with over 8 million cases and countingmedical experts are now looking into the possibility that COVID-19 is a vascular disease.

According to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, patients who died from COVID-19 had nine times as many clots in their lungs as those who died of the H1N1 flu. Other studies have similar results, from inflammatory symptoms in children to strokes in adults with no history of the condition.

A study from Belgium looked at the findings of this study, as well as the Zurich study, and found that damage in the endothelial cells that line blood vessels in the lungs can predict if a COVID-19 patient will slip into the fatal “second phase” of the disease. In the report, senior author Peter Carmeliet explained that an infection can cause blood vessels to leak and clot in some patients. This, in turn, triggers inflammation in the body, as well as gives rise to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) – the complication responsible for most COVID-19 deaths.

“It’s a vicious cycle,” explained Nilam Mangalmurti, a lung expert at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, who wasn’t involved in the new study.

Blood vessels link chronic disease and COVID-19

The Belgian study, published in Nature Reviews Immunology, can shine a light on why COVID-19 is life-threatening for people with chronic illnesses like diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease, as the cells lining their blood vessels are already compromised.

Endothelial cells do more than line blood vessels and tissues. They also control the flow of substances and fluid into and out of a tissue, regulate blood pressure, prevent inflammation and inhibit clots. When these are injured, the cells signal immune cells and clotting factors to help repair the site of injury, as well as warn other cells of potential invaders.

Based on autopsy reports detailed in the Zurich study, researchers of the Belgian study believe that SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen behind COVID-19, can cause this response to go out of control. (Related: Coronavirus hijacks immune cells to create cytokine storms, says new study.)

Aside from exploring the possibility of COVID-19 being a vascular disease, researchers are also looking into the idea of using existing anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting treatments for the disease. In the U.S. and Europe, clinical trials that use drugs are already in progress. In China, the government has taken a more natural route, promoting the benefits of traditional Chinese medicine in treating COVID-19.

Pandemic.news has more on the ongoing Wuhan coronavirus.

Sources include:






BREAKING: AI-powered DoD data analysis program named “Project Salus” SHATTERS official vaccine narrative, shows A.D.E. accelerating in the fully vaccinated with each passing week

Friday, October 01, 2021 by: Mike Adams
Tags: breakthrough infectionsCOVIDDelta VariantDoDgoodhealthgoodmedicinegoodscienceJAICMedicaremRNApandemicProject Salusvaccine warsvaccines


(Natural News) An AI-powered Dept. of Defense program named “Project Salus,” run in cooperation with the JAIC (Joint Artificial Intelligence Center), has analyzed data on 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 or older. Data were aggregated from Humetrix, a real-time data and analytics platform that tracks health care outcomes. Legal analysis from Thomas Renz of Renz-Law.com is included in a breaking video interview, below.

The alarming findings show that the vast majority of covid hospitalizations are occurring among fully-vaccinated individuals and that outcomes among the fully vaccinated are growing worse with each passing week. This appears to fit the pattern of so-called Antibody Dependent Enhancement, where the treatment intervention (mRNA vaccines) is worsening health outcomes and leading to excess hospitalizations and deaths.

These data, presented here, shatter the official Biden / Fauci narrative that falsely claims America is experiencing, “a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” The data show that the pandemic actually appears to be accelerated by covid-19 vaccines, while unvaccinated individuals are having far better outcomes than the vaccinated.

Furthermore, according to these data (shown below), the single best strategy for avoid post-vaccine infections and hospitalizations is natural immunity derived from a previous covid infection.

The full analysis is entitled, “Effectiveness of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines against the Delta variant among 5.6M Medicare beneficiaries 65 years and older” and is dated Sep. 28, 2021. The presentation of these data consists of 17 slides, which are available at the Humetric website in slide form, also posted on Natural News servers in this PDF version which is more convenient for viewing and printing.

From the JAIC Project Salus document:

In this 80% vaccinated 65+ population, an estimated 60% of COVID-19 hospitalizations occurred in fully vaccinated individuals in the week ending August 7th.

