woensdag 4 augustus 2021

JOURNO-TERRORISM strikes again: Extreme threats, witch hunt tactics force Dr. Mercola to take down his ENTIRE website, wiping out 25 years of articles on nutrition and wellness

Wednesday, August 04, 2021 by: Mike Adams
Tags: #nutritionbadhealthbadmedicinebadscienceCensoredCensorshipcovid-19Dr. MercolaJoseph MercolaJournalismjourno-terrorismnutrientspropaganda


(Natural News) Big Pharma’s media lackeys — “journo-terrorists” — have struck again, this time unleashing a wave of death threats and vitriol against Dr. Joseph Mercola of Mercola.com, who just announced he’s been forced to take down his entire website of articles and interviews. His work represents 25 years of research and writing about nutrition, wellness, disease prevention and natural immunity, and the taking down of his site is no doubt being celebrated by the pharma-funded criminals who are conspiring with Big Tech and the White House to target and destroy the most influential educators on nutrition and wellness.

This is nothing less than a war against humanity, all justified under the cover of “covid,” a faked plandemic that’s so fake, no laboratory in America can yet produce an isolated reference material standard of covid-19 viral particles that are proven to sicken anyone. The entire thing is a deliberate sham, engineered to push toxic vaccines and a global depopulation agenda for planetary-scale extermination of billions of human beings. But to carry out this mass extermination, they can’t have people like Dr. Mercola teaching the public about vitamin D or ivermectim, for example, since natural immunity is relatively easy to enhance with simple nutrition. (And covid-19 kills almost no one by itself, which is why Cuomo needed to use ventilator-assisted medical murder to pump up the death statistics in New York.)

Mainstream media “journalists” spew slanderous hate campaigns designed to provoke violence against doctors and natural health educators

Under the cover of covid, many of today’s so-called “journalists” have become terrorists, waging hate-motivated campaigns against targeted individuals — the “dirty dozen” — that involve threatening their employees and family members. Their goal is simple: Intimidate and destroy anyone who stands in the way of the global vaccine depopulation agenda. No human must be left unvaccinated in the short term, or left alive in the long run, they believe. In an age where “online bullying” is supposed to be a crime that’s condemned by all, the NYT, Washington Post, CNN, NBC News and other pharma-funded media outlets have become the most outrageous and aggressive bullies of all, issuing a relentless barrage of false, defamatory smear articles that are clearly designed to whip up irrational hatred and violence against their intended targets such as Dr. Mercola.

If the FBI or DOJ really wanted to investigate actual domestic terrorism in America, they should start by investigating NBC News, the NYT and other journo-terrorism organizations that are knowingly whipping up hatred and threats of violence against health educators like the Bollingers, or Sayer Ji, Del Bigtree and RFK, Jr. Yet there will be no such investigations for the obvious reason: The Biden regime is a pharma-controlled medical dictatorship and criminal racketeering / organized crime syndicate that launders money through covid payouts (for vaccines, stimulus money, etc.) to pay off top pharma donors who also prop up the media propagandists with Big Pharma advertising money. It’s all a racket.

The threats against Dr. Mercola are so intense that he has now been forced to delete his entire website of content, spanning 25 years of articles and interviews, many of which are widely cited by other publishers due to the meticulous fact-checking that Mercola.com employs. Dr. Mercola is almost obsessed with accuracy, and his articles are extremely well researched and cited, unlike the vaccine-pimping media “journalists” who merely read teleprompters and repeat whatever pro-pharma propaganda is placed in front of them on any given day.

The mainstream media now functions as the authoritarian propaganda branch of Big Pharma. Even worse, they run “black hat” operations to attack, smear, defame and deplatform anyone who won’t go along with their anti-human, anti-America lies and propaganda. We are now living under a medical dictatorship in America, with the Mayor of New York City now declaring that unvaccinated people are a new sub-class of humans who shall be denied access to restaurants, gyms and bars, with grocery stores no doubt soon to follow.

I thought America had already decided as a nation that declaring one group of people to be a sub-human class of degenerates was morally wrong, yet the unvaccinated have now become America’s new class of shunned sub-humans, with governors, mayors and even the President now openly encouraging bigotry and discrimination based on who you are.

