woensdag 4 augustus 2021


Posted by Natalie Jarmusik on Tue, Apr 9, 2019

The Nuremberg Code is one of the most influential documents

in the history of clinical research.

Created more than 70 years ago following the notorious World War II experiments, this written document established 10 ethical principles for protecting human subjects. 

We'll take a closer look at its origins, its guidelines and its enduring impact. 

What Is the Nuremberg Code?

When World War II ended in 1945, the victorious Allied powers enacted the International Military Tribunal on November 19th, 1945.  As part of the Tribunal, a series of trials were held against major war criminals and Nazi sympathizers holding leadership positions in political, military, and economic areas.  The first trial conducted under the Nuremberg Military Tribunals in 1947 became known as The Doctors’ Trial, in which 23 physicians from the German Nazi Party were tried for crimes against humanity for the atrocious experiments they carried out on unwilling prisoners of war.  Many of the grotesque medical experiments took place at the Auschwitz concentration camp, where Jewish prisoners were tattooed with dehumanizing numbers onto their arms; numbers that would later be used to identify their bodies after death.

The Doctors’ Trial is officially titled “The United States of America v. Karl Brandt, et al.,” and it was conducted at the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany.  The trial was conducted here because this was one of the few largely undamaged buildings that remained intact from extensive Allied bombing during the war.  It is also said to have been symbolically chosen because it was the ceremonial birthplace of the Nazi Party.  Of the 23 defendants, 16 were found guilty, of which seven received death sentences and nine received prison sentences ranging from 10 years to life imprisonment. The other 7 defendants were acquitted. 

The verdict also resulted in the creation of the Nuremberg Code, a set of ten ethical principles for human experimentation. 

What Are The Nuremberg Code's Ethical Guidelines For Research?

The Nuremberg Code aimed to protect human subjects from enduring the kind of cruelty and exploitation the prisoners endured at concentration camps. The 10 elements of the code are: 

1.     Voluntary consent is essential

2.     The results of any experiment must be for the greater good of society

3.     Human experiments should be based on previous animal experimentation

4.     Experiments should be conducted by avoiding physical/mental suffering and injury

5.     No experiments should be conducted if it is believed to cause death/disability

6.     The risks should never exceed the benefits

7.     Adequate facilities should be used to protect subjects

8.     Experiments should be conducted only by qualified scientists

9.     Subjects should be able to end their participation at any time

10.  The scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment when injury, disability, or death is likely to occur

The Significance Of The Nuremberg Code

The Nuremberg Code is one of several foundational documents that influenced the principles of Good Clinical Practice (GCP)

Good Clinical Practice is an attitude of excellence in research that provides a standard for study design, implementation, conduct and analysis. More than a single document, it is a compilation of many thoughts, ideas and lessons learned throughout the history of clinical research worldwide.

Several other documents further expanded upon the principles outlined in the Nuremberg Code, including the Declaration of Helsinki, the Belmont Report and the Common Rule. 

Although there has been updated guidance to Good Clinical Practice to reflect new trends and technologies, such as electronic signatures, these basic principles remain the same. The goal has always been—and always will be—to conduct ethical clinical trials and protect human subjects. 

Topics: Nuremberg Code1947World War II


‘Coercion is not consent’: Doctors, attorney slam coronavirus vaccine blitz

Monday, April 26, 2021 by: News Editors
Tags: America's Frontline DoctorsbadhealthbadmedicinebadsciencecoercionCOIVD 19 vaccinecoronavirusdisinfohealth freedommedical fascismMedical TyrannypandemicResistsimone goldvaccines

(Natural News) America’s Frontline Doctors were front and center at the Health and Freedom Conference last week.

(Article by Dorothy Cummings McLean republished from LifeSiteNews.com)

“We’re really just fighting for freedom,” founder Dr. Simone Gold told LifeSiteNews.

Gold was accompanied at last week’s sellout, 4,000-people-strong gathering by America’s Frontline Doctors legal director Ali Shultz and Dr. Shelley Cole. The two-day event was sponsored by Rhema Bible College.

Gold said that her organization has been noticing that constitutional freedoms are “evaporating,” and so it has gone in a “legal direction.” At the same time, they are still conscious of the medical problems Americans are facing, including not getting early treatment for COVID-19 and being denied mask exemptions.