By August 21st, 71% of covid-19 “cases” were occurring among fully vaccinated individuals:

In this 80% vaccinated 65+ population, an estimated 71% of COVID-19 cases occurred in fully vaccinated individuals.

These data reveal that as the Delta variant approached a 97% infection rate, “cases” and hospitalizations among fully vaccinated individuals showed striking increases with each passing week.

Key findings of the DoD / JAIC / Project Salus / Humetrix analysis

Throughout the slides, “VE” refers to vaccine effectiveness. “Breakthrough” means a failed vaccine, where a fully vaccinated person is diagnosed with covid. Many of those people require hospitalization and ICU treatments (see the slides below).

Some of the key findings of the Project Salus analysis include:

  • The effectiveness of mRNA vaccines is confirmed to wane over time.
  • With each passing week, those vaccinated with mRNA vaccines show an increased risk of vaccine failure / covid infections requiring hospitalization. From the analysis: “Odds ratio increasing to 2.5 at 6 months post vaccination.”
  • Natural immunity works: A prior covid infection greatly reduces the odds of a vaccinated person needing hospitalization from a subsequent infection.

Vaccine failure dramatically worsens within 5-6 months after being vaccinated

One slide from the analysis reveals that so-called “breakthrough” infections — vaccine failures — increase with time, showing a near doubling of breakthrough infections among those vaccinated 5-6 months ago vs. those vaccinated only 3-4 months ago.

These data end at August 21st, 2021 but the trend does not appear to be flattening. As more data are added to this analysis each week, it seems almost certain that breakthrough infections rates will continue to rise over time in vaccinated individuals. We do not yet know what will happen in 9 months after vaccination, but these data show cause for serious concern.

The following chart reveals that both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are showing the same pattern of worsening “breakthrough” infection rates over time. Notice the upward trend of all the bars in this chart, meaning both mRNA vaccines are producing the same increase in infections among the fully vaccinated:

Once the Delta variant took hold, 71% of COVID-19 “breakthrough” cases occurred among the fully vaccinated

As the following chart shows, 71% of COVID-19 “cases” were breakthrough cases (vaccine failures) once the Delta variant reached 90% spread across those infected.

Understand that the authors of this document state that those who are jabbed are not considered “vaccinated” until two weeks after they received the injections, which means that infections, hospitalizations and deaths which occurred from 0 – 14 days are ignored in this data set.

In reality, that means the percentage of “fully vaccinated” people responsible for breakthrough infections, hospitalizations and deaths is substantially higher than what is shown in these data. If they are claiming a 71% rate, it may in reality be more like 80% or even 90%, but we don’t know for sure because they are hiding all negative health outcomes for the first two weeks after the vaccines are administered (by claiming those people are “unvaccinated,” which is a deliberate deception being used to try to hide the harmful effects of vaccines).

Ethnic groups hit hardest: Native Americans, Hispanics and Blacks

Finally, a horrifying slide in the data set reveals that one of the highest risk factors for being hospitalized after being vaccinated is simply being of Native American descent. According to the data in this slide, Native Americans face around 50% higher odds of being hospitalized after being vaccinated, compared to other ethnic groups such as Whites.

Hispanics face a slightly lower risk which appears to be around 40% higher odds. Blacks face around 25% higher odds.

Why is this the case? The gain-of-function properties which were engineered into the SARS-CoV-2 biological weapon — via Fauci, Daszak and the NIH — target ACE2 receptors which exist in higher densities in targeted organ systems of many minority groups such as Native Americans, Hispanics and Blacks. This has led many observers to conclude that the covid spike protein — which is generated in the bodies of those who take mRNA vaccines — is a race-specific bioweapon designed to achieve depopulation of minority groups. Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, has engaged in many efforts to bring this to the attention of his followers, for example. These data provided by the DoD / JAIC / Project Salus document shown here appear to support the plausibility of such theories.

Other factors that greatly increase a person’s odds of being hospitalized after receiving vaccinations include kidney failure (ESRD), morbid obesity, chronic liver disease or receiving chemotherapy.