Vaccine passports are the new “slave papers,” warned the Democrat Mayor of Boston, a black woman who is now warning of what happens in society when one group of people demands segregation and denial of services based on some dividing attribute.

In America today, thanks to the limitless evil of the medical dictatorship now in power, people who choose to rely on natural immunity will be discriminated against and denied access to basic services while those who attempt to educate the public about nutrition and wellness will be demonized, vilified and likely soon attacked by angry, hysterical mobs whipped into a state of intense anger by the journo-terrorism media. Read more about all this at MedicalFascism.news.

This has gone too far. All those pushing this discrimination, bigotry and hate campaign attacks against nutrition educators need to be arrested and charged for their own role in these coordinated crimes against humanity.

And Dr. Mercola should sue the NYT for $1 billion in damages for their false, defamatory smear campaign against him.

Get the rest of the story in today’s Situation Update podcast:


Listen to a new Situation Update podcast each weekday at:



Why I Am Deleting All Content After 48 Hours

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

August 04, 2021


Today, I have the most important announcement in the quarter of a century history of this newsletter. My goal and passion has always been about supporting you and helping you take control of your health. I am beyond thrilled that there are tens of millions of people who have benefited from what I have shared over the years.

I am filled with joy and gratitude every time I travel and lecture as invariably many people tell me how I've changed their lives by providing vital information they couldn't find anywhere else and even better that was completely free.

These were the times when many of the views I presented were criticized, but that's to be expected. That was one of the great freedoms we enjoyed. We could have different views and we could speak openly about these views without fear of retribution.

But we are now in a different time. A much darker time. The silence of free speech is now deafening.

Not only is blatant censorship tolerated, it is being encouraged by the very people who were to be entrusted with protecting our freedom of speech.

We are not living from the lessons we've learned before. Never in my life, would I believe the sitting President of the United States call out 12 Americans in a McCarthyism like attack in the United States. As you are aware, I was placed at the top of this list.

The last week has brought a tremendous amount of reflections to me, and a lot of unacceptable threats to a company full of amazing people that have helped me support you in this journey.

By now I am sure you know that there was a recent NY Times article attacking me and it was one of the most widely distributed stories in the world. The article was loaded with false statements made about me and my organization.

The report would be laughed at if it were to be submitted for peer review, the groups that created it are funded by dark money and operated by an illegal foreign agent. The press never questioned it, but ran with their orders from above.

I can deal with the CNN crews that chase me by car while I bicycle from my home. I feel sorry for the people in media that have to follow the orders they are given.

It is easy to dismiss the media pawns, but the most powerful individual on the planet has targeted me as his primary obstacle that must be removed. Every three letter agency is at his disposal, and the executive powers have grown beyond what an individual American's rights can protect against.

A dissenter of medical mandates is now a target and obstacle to be removed. I know – that's 25 years' worth of blood, sweat and tears coming down.

I can hardly believe these words are coming out of my mouth. It's a testament of just how radical things have degenerated in the recent past. However, I will continue to publish new articles, BUT going forward, each article I publish will be available for only 48 hours and will then be removed from the website.

We are at the crossroad where change is unavoidable. We all must make choices that determine our future. To many, this looks like a war ... but what we need to find is peace. I am going to find peace through this sacrifice.

Just to be clear, ALL my content will be removed. This includes articles on:

·         Great Reset

·         General nutrition

·         The coronavirus

·         My interviews with experts

These will be removed to appease the individuals in power who have an arsenal of overwhelming tools at their disposal, and are actively engaged in using them. COVID-19 has activated and authorized emergency powers that have weakened our constitutional rights. Sadly, cyberwarfare and authoritarian forces are beyond our abilities to withstand, and this is now our only way forward.

Over 15,000 articles full of vital information that has helped tens of millions across the world take control of their health, will be removed. There was a time when people could debate and respect each other freely. That time is now gone. I believe laws are best applied like medicine – locally and specifically.

Local food, local democracy – our local community strength is the best way to achieve peace moving forward, and to stop authoritarian technocracy. I also believe we are at our strongest when we can care and maintain respect for each other. This is how we can make our most important decisions in life.

Again I will still be writing my daily articles that I started 25 years ago BUT they will only be available for 48 hours before they are removed. In this way I hope to continue my mission to help you take control of your health – but it's up to you to download, share and repost this content. I will not be enforcing my copyright on this information so that you may freely share it.

