Klacht bij Internationaal Strafhof tegen Big Pharma, Gates & Schwab wegens genocide
Een Britse groep waar onder meer voormalig Pfizer-vicepresident Michael Yeadon deel van uitmaakt, heeft bij het Internationaal Strafhof een klacht ingediend tegen onder meer Bill en Melinda Gates, directeuren van vaccinmakers, WHO-baas Tedros en directeur van het World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab wegens misdaden tegen de menselijkheid.
De groep stelt deze mensen verantwoordelijk voor het overtreden van de Code van Neurenberg, oorlogsmisdaden, genocide en misdaden van agressie in Groot-Brittannië en andere landen. De organisatie haalde bakzeil bij de rechtbanken en heeft nu besloten om zich tot het Internationaal Strafhof te wenden.
De leden van de groep willen op deze manier proberen de verdere uitrol van coronavaccinaties, vaccinatiepaspoorten en andere vormen van ‘illegale oorlogvoering’ tegen te houden.
Staat gelijk aan moord
In de klacht (docx) die is neergelegd bij het Strafhof valt onder meer te lezen dat de ‘coronavaccins’ experimentele gentherapieën zijn en hebben geleid tot talloze sterfgevallen, die niet worden onderzocht. Ook schrijft de groep dat PCR-tests ‘volstrekt onbetrouwbaar’ zijn en ‘kankerverwekkend ethyleenoxide bevatten’.
Alleen al in Groot-Brittannië zijn 395.049 gevallen van bijwerkingen van de ‘coronavaccins’ gemeld. Ook worden ze in verband gebracht met verminderde vruchtbaarheid.
Het verbieden van veilige en effectieve alternatieve behandelingen tegen corona staat gelijk aan moord en moet door het Strafhof worden onderzocht, stelt de groep. Onderzoek waaruit blijkt dat ivermectine en hydroxychloroquine effectief zijn, wordt gecensureerd of niet gepubliceerd.
Goddeloos medisch experiment
De groepsleden citeren bovendien Holocaust-overlevenden die parallellen trekken tussen de coronaregels en het begin van de Holocaust. De Holocaust-overlevenden hebben in een open brief opgeroepen om ‘per direct een einde te maken aan dit goddeloze medische experiment op de mensheid’, dat volgens hen in strijd is met de Code van Neurenberg. Zij stellen verder dat zich voor onze ogen een ‘nog omvangrijkere Holocaust’ voltrekt.
Volgens de groep worden de ‘vaccins’ en lockdowns ingezet om de bevolking uit te dunnen en de samenleving te ontwrichten. Dit alles is onderdeel van een wereldwijd plan om alle democratische natiestaten stap voor stap te ontmantelen en het midden- en kleinbedrijf te vernietigen zodat alles in handen komt van grote corporaties, die eigendom zijn van de ultrarijken, aldus de groep.
[LifeSiteNews]December 6, 2021
International Criminal Court
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands
EMAIL: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
Subject of complaint:
- Violations of the Nuremberg Code
- Violation of Article 6 of the Rome Statute
- Violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statute
- Violation of Article 8 of the Rome
- Violation of Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute
Based on the extensive claims and enclosed
documentation, we charge those responsible for numerous violations of the
Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression in
the United Kingdom, but not limited to individuals in these countries.