Natural immunity offers documented protect against future hospitalization

Finally, the data presented in this document shows that natural immunity — listed as “prior covid-19” substantially decreases the risk of hospitalization after receiving covid-19 vaccines. (See slide above.)

What this means is that the best way to ensure the safest outcome of a covid vaccine is to experience a covid infection before getting vaccinated. This dramatically reduces your risk of negative health outcomes.

Then again, if someone has already had covid, why would they need a vaccine in the first place? If anything, these data show that anyone choosing to receive covid-19 vaccines is making the wrong choice if they desire to avoid infections, hospitalizations or deaths.

Natural immunity, once again, is revealed as the most effective status that reduces negative outcomes.


In conclusion, these data from the DoD / JAIC absolutely shatter the false narrative of Biden, Fauci, Walensky and other “authorities” who are still attempting to gaslight the American people into thinking that hospitals are filled with unvaccinated people. In reality, the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths are occurring among those who were fully vaccinated, according to the 5.6 million people studied in this particular data set (Medicare).

Importantly, post-vaccine health outcomes are worsening over time, meaning that the vaccines appear to be gradually damaging the immune system over subsequent months, making vaccinated individuals far more vulnerable to subsequent infections.

This is the very definition of ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement), about which many analysts such as Dr. Sherri Tenpenny have warned. Now, it appears that ADE is no longer merely a theory but rather a confirmed phenomenon reflected in official Medicare data.

Attorney Thomas Renz told Natural News today that these data should immediately result in not just the FDA’s revocation of mRNA vaccine EUA and approval status, but that the FDA, Fauci and Big Pharma’s top executives should be sued under RICO Act violations for racketeering and organized crime.

The full interview with Thomas Renz is available here:


Sources for this article include:




People attend an anti-lockdown protest at the Auckland Domain in Auckland, New Zealand, on Oct. 2, 2021. (Phil Walter/Getty Images)

 Thousands of New Zealanders Protest for Freedom After 6 Weeks in Lockdown

By Mimi Nguyen Ly

October 3, 2021 Updated: October 3, 2021

Thousands of people in New Zealand gathered in Auckland and multiple locations across the nation on Saturday in a show of solidarity against alleged government tyranny and in support of freedom.


zaterdag 2 oktober 2021


“Dit is een fatale combinatie” vertelt Opiniepeiler & Statisticus Maurice de Hond...

2 october


“Dit is een fatale combinatie” vertelt Opiniepeiler & Statisticus Maurice de Hond...

Aflevering vier van de ophefmakende documentaireserie Tegenwind is gewijd aan sociaal geograaf/statisticus Maurice de Hond, die in Nederland geen aankondiging behoeft, maar die in BelgiĆ« minder bekend is. Toch paste de Belgische overheid in een eerder stadium de aanbevelingen van Drs. De Hond omtrent ventilatie hier en daar toe, terwijl de Nederlandse overheid en het OMT doof en blind bleven voor het ‘ventilatie Delta-plan’ van Maurice de Hond uit juni 2020. Al vrij vroeg in de crisis kwam De Hond er door zijn uitgebreide en internationale data-analyses achter dat het coronavirus zich verspreidt via aerosolen - en niet zozeer via menselijk en oppervlakte contact - en dat de beste bestrijdingswijze bestaat uit het grondig ventileren van binnenruimtes.

Buiten is er volgens De Hond dermate weinig kans op besmetting dat alle buitenevenementen gewoon plaats hadden kunnen vinden waardoor de culturele sector en de economie in haar geheel nooit zulke harde klappen had opgelopen. De 73-jarige Maurice de Hond maakt er geen geheim van dat hij zich in het voorjaar van 2021 heeft laten vaccineren na een - noblesse oblige - nauwkeurige analyse van de risico’s en de baten op basis van de toenmalige beschikbare data voor zijn eigen gezondheid. Maar zijn antwoord op de vraag of hij dat nu opnieuw zou doen is op zijn minst verrassend…  

‘Informed consent

Maurice de Hond is Ć©Ć©n van zes gerenommeerde en gerespecteerde wetenschappers die zich in de documentairereeks Tegenwind ongecensureerd uitspreken over het coronabeleid.