Please also encourage others to read "The Truth About COVID-19," where you will find much of the information from the past two years that people need to read to wake up and open their eyes. I am donating all earnings to the National Vaccine Information Center.

I want to thank all of you that have supported me over the years. I hope you can understand why I have decided to make this dramatic decision and hope the remaining ephemeral articles will be useful for those who wish to read them.

We will continue through these challenging times together, and remember this:

Your body was designed to stay healthy.

You hold in your hands the power to take control of your health.

Never let anyone take your right to health away from you.


Introducing Dr. Mercola’s Newest Book, “The Truth About COVID-19”

13.047 weergaven
29 apr. 2021

Dr. Mercola reveals his newest book, “The Truth About COVID-19,” which aims to educate readers about the forces at work behind the pandemic. Subscribe for the latest health news: http://bit.ly/2qLgWRW
http://bit.ly/2qLgWRW%20 Visit our website: http://bit.ly/2CA9VGn Listen to our podcasts: http://bit.ly/2X87Z18 Subscribe to our Bitchute channel: http://bit.ly/2VoirD2 Find us on Social Media MeWe: https://mewe.com/p-front/dr.josephmer... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drmercola Twitter: https://twitter.com/mercola





Joined On 4/7/2015 8:47:48 AM

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God bless you Dr. Mercola, gratitude is in millions of hearts for your great legacy of
 knowledge and attitudes that you are bringing to humanity. You are a leader for inspiration,
who with your actions and attitudes on a day-to-day basis made us and will make us act
better, set an example to others, influence the development of future events.
The important thing now as you say is "I will find peace through this sacrifice." Yes, a great sacrifice.
but a great honor that honors you for suffering to defend freedom and health.

Always my admiration for you Dr. Mercola and his illustrious collaborators for defending ethical values, 

justice, freedom and natural health. His human potential has been used to integrate health knowledge 

with a global vision of the atrocities that are happening in the world. Honesty is its exponent of its 

conduct to achieve collective well-being and a harmonious and creative coexistence, not only in the 

community, but in the whole of society. Its extraordinary reports and scientific references, 

with great potential in communication, are influencing many academic circles and clearly connecting 

with people's health. You continue to defend human values ​​and the health of humanity, which 

constitutes the mental and physical health of people and defense of the ecosystem. 

There is no possible mental health as long as there is terrorism, tyranny and freedom of expression 

and action is not respected.

“Freedom of expression is the foundation of human rights, the root of human nature and the mother of truth. 

Killing freedom of expression is insulting human rights, it is repressing human nature and suppressing 

the truth. Liu Xiaobo ”. Defender of human rights and Nobel Peace Prize in 2010.

This humanity will improve when people recognize that the cause of loss of freedom…. it is the end 

of the self-sufficient and informed citizen with access. to the writings of experts with a deep commitment 

to the scientific method and ethical principles.

Posted On 8/4/2021 3:40:01 AM




Joined On 12/26/2020 2:13:06 PM

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Gui, you have not posted in months and I have been concerned about your well-being. I always looked forward to reading your intelligent comments and links.  I'm elated to know that you are okay.  Stay well my friend.

 Posted On 8/4/2021 3:47:14 AM



Joined On 2/26/2008 4:23:33 PM

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The shyte has hit the fan.  This is just the first major step of eliminating our God-given rights as per the bill of rights.  It is just the beginning even though it is the culmination of many steps that have been built upon.  Our constitution and bill of rights is under attack.

Do not be fooled thinking this is only about Dr. Mercola and the other 11.  They will come for us in due time.  Tyrants will not tolerate free speech or free thought.  Now you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that what Dr. Mercola has printed is true and helpful.  Those who would control you do not want you to have access to information that would make you more independent of them.  They fear the truth.

They hope to keep you ignorant so they can peddle their BS.

The degree of coercion to get a needle into every arm is indicative of a sinister agenda.

I have long mentioned the value of a good home library and medicinary.  I have made hard copies of many articles.  I file them in 3-ring binders in plastic cover pages.  There is a saying... "Books will get you thru times of no money better than money will get you thru times of no books."  The basturds cannot steal what I carry in my brain.  