Perpetrators: Prime Minister for the United Kingdom
BORIS JOHNSON, Chief Medical Officer for England and Chief Medical Adviser to
the UK Government CHRISTOPHER WHITTY, (former) Secretary of State for Health
and Social Care MATTHEW HANCOCK, (current) Secretary of State for Health and
Social Care SAJID JAVID, Chief Executive of Medicines and Healthcare products
Regulatory Agency (MHRA) JUNE RAINE, Director-General of the World Health
Organisation TEDROS ADANHOM GHEBREYESUS, Co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
WILLIAM GATES III and Co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation MELINDA
GATES, Chairman and Chief executive officer of Pfizer ALBERT BOURLA, Chief
Executive Officer of AstraZeneca STEPHANE BANCEL, Chief Executive Officer of
Moderna PASCAL SORIOT, Chief Executive of Johnson and Johnson ALEX GORSKY,
President of the Rockefeller Foundation DR RAJIV SHAH, Director of the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) DR ANTHONY FAUCI, Founder
and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum KLAUS SCWAB, President of
EcoHealth Alliance DR PETER DASZACK
Hannah Rose – Lawyer and human rights
Dr Mike Yeadon – Qualified life science
researcher with a degree in biochemistry in toxicology, and a research-based
PhD in respiratory pharmacology, former Vice President and Chief Scientist of
allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer
Piers Corbyn – Astrophysicist and activist
Mark Sexton – Retired Police officer
John O’Loony – Funeral Director and
Johnny McStay – Activist
Louise Shotbolt – Nurse and human rights
Legal representation and election of
The applicants will be represented for the
purposes of this procedure by Hannah Rose
Email: hannahroses111@hotmail.com
Consequently, all subsequent
correspondence shall be sent only to the email address given above. Any
notification within the meaning of the Statute of the Court addressed in this
way will be considered valid.
Mr Prosecutor,
1 This communication and complaint is provided to the
office of the Prosecutor pursuant to the United Kingdom’s accession to the
International Criminal Court’s Rome Statute deposited with the
Secretary-General of the United Nations on October 4, 2000.
2 We have tried to raise this case through the local
English police and the English Court system without success, we have been
unable to even get the case registered either with the police or with the court
after several attempts. The statute for the ICC declares that “The ICC is
intended to complement, not to replace, national criminal systems; it
prosecutes cases only when a State is unwilling or unable genuinely to carry
out the investigation or prosecution (Article 17(1)(a)). This
is such a case which is why we are addressing the ICC directly.
3 The Corona virus ‘vaccines’
are an innovative medical
treatment, which have only received temporary Authorisation under
Regulation 174 of the Human Medicine Regulations Act (2012). The long-term
effects and safety of the treatment in recipients are unknown. It is important
to note that the Corona Virus ‘vaccines’ are the world’s first introduction to
the synthetic m-RNA technology and all previous immunisations worked in a
totally different manner, by way of introducing a deactivated or weakened virus
to the body to trigger a natural arousal of the immune system against it. As
detailed by Dr Mike Yeadon, the risks anticipated by this innovative medical
treatment are hereby enclosed as Appendix 1 to this request.
4 All Phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine trials are ongoing and
not due to conclude until late 2022/early 2023. The vaccines are, therefore,
currently experimental with only limited short-term and no long-term adult
safety data available. In addition, they are using a completely new mRNA
vaccine technology, which has never previously been approved for use in humans.
The mRNA is effectively a pro-drug and it is not known how much spike protein
any individual will produce. Potential late-onset effects can take months or
years to become apparent. The limited children’s trials undertaken to date are
totally underpowered to rule out uncommon but severe side effects.
5 The Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ do not meet the requirements
to be categorised as vaccines and are in fact gene therapy (Appendix 8). The
Merriam-Webster dictionary quietly changed the definition of the term ‘vaccine’
to include components of the COVID-19 m-RNA injection. The definition of
vaccine was specifically changed due to the Covid-19 injection on February 5th
2021. Dr Mike Yeadon, joint applicant on this request, asserts that claims
calling the Covid-19 injections a ‘vaccine is public manipulation and
misrepresentation of clinical treatment. It’s not a vaccination. It’s not
prohibiting infection. It’s not a prohibiting transmission device. It’s a means
by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then allegedly your
body somehow gets used to dealing with it, but unlike a vaccine, which is to
trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin.’ MRNA uses the cell’s machinery to synthesize proteins
that are supposed to resemble the SPIKE protein of the virus, which is what it
uses to enter cells via the ACE2 receptor. These proteins are then identified
by the immune system, which builds antibodies against them. The real concern is
that these proteins could accumulate in the body especially in regions of high
concentration of ACE2 receptors, such as the gonads. If the immune system then
attacks the location where they accumulate, then you could be dealing with an
auto-immune condition.