In het prachtige Andalusische landschap - cinematografisch beeldschoon en spectaculair in beeld gebracht door regisseur/cameraman Mark Sanders - wordt wordt Maurice de Hond door journalist Jakobien Huisman geĆÆnterviewd. Voor deze gesprekken trok het Tegenwind-team naar de beeldschone omgeving van het olijvendorpje Periana in de provincie MĆ”laga. De locaties zijn telkens zo gekozen dat een kleine link naar het leven en werk van de protagonist is. Huisman: “Op het voetbalveld van ons dorpje ontspon er zich tussen mij en mijn interviewde een best heftig gesprek over vaccinatie van kinderen en met name over het begrip ‘informed consent’. De Hond en ik waren het op dat vlak niet met elkaar eens. Maar het doet er uiteindelijk niet toe of ik - of wie dan ook - het met De Hond eens is, waar het om gaat is dat er een degelijk, eerlijk en open debat over dit gevoelige onderwerp plaatsvindt en dat mensen, ouders, hierover gaan nadenken. Hopelijk slagen wij met aflevering 4 van Tegenwind in die missie.”


De Hond, als statisticus en opiniepeiler een coryfee en ijkpunt in de Nederlandse politieke landschap ondervond - net als de andere geportretteerden in deze reeks - veel tegenwind omwille van zijn theorieĆ«n. Voor de reguliere tv-programma’s waar hij vroeger vaste prik en een geliefde gast was werd hij niet meer uitgenodigden werden er lastercampagnes gestart. Hier op blckbx kreeg hij uiteraard wĆ©l een forum en de video’s met De Hond behoren steevast tot de best bekeken programma’s.  Een terecht zeer prominente plaats dus voor deze integere wetenschapper in de nu al opzienbarende reeks Tegenwind die lovende recensies krijgt. De Hond zegt zelf over zijn verblijf in het zuiden van Spanje: “Aan de ene kant was het een groot genoegen om te werken met vaklui, die zowel inhoudelijk als visueel, in een prachtige omgeving een eindproduct opgeleverd hebben, die -naar ik hoop- voor de kijkers zowel inhoudelijk als visueel, boeiend is om naar te kijken.

Zonder bang…

Aan de andere kant was het een verademing om buiten de opnametijd in de gesprekken met de andere hoofdpersonen en de makers, te merken hoe -vanuit verschillende invalshoeken- we allemaal op dezelfde manier erin staan: gebaseerd op  ervaring, nieuwsgierigheid en vakmanschap, onze kennis en visie te delen. Zonder bang te zijn voor de gevolgen. Omdat het noodzakelijk is dat het publiek in deze moeilijke tijden ook kennis ervan neemt.”

Indrukwekkende cast

De serie kent een indrukwekkende cast met Nederlandse en Belgische wetenschappers die allen minstens Drs. en de meesten Prof. Dr. voor hun naam hebben staan. Ze kregen  allemaal een eigen aflevering van om en nabij een uur. Dit zijn de namen:

1) Lector gezondheidswetenschappen Drs. Sam Brokken

2) Klinisch psycholoog Prof. dr. Mattias Desmet

3) Vaccinoloog Prof. dr. Theo Schetters

4) Sociaal geograaf, statisticus en opiniepeiler Drs. Maurice de Hond

5) Privacyspecialist Prof. dr. Paul De Hert

6) Gezondheids- en welzijnseconoom Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans

7) Rondetafelgesprek

Wie is Jakobien Huisman en wat motiveerde haar?

