zaterdag 8 maart 2025

Pfizer-vaccin kan tot 15 JAAR na injectie nog dodelijke bijwerkingen veroorzaken, deze man stierf 555 dagen na de prik


In het International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science is een onderzoek verschenen over een sterfgeval dat liefst 555 dagen na coronavaccinatie optrad.

De persoon in kwestie, een 47-jarige gezonde man, overleed honderden dagen later onverwacht aan een longbloeding door een bloedprop die gelinkt is aan het Pfizer-vaccin.

De man bleek een vaccin te hebben gekregen uit één van de dodelijkste batches, schrijven onderzoekers Peter McCullough en Nicolas Hulscher. Het gaat om het eerste casusrapport over een dodelijke bijwerking die meer dan een jaar na mRNA-injectie optrad, stelt arts McCullough.



FDA wist ervan

Mensen kunnen dus meer dan een jaar na mRNA-vaccinatie nog sterven als gevolg van de bijwerkingen.

De Amerikaanse medicijnwaakhond FDA wist ervan, maar gaf toch groen licht om de vaccins uit te rollen.

(Video verwijderd? Klik hier...)

15 jaar

De FDA zei namelijk dat deze bloedproppen 5 tot 15 jaar later nog zouden kunnen ontstaan. Dat zeiden ze er niet bij toen ze iedereen adviseerden om zich te laten vaccineren.

Als mensen wisten dat een Pfizer-coronavaccin hen tot 15 jaar na injectie nog zou kunnen beschadigen of doden, zou iemand dan nog zo’n prik halen?

Meer hierover:

Over de auteur: Robin de Boer is economisch geograaf. Volg hem hier op Substack.


BREAKING - Peer-Reviewed Study Links COVID-19 mRNA 'Vaccination' to Fatal Pulmonary Hemorrhage 555 Days Post-Injection

Our autopsy case report is the first published instance of a fatal adverse event occurring more than one year post-mRNA injection, highlighting the potential for serious long-term adverse effects.

Feb 09, 2025

by Nicolas Hulscher, MPH

The McCullough Foundation study, authored by epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher and Dr. Peter McCullough, titled, Delayed Fatal Pulmonary Hemorrhage Following Covid-19 Vaccination: Case Report, Batch Analysis, And Proposed Autopsy Checklist, was just published after successful peer-review in the International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science:


COVID-19 vaccines have been previously associated with pulmonary hemorrhage, typically observed shortly after vaccination. We present a healthy, 47-year-old Caucasian male that died unexpectedly from acute pulmonary hemorrhage 555 days after completing the BNT162b2 (Pfizer) COVID-19 vaccination primary series. Before death, he exhibited symptoms of a mild respiratory infection. Despite a healthy medical history and no medication use, the patient’s condition rapidly deteriorated and he experienced severe respiratory distress, followed by cardiopulmonary arrest with evidence of profuse pulmonary bleeding. Autopsy findings revealed massive lung congestion without embolism, normal heart size, and moderate coronary atherosclerosis without myocardial infarction. Despite these findings, the medical examiner determined the cause of death was attributed to atherosclerotic and hypertensive cardiovascular disease, without considering the recent pulmonary hemorrhage and unremarkable medical history. The autopsy failed to investigate potential contributions from the COVID-19 vaccine, such as the presence of the Spike protein, vaccine mRNA, or related antibodies. A batch analysis revealed the BNT162b2 vaccine batch this patient received is among the top 2.8% for number of reported deaths out of all Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine batches and is associated with fatal cardiovascular adverse events including cardiac arrest. The evidence suggests that this man died of a cardiopulmonary arrest most likely as a result of acute pulmonary hemorrhage, with the COVID-19 vaccine potentially playing a role in the development of cardiopulmonary pathology and hemorrhage. We propose autopsy protocols for deceased individuals that have received one or more COVID-19 vaccines to help improve diagnostic accuracy in future cases.

Our autopsy case report is the first published instance of a fatal adverse event occurring more than one year after a COVID-19 mRNA injection, highlighting the potential for serious long-term adverse effects. Healthcare providers are encouraged to be aware of and monitor for any long-term cardiopulmonary complications that may arise after COVID-19 ‘vaccination’.

This study also underscores the importance of conducting COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ batch analyses when evaluating potential links between adverse events and the injection:

Because the autopsy failed to investigate the presence of COVID-19 vaccine-specific components, we conducted a thorough analysis of the specific COVID-19 vaccine batch administered to this individual using a digital resource known as "How Bad is My Batch?" [14]. This tool aggregates data from VAERS [3], methodically organizing it to present all adverse events associated with specific vaccine batches. This approach allows for a detailed and systematic examination of the batch in question, providing a comprehensive view of any potential adverse effects reported. The patient received two doses of a BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, which both belonged to the batch EW0175. A review of batch information indicates there were 29 reports of death from his batch through February 2, 2024, however, this case had not yet been reported to VAERS. Batch EW0175 is among the top 2.8% for number of reported deaths out of all Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine batches listed in VAERS (ranked 131 out of 4,730). Analysis of batch EW0175 indicated the lethality of injection (number of deaths among total EW0175 adverse event reports) was 1.69%. Among reported serious adverse events in this batch, there were 14 respiratory failure, 11 thrombosis, 7 myocarditis, 6 pericarditis, 5 cardiac arrest, 5 myocardial infarction, and 4 pulmonary embolism reports (Figure 2).

