woensdag 9 februari 2022

Mum Lives off Home Garden for a Year

 DogsGoWoof  07:55

Permaculture Documentary : Jodie Vennitti Start Your Journey In the suburbs of Perth, Western Australia lies a Permaculture Food Forest grown by single mother, Jodie Vennitti. Jodie's journey began when she discovered Permaculture and found her love for growing food, but soon realised growing was one thing, harvesting was another as the food she produced was left to rot on the ground. Determined to use what she grew, she challenge herself to live off her own garden for a year, in a bid to bring her what she grew fully into her life. What she gained, she couldn't have even imagined in the beginning. Enjoy the Film!


                    LINK:  https://youtu.be/B7c9SUotJ94 

https://www.dogsgowoof.com.au/permaculture-documentary  https://www.facebook.com/permacultureDoco/


Studie: Windparken veroorzaken opwarming van de aarde

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