6 PCR Tests
A review from the University
of Oxford's Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (Appendix 2) found that the
standard PRC test is so sensitive, that it can detect old infections by picking
up fragments of dead viral cells. Originally developed to detect the presence
of DNA and RNA in biological samples, even its Nobel Prize-winning inventor
Kary Mullis declared that PCR was never intended to diagnose a disease. It
simply detects the presence of specific genetic material, which may or may not
indicate infection. As Dr. Kary Mullis put it, the PCR technique can find
almost anything in anybody. The PCR test uses amplification cycles to find
viral RNA. The sample is repeatedly chemically amplified to increase the RNA
copies until they can be detected. Each “cycle” of amplification doubles the
number of molecules in a sample. If you run enough cycles, you can effectively
find a single molecule of any substance. Public Health England (PHE) policy
confirms that the cycle threshold should be set around 25.6 and if the machine
must run more than 25 to 35 cycles (Appendix 2a) to get the sample to the
test’s Limit of Detection, there isn’t enough virus in the sample to matter
(Appendix 2a)
We have information from
freedom of information requests that as many as 40-45 cycles are being carried
out (Appendix 3, 3a, 3b, 3c) which is too many because it increases the chance
of a positive result even without coronavirus RNA being present in the original
sample – hence the ‘asymptomatic’ individuals. In addition to being completely
unreliable the PCR tests also contain carcinogenic ethylene oxide. (Appendix
7 Covid is a biological weapon - Gain of function
Chinese Virologist Li-Meng Yan
was among the first researchers to study covid-19 in China after she was
enlisted to investigate the origin of the virus by superior Leo Poon. Dr
Li-Meng Yan and her team published a report (Appendix 4) claiming that the
novel coronavirus was developed “as a laboratory product created by using bat
coronaviruses ZC45 and/or ZXC21 as a template and/or backbone.” The report
states that “ZC45 and ZXC21 were discovered between July 2015 and February
2017 and isolated and characterized by the aforementioned military
research laboratories.” It also says that when a non-military lab,
the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre, published a Nature article reporting
“a conflicting close phylogenetic relationship between SARS-CoV-2 and ZC45/ZXC2
rather than with RaTG13, was quickly shut down for ‘rectification.’” The report
also accuses several publications of bowing to political pressure or of
experiencing “conflicts of interest” so as not to publish findings that differ
from the natural origin theory. “The existing scientific publications
supporting a natural origin theory rely heavily on a single piece of evidence –
a previously discovered bat coronavirus named RaTG13, which shares a 96%
nucleotide sequence identity with SARS-CoV-2,”.
8 The
National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the USA has admitted to funding of gain
of function research on bat coronaviruses at China’s Wuhan lab – despite Dr
Anthony Fauci repeatedly denying this. In a letter to Republican James Comer
(Appendix 5), NIH’s principal deputy director A. Tabak, blamed EcoHealth
Alliance – that funnelled US funds to the Wuhan lab – for not being transparent
about the work it was doing. British
scientist Peter Daszak who runs EcoHealth is accused by Tabak of failing to
comply with the terms of the grant. As recently as November 2021 Fauci was
accused of lying about gain of function research after documents obtained by
the intercept (Appendix 6) detailed grants given to EcoHealth Alliance for bat
coronavirus studies. The $3.1 million grant was awarded for a five-year period
between 2014 and 2019. After the funding was renewed in 2019, it was suspended
by the trump administration in April 2020. The grant directed $599,000 to the
Wuhan institute of Virology for bat coronavirus research.