For better or worse, we are reverting to times of herbalists in hiding.  I recall a refugee friend telling me about his time behind the Iron Curtain when there was no medicine.  He went to see an old woman living in the mountains and obtained effective herbal remedies.

Events have been set in motion.  I don't know how much time we have left, but use it well.  

Live your life with integrity.  Try to do good.  Know that each of us is placed where we are needed whether or not we understand our purpose.

 Posted On 8/4/2021 2:22:34 AM



Joined On 2/26/2008 4:23:33 PM

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Super Savvy

Dr. M--you have our email addresses.  Please consider a back up plan in case your website gets shut down.  Maybe a subscription service or email newsletter, etc.

Please be vigilant about your safety and security.  History has shown us that pharmaceutical companies will stop at nothing to block natural cures and remedies.  There are examples of arson, assault, murder, character assassination and bankrupting a person thru litigation.  Arkanicide has happened frequently.

These are dark times, indeed.  Nature teaches us that the morning light dispels the darkness.  Likewise the rainbow follows the storm.  The lives of dictators do not end well.

 Posted On 8/4/2021 2:28:38 AM





Joined On 12/15/2010 1:27:52 PM

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Yes, this is sad news, but if anyone still had uncertainties about about the situation and the evil arrayed against us, this should dispel any lingering doubts.

It’s an assumption, but if they want to shut up Dr. Mercola, then they don’t care where his information is coming from… they care that it’s available at all.  Presumably, the threat must be the leverage they have on the man himself.  Therefore, it’s probably not an option for Dr. Mercola to simply post his articles elsewhere.  But it’s not hard to imagine others grabbing those articles and posting them all over the place, creating a potentially viral situation beyond Dr. Mercola’s control.  An army of re-posters would send a loud signal to the tyrants and neo-McCarthyites.

There was a time when being a prominent and giving public figure was regarded as a noble thing.  Well, guess what, it still is.  The consolation of a clear conscience is no small thing.  In fact, it will clearly elude the most powerful people in the world, presidents, prime ministers, CEOs, and sell-outs of every stripe.  We know who they are; it’s a long, long list, one without Dr. Mercola’s name on it.

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 1:23:10 AM

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Joined On 8/5/2001 3:11:57 AM

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As one of the 12 Americans you mention, I understand. The threats have been crazy , but as I said before: it still breaks my heart. Keep posting new content and you're still a legend.

Erin Elizabeth #7 on the disinfo dozen list.

 Posted On 8/4/2021 12:10:02 AM




Joined On 1/5/2010 7:46:30 AM

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Dear Erin,

This whole debacle was predictable. Many belief systems have various prophecy interpretations.

Like the term or not, we are lightworkers and as the light shines the dark forces become aggressive.

I am not referring to any religious interpretation  but to spiritual evolution.

Its time to let people find their own level of consciousnes. The information is out there.

Such events are cyclical. No need for martyrs . That's what the dark state wants , a visible opposition they can use to frighten others,and most are participating in this agenda out of fear themselves. That's how psychic viruses spread. Fear lowers the psych immunity

You saw what happened a few years ago with the alt medics.

Sure we are due for a reset but nothing like those who believe they are responsible for.

 Posted On 8/4/2021 1:00:13 AM




Joined On 7/26/2009 1:31:08 PM

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Hi Erin, good comment and at least you got lucky #7, so no worries!  ...and that's the kinda thinking "they" don't like ;)xxx

 Posted On 8/4/2021 2:09:00 A




Joined On 7/26/2009 1:31:08 PM

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ourgreaterdestiny.org/2021/08/alberta-court-victory-ends-covid/  Alberta Court Victory ENDS covid Posted on August 4, 2021 by ourgreaterdestiny Freedom Fighter Court VICTORY! Ends Masking, Shots, Quarantine in Alberta! The URL above is about an individual who self-represented, how he went about it and how he was successful.  In Ontario this could be done in Small Claims Court.  This is the criteria for Small Claims in the paragraph in quotes below.  You can sue for out-of-pocket expenses - you must have valid records to support this.  But if you have losses up to $35K and you have proof, you can take your matter to Small Claims.  A clerk at the counter in a courthouse will help you with the necessary documents. You can call witnesses and you can prepare exhibits to support your case; again a clerk can help you with procedures and forms.  There should not be any fees associated with this. But there will be a set fee to file the case with the clerk.  