Daags voor de release van deel 1 met Sam Brokken zond BLCKBX een programma uit waarbij programmamaker Flavio Pasquino de avontuurlijke Jakobien Huisman in de studio interviewde. Zij was in het gezelschap van Maurice de Hond die de 4de episode zal kleuren. Bekijk hier die uitzending om meer te weten te komen over de maker(s) en de drijfveren


De release van de documentaire-reeks vond plaats op 3 september 2021 met als aftrap de episode van Sam Brokken. Daarna volgt iedere week een nieuwe episode. BLCKBX mag deze serie exclusief distribueren en daar zijn we trots op. “Meer en meer talentvolle documentairemakers weten de weg naar ons te vinden en kiezen ons platform als distributie- en promotiepartner omdat we kennelijk een goede reputatie hebben ontwikkeld. Dat is een opsteker waar we trots op zijn,” vertelt Flavio Pasquino. 


Om de serie te realiseren hebben Jakobien Huisman, Alain Grootaers en regisseur Mark Sanders een website opgezet “Tegenwind.TV”, waar alle informatie rondom het project is te vinden. Zo ook mogelijkheden om te doneren voor een vervolgreeks met internationale namen die al gepland staat. Wil je een bijdrage leveren aan hun bijzondere productie, klik dan HIER.

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Tientallen miljoenen mensen hebben deze bijzondere
ervaring meegemaakt. Essentie:
Ons bewustzijn blijft
verder bestaan
ook al ligt ons lichaam tijdelijk stil of is
er geen enkele hersenactiviteit meer.
Ernstige wetenschappers als Pim van Lommel en Eben
Alexander hebben op grond van degelijk onderzoek Ć©n
ervaring van velen aangetoond dat dit geen inbeelding is.

Wat leert ons dit fenomeen? Dat de dood een
overgang/terugkeer is naar het werkelijke leven. Dat we
spirituele wezens zijn en ons brein een soort
zender/ontvanger is.
Dood # dood!
Alle spirituele geschriften en leraren bevestigen dat we
naast een grofstoffelijk lichaam ook meer fijnstoffelijke
jasjes hebben: een etherisch, astraal, mentaal en
goddelijk lichaam! De Kirlian-fotografie legt overigens
het bestaan ervan onomstotelijk vast.
Tot kort na WO II werd dit alles nog aan artsen geleerd …

Aan al wie in koor met de H. Wetenschap het
materialistisch wereldbeeld verdedigt leg ik graag
volgende vaststellingen ter kritische overweging voor.
Binnen alles wat bestaat, vertegenwoordigt het stoffelijke
slechts 4%. Dat is niet veel! De rest is duister:
materie en zwarte energie
. Zwart omdat we er
nagenoeg niets van weten.

Beiden moĆØten er evenwel zijn om de wetenschappelijke
hypotheses overeind te houden.

Net als de mysterieuze zwaartekracht, die alles op
onze draaiende aardbol gekleefd houdt en alle
bewegingen in het universum coƶrdineert, maar waarvan
geen enkele geleerde kan uitleggen wat het werkelijk is
en hoe we het kunnen meten. Hmmm…

Wat registreren we met onze ogen en andere zintuigen?
Slechts een minuscuul deel van wat er werkelijk is.
Wat leert ons de kwantumfysica? Op het diepste niveau
is alles voortdurend met alles in verbinding en ieder
atoom is ‘ogen’-schijnlijk voor 99,99% ‘leeg’, maar wel
barstensvol gevuld met energie. E = mc².
Het is met andere woorden louter dankzij de snelheid =
energie waarmee die kleinste deeltjes zich bewegen dat
de illusie gecreƫerd wordt van vastheid.

Tesla zei het zo: “
Als je het universum wil begrijpen,
denk dan in termen van energie, vibratie, trilling.

Er blijkt heel veel meer tussen hemel en aarde dan de
dogmatische wetenschap kan bevroeden! Zowel de oude
spirituele geschriften en tradities als ontdekkingen van
de kwantumfysica bevestigen:
het universum = Ć©Ć©n levend bewustzijn.
Ook jij dus!

Uit:  Peter-in-wonderland-A5-editie-13-november-2019-met-KAFT.pdf


Dit interview mogen we van George Soros niet zien: als tiener werkte hij samen met de nazi’s (en daar is hij trots op)

Miljardair George Soros is ƩƩn van de meest controversiƫle politieke figuren ter wereld. De media nemen het altijd voor hem op omdat hij als...