9 British
Professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen, published
a report in the Quarterly Review of Biophysics (Appendix 7) and claim
that the coronavirus's spike protein contains sequences that appear to be
artificially inserted. They claim they had 'prima facie evidence of
retro-engineering in China' for a year - but were ignored by academics and
major journals. Dalgleish is a professor of oncology at St
George's University, London, and is best known for his breakthrough creating the
first working 'HIV vaccine', to treat diagnosed patients and allow them to go
off medication for months. While analysing COVID-19 samples last year in an
attempt to create a vaccine, Dalgleish and Sørensen discovered 'unique
fingerprints' in the virus that they say could only have arisen from
manipulation in a laboratory. They said they tried to publish their
findings but were rejected by major scientific journals which were at the time
resolute that the virus jumped naturally from bats or other animals to humans. Even
when former MI6 chief Sir Richard Dearlove spoke out publicly saying the
scientists' theory should be investigated, the idea was dismissed as 'fake
10 Graphene hydroxide
Dr Andreas Noack is a German chemist and one of the
EU’s top graphene experts, carbon expert and doctored in the field of activated
carbon whereby for his doctoral thesis he converted graphene oxide into
graphene hydroxide. Professor Dr Pablo Campra comes from the university of
Almeria, and alongside Dr Andreas Noack he examined the covid ‘vaccines’ for
the presence of graphene oxide with the Micro-Raman Spectroscopy, the study of
frequencies. According to both doctors, the vaccines don’t contain graphene
oxide but do contain graphene hydroxide. On November 23, 2021, Dr Andreas Noack
released a video explaining what graphene hydroxide is and how the nano
structures injected into the human body act as ‘razor blades’ inside the veins
of ‘vaccine’ recipients. Dr Andreas goes on to explain how due to the nano size
of the graphene oxide structures they would not show up on an autopsy as
toxicologists can’t imagine that there are structures that can cut up blood
vessels causing people to bleed to death on the inside so they would not be
looking for them, given their atomic size.
11 On 18th November 2020 Dr Andreas Noack was
on a ‘livestream’ on YouTube discussing the dangers of the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’
when he was arrested on camera by armed German police (Appendix 41). On 26th
November 2021, just hours after publishing his latest video about graphene
oxide and graphene hydroxide (Appendix 42) he was attacked and murdered.
12 We request a full investigation be done into the
inclusion of Graphene hydroxide in the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ and into the
assassination of Dr Andreas Noack.
13 Inflated Covid figures
The number of covid-19 cases have
been artificially inflated due to the inaccuracy and unreliability of the PCR
testing and the number Covid-19 deaths in the UK have been massively
artificially inflated due to the fact that a covid death is recorded if an
individual died for any reason within 28 days of a positive Covid-19
test (that was confirmed with the inaccurate and unreliable PRC tests). These
deaths are being recorded as Covid-19 regardless of whether Covid-19 was the factual
cause of death.
14 A Freedom of Information request (Appendix 43) shows
us that between March and June 2020 the total number of Covid-19 related deaths
in England and wales with no pre-existing health conditions was 4,476.
(Appendix 43)
15 However, the Covid-19 deaths for the same
period were recorded at 49,607 (Appendix 44)
(Appendix 44)
16 We submit that a further way that the Covid-19
statistics have been artificially inflated is by the ‘rebranding’ of the common
influenza, pneumonia and other respiratory infections as covid -19.
Epidemiologist Knut Wittowski, the former head of biostatistics, epidemiology
and research design at Rockefeller University claims ‘there may be quite a
number of influenza cases included in the ‘presumed Covid’ category of people
who have Covid symptoms (which influenza symptoms can be mistaken for), but are
not tested for SARS RNA’. Those patients he argued, ‘also may have some
SARS RNA sitting in their nose while being infected with influenza, in which
case the influenza would be ‘confirmed’ to be Covid’.
17 Data from the ONS (Appendix 45) showed that deaths in
2018 from influenza and pneumonia amounted to 29,516 and in 2019, was 26,398.
However, deaths in 2020 for influenza was recorded at just 394 and pneumonia at
13,619 (Appendix 46).
(Appendix 45)
18 John O’loony, a joint applicant on this request is a
funeral director running his own funeral home in Milton Keynes. He has
testified (Appendix 47) that as a funeral director he saw ‘a massive effort
made to deliberately inflate Covid death numbers. Cancer patients and stroke
victims and even one guy that was run over all ended up with Covid on their
death certificate’.
18a We submit that the misrepresentation of covid cases
and covid deaths warrants a full investigation by the Court.