The judges in Small Claims are lawyers who intend to apply to become judges and they do an excellent job.  The judge will help you with procedures as well because you are self-representing. This is a good avenue because not a lot of people will have thought of this.  In addition, don't take 'no' for an answer - there is always a way to file a Motion.  You just need help with the formalities of the procedures. "The Small Claims Court is a branch of the Superior Court of Justice, and handles nearly half of all civil claims in the province. The Court has civil jurisdiction over monetary claims up to $35,000, and provides an efficient and cost-effective forum for Ontarians to bring or defend these claims." Dr. Mercola, I am sorry that you are being harassed and I trust that your lawyers are examining the basis for this.  In Canada that is against the law.  I have a note in my next post re an item I sent to you tonight.

 Posted On 8/4/2021 1:23:53 AM




Joined On 7/26/2009 1:31:08 PM

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I sent you the following URL, Dr. Mercola.  It's a Ted Talk interview titled "Meet the scientist couple driving an mRNA revolution."  PLEASE HAVE YOUR LAWYERS TAKE A LOOK AT THIS - IT'S LOADED WITH FRAUD.  The presenter comments to the 2 scientists (now married) that they are now billionaires and they came via Turkey to Germany. ugur_sahin_and_ozlem_tureci_meet_the_scientist_couple_driving_an_mrna_vaccine_revolution 313,089 views  -  TEDMonterey | August 2021 This is under footnotes: "12:19 "This is the spike protein. It is on the surface of the virus, and there's not only one copy of the spike protein on the virus but multiples, in the range of 20, 25, 30 ... spike proteins."

For more information on the number of spike proteins on the surface of SARS-CoV-2, see here. 15:07 - when I watched this I had it down for 15:00 "It's really stunning that within just a few days of your looking at this sequence of the most dangerous pathogen to hit humanity in 100 years, I guess, that you were able to come up with these candidate vaccines." Clarification: COVID-19 has killed more than four million people as of July 14, 2021. The 1918 influenza pandemic killed 50 million people, and the HIV/AIDS epidemic that began in the 1980s has killed approximately 36.3 million people. For more, see here..."There is no opportunity on the Ted Talk menu to be critical in any way - just a variety of choices as to how you like this! This is part of the propaganda machine.  This needs to be attacked for what it is, but as noted above, Ted Talks provide no opportunity for reasonable feedback.

Posted On 8/4/2021 1:38:34 AM




Joined On 8/17/2006 1:23:38 PM

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Dr. Mercola. As a longtime member of your community and recipient of your newsletter I want to personally thank you for all of your phenomenal information, work, research and study and all of the resources you have made available. You were one of the first to introduce me to a new avenues of study when you first publish freedom to fascism by Aaron Russo. While I was already well awake in terms of natural healing, herbal medicine, and taking control of my health since learning Eastern martial and other arts in the early 80's, your knowledge and expertise continue to expand my areas of study and I am much more well informed now and have used your forums and articles to also enlighten thousands of people over the years.

It is indeed a very sad day when you are being so harassed and threatened by these criminal people and enterprises that have taken control of America and violated our rights and your rights even more so and continue to do so with impunity that you are being forced to take all of your content down as they continually try to silence the truth on all levels.

Unfortunately Bible prophecy reveals that they will eventually succeed in silencing all aspects of Truth and it will be communist Russia all over again and worse except without the internet to learn the real information and counter the endless propaganda that they will spew down everyone's throats.

Sadly the time is coming when the warnings of the founding fathers will eventually come to pass as they knew it would in time no matter how many rights they encapsulated in the Constitution they knew it would ultimately come down to force as it always does which is why they gave us the second amendment so that we would always have a Fighting Chance to defend All rights our country and our personal lives and safety.

Once again I want to thank you and your staff for everything that you have done over the years & I wish you, your family and everyone in your circle safety & health.


Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 1:38:30 AM

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Joined On 8/17/2006 1:23:38 PM

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Dr. Mercola.

Why not continue your information and websites under another name on the dark web? That's is what many are starting to do including Natural News.

