donderdag 19 augustus 2021


12 Facts About the 'Pandemic' That Could Have Conspiracy Deniers Filling Their Diapers




 Healing the Body

Published Tuesday | Comments

Time to get the facts about the pandemic, and realize the biggest conspiracy theories are those perpetuated by the government, mainstream media, and their intellectually lazy minions.

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holisticpoet  13 hours ago  edited

I am so glad that after nearly a year and a half of commenting that this pandemic is a fraud that people are spreading the word using solid evidence. But you did forget a few facts that may help to make people aware of the fraud. Such as: Medicaid and Medicare paid hospitals $13,000.00 more if they diagnosed a patient with Covid19 and an extra $39,000.00 if they were put on a ventilator. With almost 90% of those who went on a ventilator dying, it sure made the death numbers go up. Lets not forget the CDC's letter to hospitals changing the way death certificates are filled out. They didn't even need a false PCR test if the patient had any symptoms that resembled Covid19 symptoms it was to be listed as the primary cause of death. This also made death numbers go up. Lets not forget that Hydroxychloraquine, Ivermectin, vitamin C, vitamin D3, Zinc and a few other therapeutics did wonders at making this a non life threatening disease and our government and health officials refused to endorse them and even made them illegal. If that's not attempted murder, what is?



PatriotPene  holisticpoet  9 hours ago

Great Post, thank you. I've been singing the same song for months and months. I'm pushing 80, still unvaxed, untested, and unafraid. No mask, I go everywhere I need to go to get food, fuel, supplies, etc. I'm healthy and on no prescription drugs. It can be done. I take vitamins, supplements, eat well, and exercise. I plan on being here until we run these SOBs out of our country.


EternalValue  holisticpoet  10 hours ago

Aggravated, and cold-blooded premeditation.
Long far past attempted.



Ricky Ricardo  holisticpoet  9 hours ago

They are STILL putting them on ventilators! I read of a young person, yesterday, who was placed on one.



mtman2  holisticpoet  3 hours ago

Clearly all true and must become mainstream info...!



Ricky Ricardo  8 hours ago

Nobody has DIED FROM COVID! Covid is nothing more than a global hoax, to distract the global masses while the evil oligarchs bring in their "Great Reset" and the Transhumanism agenda!
Many of us have taken no precautions at all, in a year and a half and we are not sick!


kr2726  10 hours ago  edited

I know 3 people who have DIED from Covid, yet know NO ONE who has died of flu. And I'm 67. So it's a real illness, but Fausti is a fraud and so is the vaccination. I take Ivermectin and acidophilus, and STAY healthy.



kay  kr2726  7 hours ago  edited

Maybe your friends died from the flu and Mal-practice. The PCR test have been recalled as of Dec 31, 2021 (why are they keeping it if it doesn't work?) The reason is that it cannot differentiate between flu and C-19. How do they know there is a variant when there isn't a test. So all those who tested "positive" may have had the flu? May not have had anything but the remnants (antibodies) from a long ago coronavirus - like a cold?



Sherri Thomas  kay  4 hours ago

I think some of them may also be actually suffering from bacterial pneumonia from wearing masks and not sick from a virus at all.



rabbi moshe parry  2 hours ago  edited

if u think ur accomplishing anything to thwart this threat to the country and world from being carried out to its planned conclusion u and your guest are sadly mistaken... gravely uninformed... u simply have to go see the video and read the pdf report from iron mountain from 1966 to see how on target and undissuaded they are from achieving their goals... they remain completely oblivious and maintain an undeterred posture from any and all talks of tribunals being set up to try them for treason and crimes against humanity in a quasi nuremberg setting... truth.sadly out i'm afraid...
go to Download video:
PDF of report:


De Daily Mail ontwaakt plotseling uit haar journalistieke coma en meldt een feitelijk verhaal over Covid-doodsinjecties

februari 21, 2025   10        Foto Credit: W aar is dit soort berichtgeving de afgelopen vier jaar gebleven toen...