donderdag 8 juni 2023

Disturbing Rise in Cognitive Problems in 2023

 Do you Know Anyone Who Recently Declined Intellectually?

This blog post is a departure from my usual fare, but it touches upon a topic that worries me greatly. I want to bring attention to a disturbing trend I have noticed, which has just been confirmed by the Dutch Health Institute RIVM.

The trend is the rapid decline in the cognitive abilities of many people.

I own a small business and deal with many people and other small businesses. Most provided reliable service, would remember appointments, followed up on issues, and so on. I noticed that lately, some people have become less capable cognitively. They forget essential appointments, cannot concentrate, make crazy-stupid mistakes, and so on.

A friend of this blog, Rintrah Radagast, found a disturbing report by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health called RIVM.

The statement that the RIVM makes is chilling:

The increase in memory and concentration problems of adults seems to be a longer-term effect of the coronavirus measures as well as SARS-CoV-2 infections.

Interestingly, RIVM admits that “coronavirus measures” could play a role in this situation.

The most significant increase is seen in people aged 45-74:

The number of GP visits for memory and concentration problems increased in all age groups among adults (aged 25 years and up), but the biggest increase was seen in the age groups from 45 to 74 years (+40%). A 31% increase was seen among adults aged 24-44, and an 18% increase among adults over 75.

The results shown above are not taken from Long Covid advocates who are invested in a certain narrative. Instead, the findings above arose from data analysis of the Netherlands’ primary care database and are based on the number of doctor visits for memory and other cognitive problems.

These results are from the seventh quarterly survey among adults in the Netherlands and are based on figures from the Nivel Primary Care Database. This quarterly study is part of Health Research for COVID-19, a GOR Network research programme.

A more detailed data analysis can be seen here.

Sars-CoV-2 Prion Domain, Long Covid and Cognitive Problems

Long Covid is a poorly defined constellation of problems that seems to include almost everything under the sun. Most frequently mentioned are “brain fog,” concentration problems, and fatigue. Long Covid seems to be exaggerated by certain interests, but is real nevertheless and I know certain people who are affected. My readers also reported very compelling stories of their own consequences of Covid-19. Be aware that symptoms similar to the above are present in the early stages of dementia also.

The RIVM survey, which reported 40% greater visits for cognitive and memory problems, is an alarming finding. It matches and confirms the pattern I have seen in my daily dealings.

The cause of these cognitive problems is not yet known. An unsettling scientific article from 2022 reports that the lab-made Sars-CoV-2 virus contains “prion-like domains,” which are amino acid sequences that could cause protein misfolding, which allegedly could cause dementia similar to mad cow disease.

All Covid vaccines encode this spike protein (with the prion domains) also.

The authors explain that brain fog, confusion, cognition, memory issues, etc., may be strongly associated with the symptomology, onset, and development of human prion disease (PrD) and other insidious and incurable neurological syndromes.

If so, perhaps, our conspiratorially minded readers can ask: was the prion functionality built intentionally into Sars-Cov-2, a lab-developed mystery virus of murky origin that spread around the world? Is it a coincidence that Covid vaccines, forced on everyone, contained the same prion-like spike protein? It is a question we can (and should) ask. As always, all such possibilities need to be looked at skeptically, but with an open mind.

I am not the first to notice the prion issue, and another friend of this blog, Walter Chesnut, has been discussing this possibility for a while:

WMC Research
A Prion Disease of the Body: The Spike Protein as Proteopathic Seed
My research has gone back to its roots. I initially viewed the Spike Protein as an inducer of Prion disease. However, I was only focused on the Brain and was not seeing results that would indicate that Prion disease was a major element of Spike Protein pathology…
Read more

What is new in my post is that dementia and neurodegeneration were noticed in the pattern of Dutch doctor visits by a prestigious Dutch scientific institute. It confirms that we need to look closely at this issue.

If the progressing collective neurodegeneration continues, we may be running out of intellectual resources and time to handle this problem. The scientists, who need to use the full capacity of their intellect, may also be losing cognitive abilities along with their peers - potentially with frightening consequences for all of us if the above-mentioned cognitive problems deepen.

I lampooned bad science on this blog many times and intend to continue doing so in the future. I do, however, like and appreciate good science, from which we all benefited tremendously. Good science is completely impossible without the intellect of scientists.

I hope we still have time to determine what is happening with our affected colleagues, friends, and others - and how to help them.

Lastly, I do not intend this post to be hysterical doom-mongering. All “the world is ending next year” predictions never materialized. I hope that the cognitive deterioration, which I am convinced is real, affects only a fraction of people.

Do you know any people who have declined cognitively during the last year or so? If so, please describe what you know in the comments while being MINDFUL OF PEOPLE’S PRIVACY.


De Daily Mail ontwaakt plotseling uit haar journalistieke coma en meldt een feitelijk verhaal over Covid-doodsinjecties

februari 21, 2025   10        Foto Credit: W aar is dit soort berichtgeving de afgelopen vier jaar gebleven toen...