Or at the very least allow everyone to be able to download pdfs of your entire website archive or again, make it available through TOR

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 1:44:56 AM

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Joined On 6/20/2006 7:36:11 AM

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I suggested this as well. Just be sure not to do it on a Windows based computer.

Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 2:07:01 AM

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Joined On 2/26/2013 2:27:04 PM

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Great idea. Don't cave in Joseph.

Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 2:14:20 AM

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Joined On 8/25/2010 2:09:20 AM

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Dark times indeed. Thank you for your wisdom and courage, Dr. Mercola. Bless all 12 of you on that list.

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 1:28:53 AM

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Joined On 3/29/2012 2:12:18 AM

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It's always darkest before the dawn.   When the dark deeds are revealed for all to see, and they will be, the psychopaths are in for a nasty shock.  Their days are numbered.   In the meantime, we must wake everyone up, or as many as possible.  It has only ever taken around 3% of people to create a shift, so it's not impossible.  Look at what Ghandi did:  one man against an Empire, and he succeeded.  We support you Dr. Mercola and keep going.   Thank you for everything you do.

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 2:04:07 AM

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Joined On 5/9/2009 9:12:50 AM

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Dear God!!!! I'm not a religious person Dr Mercola but I still want to say "God Bless you and keep you safe".  We love you and thank you for all your magnificent education.

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 2:30:27 AM

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Joined On 1/15/2013 3:41:55 PM

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DEleting all content within 48hrs? We are unable to reach your content even right this moment since all content links to this page. Please fix.

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 2:11:38 AM

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Joined On 1/15/2013 3:41:55 PM

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I feared this would come. All I can only say is thanks ... thanks for everything you've done for me and 

 my family. You are the reason I solved a cholesterol problem, can now better control an erratic BP, as 

well reversing an incipient neurological issue caused by artificial sweeteners and vaccines. 

You fixed my lifestyle when no mainstream doctor could provide any meaningful advice on it. 

To the contrary, they just said it is all "genetics" and so offered drugs for something that drugs 

cannot possibly cure. You are the reason a family member recovered from Covid and now has 

immunity to variants. No public health authority or doctor anywhere in the world could do all of this. 

I can go on ...  I am indebted to you more than you can know. Had I not found you on the web, 

I may not be here now to write this. Truth can only prevail. It can never die. Nobody can kill it.

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 12:54:29 AM

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Joined On 10/23/2015 8:00:54 AM

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These are dark, dark days.  Evil is on the rampage.

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 3:48:20 AM

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Joined On 1/8/2008 11:44:52 AM

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Well, now that we lose all the valuable Information that Dr Mercola has provided over so many years - 

we come to realize what we are missing and that the Government is the enemy of the people! 

Fortunately there are other Platforms that will be happy to publish your work - at least for now and 

we encourage you to use them!   We need your work now, more than ever!

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 12:10:51 AM

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Joined On 3/21/2008 10:40:45 AM

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A Man That Is Ignoring, Even Suppressing The Constitution And The Constitutional Rights 

Guaranteed To Every American


A Man That Is Using Nazi Tactics To Rule


A Man That Is Using A Toxic Experimental Vaccine Like Adolph Hitler used Zykoln B


A Man That Calls Out Free Speech As Domestic Terrorism


A Man That Is Using McCarty-Era Tactics To Silence and persecute Those That He Views As A Threat











Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 1:55:30 AM

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Joined On 6/20/2006 6:41:17 AM

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I don't agree with this Dr. Mercola. The only way to handle suppressives is to widely disseminate 

the truth and to continue to do so. I have posted many of your articles on my blog at 

thetruthabouthealth.godaddysites.com. I hope they will not also be deleted.

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 1:47:40 AM

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Joined On 1/10/2010 4:07:00 PM

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I am so saddened to hear this news.  You have shared, researched, step out on a ledge, had an open mind.  

Thank you. Hope to see you on bitchut, and here.  Till we meet again.

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 1:33:34 AM

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Joined On 10/28/2020 3:52:14 AM

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Dr. Mercola, why are you succumbing to the tyranny of dark forces?  What can they do to you?  

At worst,  they murder you but I doubt in USA, they can do such an act without retribution.  

You are not a threat to security of America but a nuisance for Big Pharma.  

Big Pharma covers the entire globe and you are not a threat to their global empire.  