 Our paper also highlights the critical need to test affected tissues for Spike protein and mRNA in ‘vaccinated’ individuals who die unexpectedly:

Without proper post-mortem investigation into specific COVID-19 vaccine components residing in blood and tissues, it is difficult to confidently determine the cause of death in COVID-19 vaccinated subjects that present anomalous symptoms, as in our case. To ensure a comprehensive understanding of the potential impact of COVID-19 vaccines on adverse fatal outcomes, it is critical to conduct specific tests during postmortem procedures [15]. Thus, we propose an autopsy checklist for deceased individuals that have received one or more COVID-19 vaccines to help improve diagnostic accuracy in future cases (Table 1). The checklist indicates the vital need to test for the presence of Spike protein and vaccine-derived mRNA within tissue samples. Additionally, a detailed antibody profile should be established, including tests for antibodies against platelet factor 4 (anti-PF-4), the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein, the nucleocapsid component of the virus, antinuclear antibodies (ANA), and anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA). Alongside these tests, an assessment of inflammation specific to various organs is necessary. These combined diagnostic efforts can reveal how the vaccine may contribute to unexpected fatal events [15,16], especially since most autopsies performed following COVID-19 vaccination don’t include them [17]. This checklist is intended to complement existing autopsy pathology standards by incorporating additional tests relevant to suspected vaccine-related cases.

 The biological plausibility of delayed pulmonary hemorrhage following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination is supported by documented short-term cases occurring soon after injection, regulatory concerns over prolonged genetic product effects, the persistence and pathogenicity of Spike protein, and emerging evidence of potential plasmid DNA genome integration contributing to sustained Spike protein expression:

Primary pulmonary hemorrhage can occur after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination [9-11]. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) regulatory window of concern for a novel genetic product, such as the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, is 5-15 years [22]. That means unusual serious adverse events such as fatal pulmonary hemorrhage should not only be reported to VAERS, but also be considered as being a consequence of the novel product even months to years after the last injection. The COVID-19 vaccine batch EW0175 that this patient received has been associated with cardiovascular, hematological, and respiratory adverse events and exhibits a high degree of lethality compared to most batches. The Spike protein produced from COVID-19 vaccine mRNA is known to cause bleeding, thrombosis and specific hemorrhagic-thrombotic syndromes including vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) which has been reported after the Pfizer vaccine [23-25]. The majority of VITT cases arising from vaccine induced anti-platelet factor-4 antibodies reported in the literature are caused by the adenoviral vector vaccines, however, “long VITT” has been reported where findings last for months after vaccine administration [26,27]. It is possible that any mild viral upper respiratory infection in a mRNA COVID-19 vaccinated patient could result in acute hemorrhage. The systemic circulation and extensive persistence (>4 months) of Spike protein from COVID-19 vaccination likely accelerated asymptomatic coronary atherosclerosis, pulmonary capillary disease, and alveolar inflammation as summarized by Parry et al [15]. Furthermore, COVID-19 vaccine-modified mRNA has been shown to persist in humans for up to 28 days [28]. The discovery of residual plasmid DNA, including spike-coding sequences and the SV40 promoter/enhancer, in BNT162b2 vaccine lots highlights a potential mechanism for genome integration, potentially enabling prolonged spike protein production in transfected cells [29]. Incorporating our proposed autopsy checklist would significantly improve diagnostic accuracy in this and similar cases reported following COVID-19 vaccination [16,17].

Based on the totality of evidence, we conclude the following:

In conclusion, this man died of a cardiopulmonary arrest most likely as a result of acute pulmonary hemorrhage. The coronary artery disease was coincident but was not the primary cause of the cardiac arrest. Because the autopsy ruled out other possible causes of death and the received BNT162b2 vaccine batch is associated with fatal hematological, respiratory, and cardiovascular syndromes including cardiac arrest, prior COVID-19 vaccination is potentially either the direct cause or contributed to the causal pathway leading to death. COVID-19 vaccine-induced Spike protein may have caused acceleration of asymptomatic coronary atherosclerosis via direct vessel injury and inflammation. Our recommendation for a specialized autopsy approach can help improve the diagnosis of COVID-19 vaccine-induced pathologies in future cases. Healthcare providers are encouraged to be aware of and monitor for any long-term cardiopulmonary complications that may arise after COVID-19 vaccination.

Nicolas Hulscher, MPH

Epidemiologist and Foundation Administrator, McCullough Foundation

Please consider following both the McCullough Foundation and my personal account on X (formerly Twitter) for further content.

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Lavrov waarschuwt voor NAVO-interventie in Oekraïne: NAVO-troepen worden niet getolereerd

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