Dr. Cole observed that patients have “real, valid concerns” about masks, and stated that America’s Frontline Doctors want to give them resources so they can find answers to their questions.

“There are a lot of people who have very specific indications that justify mask exemptions, so we’re trying to help,” she said.

The America’s Frontline Doctors’ website contains information of interest to anyone concerned about the coronavirus, its treatment, its vaccines, mask mandates, and their medical rights. The organization, which now includes 700,000 people, works with four doctors who provide informative articles and hundreds of doctors “in terms of clinical care,” Gold revealed.

Cole told LifeSiteNews that around 70,000 people have used the organization’s physician contact service.

“That’s 70,000 lives saved because of America’s Frontline Doctors,” interjected Shultz.

“Can you imagine? 70,000 people were able to get the help they needed.”

This help includes medicines that many doctors report have very high success rates of treating the virus, like hydroxychloroquine.

Gold said the organization receives letters from patients every day with messages like: “I was really, really sick. My doctor wouldn’t help me. Thank God for America’s Frontline Doctors. I got the medicine; within four hours I felt better.”

“There’s just so many letters like that you can read before you know that they’re lying when they say that the medicine doesn’t work or is anecdotal,” Gold remarked.

“We have thousands of those letters.”

Cole believes that people are waking up to the problems inherent in the medical profession, and said her organization exists to give people “as much information as (they) can because there’s been so much disinformation in the last few months.”

In terms of finding trustworthy sources of information, Cole said that everyone needs to do their research, learn, and decide for themselves. She recommended reading what others don’t want you to read.

“If you’re being censored, you’re probably speaking the truth,” she said.

Shultz added that “from a legal perspective” and having tracked cases, “It’s always a good idea to follow the money, too.”

Gold said that America’s Frontline Doctors is supported by donations from the public.

“We don’t take any Big Pharma money,” she declared.

“We don’t take government money. We don’t corporate money. I do think that’s a very smart place.”

She believes people should find sources that they already know and trust, having tested for themselves that they tell the truth.

Regarding the organization’s development of its legal arm, Shultz said the organization is “very excited” about the legal resources on their website, including a “network of attorneys” to whom they can direct people who need help.

Asked about the Nuremburg Code, which is a set of ethical principles for conducting research experiments on human beings, Gold said that many people aren’t aware that COVID-19 vaccines are experimental.

“The problem is, people are not even registering that this is an experimental medication (or) all the immorality of forcing anyone to take an experimental medication,” Gold said.

Shultz, who is an attorney, said that, quite apart from the Nuremburg Code, the Emergency Use Authorization for use of the new vaccines requires that people who receive it should have “informed consent.”

“Coercion is not consent,” she added.

Rebellion against coercion is growing. Gold told LifeSiteNews that people are now becoming even more interested in opposing oppressive policies than they are in finding doctors who will give them medicine to treat COVID-19 at home.

“The most urgent question I’ve been asked was, ‘How can I get my hands on the stuff,’ right? But that has faded in importance, and the next question that has taken its place is ‘How can I fight back?,’” she related.

Shultz said she fought back because she couldn’t bear her kids having to wear masks to school.

“I was able to get the mask mandate lifted from my kids’ school,” she said.

“And I want to help all of your viewers to do the same thing.”

She invited LifeSiteNews readers to look at the America’s Frontline Doctors’ website and to combine forces with like-minded people.

“Uniting with other people in your communities is the only way to stand up to this tyranny,” Shultz added.

“When one person says something, that’s fine, but when a large group come together, (people in power) might listen to you.”

Gold offered the organization’s “Citizen Corps” as a good training ground for people who want to fight back the way Shultz did.

“You’ll be able to meet like-minded folks, stand up, and reclaim freedom,” she said.

Gold has been on the forefront of challenging the government and media narrative regarding the actual dangers of COVID-19, its effective treatmentmasks, lockdowns, and the current distribution of experimental vaccines. A participant in the January 6 rally on Capitol Hill, the doctor was stunned when a team of  FBI agents broke her door down to arrest her.

Read more at: LifeSiteNews.com and HealthFreedom.news.


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