You have never asked that we boycott Big Pharma.

I urge you to be resilient.  You can link up with your own "Dark Force" and have a proxy 

publish your entire archive on Internet. And that proxy can be based outside of USA, somewhere in Europe.

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 2:47:20 AM

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Joined On 1/23/2016 3:00:03 AM

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They kill with impunity and with no retribution. They have already killed countless doctors and others who opposed them. Why ask Dr. Mercola to sacrifice himself ? Hasn't he done enough ? For his own safety he should step back, hand his evidence to Dr Fuellmich and Doctors for Covid Ethics, and let them take it on from there.

Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 3:46:08 AM

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Joined On 6/18/2013 7:24:47 AM

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Dear Dr. Mecola,  There is little justice in the world as always.       You have given to the world ways 

to think for themselves, doing so has helped me and sure many others. Power always wins and I thank 

for all you have given; Truth. There are too many to fight but, you have been a very brave MAN 

 and evil wins sometimes. That's the way the world is. Sincerely, Maria

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 1:38:52 AM

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Joined On 6/15/2016 9:24:18 AM

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Bless you Dr. Mercola. I have been following you for 20 years, after a recommendation from 

a trusted source. They are trying to take you down because you shine a light on their darkness. 

They can never touch who you truly are. We are many, they are few.

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 3:23:40 AM

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Joined On 11/7/2009 1:12:45 AM

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why not move it all to unstoppable domains here it is yours and you can even get paid through it 

I somehow think your life was threatened by taking such drastic action? 

 Whatever all people that supported you are on their list as well  Good luck doctor 

and remember caterpillars turn into butterflys K

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 1:33:24 AM

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Joined On 5/3/2020 3:07:24 AM

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Of course his life has been threatened. Good Lord.

Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 2:17:01 AM

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Joined On 8/3/2021 2:16:48 AM

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Oh, Dr Mercola tears have rolling down my eyes,I can believe this is happening. Times are different 

now days,than when I came to America 42 yrs ago.We're living in the end of Democracy and freedom. 

You're a genuine men,you have show real American love to the people. I'm an American citizen,

I love this Country a lot, it's sad for me to see Americans hurting americans! 

Oh America where is your freedom of speech and love. I will pray for you and ask the Creator 

of all things to guide you and allowed you continue blessing other as you have been. 

You have been use to expose lies to light for good. Thank you Dr Mercola stay strong!🎶🙏️🗡️

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 1:59:15 AM

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Joined On 11/1/2013 4:20:11 AM

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I had a similar visceral response to this news which we know means you are under serious threats 

from Deep State, Globalist & Big Pharma actors, Dr. Mercola. The same actors along with Big Tech 

are disappearing your older articles from archive.org and the wayback machine.

I am literally sick to my stomach at the evil forces fighting against you. 

Please know that you are a heroic standard bearer and truth teller to many of us. 

We are not only grateful for everything you do for people all over the world, 

but for the very personal impact you have had on many of our lives and our personal health. 

We are now ALL confronting these powerful dark forces of evil. But YOU are a warrior on the frontlines. 

G_d bless you and keep you safe. You will be in my prayers regularly going forward. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you do and for continuing to fight for all of us and 

for our welfare!

Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 3:45:28 AM

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Joined On 2/6/2013 8:29:53 AM

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God Bless you! I thank you for all you do. I love and trust your products and will continue to purchase them!

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 1:59:23 AM

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Joined On 1/23/2016 3:00:03 AM

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Dear Dr. Mercola,

Please get in contact with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Doctors 4 Covid Ethics. They are collecting 

 testimonies from all those who's voices are being silenced over Covid , and legal cases are 

being prepared. They recently held a symposium (10 hours over 2 days) that you can find on  

ukcolumn.org (You may have to use a search engine other than g**gle) I'm sure they would greatly 

value your testimony and information. Much love to a brave man and his team.

Reply Mark as Spam Posted On 8/4/2021 3:34:00 AM

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a.s.o. ....................................

‘Ik ben boerin en wat Caroline van der Plas hier zegt is om te huilen. Ze moet zich schamen’

BBB-voorvrouw Caroline van der Plas sprak donderdag in de Kamer lovende woorden over het plan van minister van Landbouw Wiersma om stikstof ...