woensdag 4 augustus 2021

 Newest MATH+ Protocol (for COVID-19)

July 30, 2021

This is the newest protocol which cuts the death rate in half at least. I would also add that you must optimize your Vitamin D level to 60-100 ng/ml. A level of at least 60 protects against cancer. A level of 40 or higher protects against many infections including the common cold, the flu and SARS CoV-2. This is based on at least a decade of science on Vitamin D, including the most recent studies of SARS CoV-2. Download and read my article on Vitamin D for more information. Quote from MATH+ Protocol article follows.

Have you heard of the MATH+ protocol to  treat COVID-19? One of its creators, Dr. Joseph Varon, who leads the  COVID-19 unit at United Memorial Medical Center (UMMC) in Houston, has  been trying to get the word out about it since the start of the  pandemic. "We have options for patients now. We just need to make those  options available," he said, speaking with broadcast journalist Ivory Hecker.1

Hecker has a story in her own right, as she was fired from FOX 26  Houston in June 2021 after she interrupted a live news segment to tell viewers the station had prohibited her from sharing certain information,  adding that she's "not the only reporter being subjected to this."2

Censorship is an ongoing problem that's reached unprecedented levels during the pandemic, and is the reason why you probably haven't heard of the MATH+ protocol, despite its immense success in saving lives over the last year. Varon has been at the frontlines throughout, marking his  366th consecutive day treating COVID-19 patients on March 20, 2021.3

From March 20, 2021, to May 21, 2021, there were 1,293 hospitalized COVID-19 patients at United Memorial Medical Center. Eighty-six of them died, resulting in a 6.7% death rate. That's about half the 12.5% death  rate for hospitalized COVID-19 patients reported by the National Center for Health Statistics over the same period.4

Read the full article for all the data.


‘Ik ben boerin en wat Caroline van der Plas hier zegt is om te huilen. Ze moet zich schamen’

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