19 Ineffectiveness of masks
The World Health Organisation (WHO)
has admitted that there is no evidence available on the usefulness of masks to
protect non-sick individuals (Appendix 9). In addition to hypoxia and
hypercapnia, breathing through facemask residues bacterial and germ components
on the inner and outside layer of the facemask. These toxic components are
repeatedly breathed back into the body, causing self-contamination. Breathing
through facemasks also increases temperature and humidity in the space between
the mouth and the mask, resulting in a release of toxic particles from the
mask’s materials. A systematic literature review estimated that aerosol
contamination levels of facemasks including 13 to 202,549 different viruses.
Rebreathing contaminated air with high bacterial and toxic particle
concentrations along with low O2 and high CO2 levels continuously challenge the
body homeostasis ,causing self-toxicity and immunosuppression. (Appendix 10)
20 Alternative treatments
Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, and
professor of medicine at Texas A and M College of Medicine. He has completed
his bachelor’s degree at Baylor University and has completed his medical degree
as an Alpha Omega Alpha graduate from the University of Texas Southwestern
Medical School in Dallas. He also completed his internal medicine residency at
the University of Washington in Seattle, his cardiology fellowship – including
service as Chief Fellow – at William Beaumont Hospital, and his master’s degree
in public health at the University of Michigan.
21 Hydroxychloroquine
The most widely studied and
utilized drug in all of COVID-19. It basically has three mechanisms of action.
It reduces the viral entry through endosomes. It helps work as a zinc
ionophore. And zinc actually works to impair the RNA-dependent polymerase. And
lastly, it’s an anti-inflammatory. It changes the overall profile of cells so
there’s less inflammation.
259 supportive trials, 385,000
individuals and Hydroxychloroquine is like I say, our mainstay in COVID-19
treatment. We have large studies as outpatients demonstrating hazard ratios
here, much less than one, implying a 50% reduction in hospitalization and death
from outpatient studies. We have a very large study from Iran where there’s
been, as you can see here, 28,000 individuals, they treat about 25% of their
high-risk patients with a short course of Hydroxychloroquine plus other drugs,
30% reduction in hospitalization and death (Appendix 15)
22 Ivermectin
Another drug that impairs
viral entry to the nucleus also has some properties against the spike protein.
We have 60 trials with Ivermectin, a much smaller amount of information than
Hydroxychloroquine, but that’s still substantial. And here, Ivermectin has
favourable hazard ratios for both inpatient and outpatient use, about a 70%
reduction in mortality. (Appendix 16)
23 Favipiravir
Available in five countries
overall, it’s like oral Remdesivir. Remdesivir is currently
approved in Japan as a treatment for patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, the
virus that causes COVID-19. Outside of Japan, Remdesivir is an investigational,
unapproved drug.
A report in the New England
Journal of Medicine in May concludes that the broad spectrum antiviral medication
developed by the biopharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences was superior to
placebo in shortening the time to recovery in adults hospitalized with COVID-19
and who had evidence of lower respiratory tract infection (Appendix 17).
24 Corticosteroids
This is a mainstay of
inpatient treatment. A meta-analysis suggests a 30% reduction in mortality.
Inhaled Budesonide, known in the United States as Pulmicort, a randomized trial
called the Stoic Trial. There was an 87% reduction in hospitalizations
with inhaled Budesonide. So we have positive data for both oral and inhaled
steroids (Appendix 18).
25 Colchicine (off label)
Colchicine is an
anti-inflammatory drug. The largest, highest quality, randomized prospective
double-blind placebo-controlled trial. This was coordinated at Montreal Heart
Institute. Over 4,000 outpatients with symptomatic COVID-19, and among those
who were confirmed positive, a 25% reduction in hospitalization and death
(Appendix 19)
26 Clade x and Event 201 Scenario
In May, 2018, the WEF
partnered with Johns Hopkins to simulate a fictitious pandemic dubbed ‘Clade X’ (Appendix 12) to see how prepared the world be if ever faced
with a catastrophic pandemic. A little
over a year later, the WEF once again teamed-up with Johns Hopkins, along with
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to stage another pandemic
exercise called ‘Event 201’ in October, 2019 (Appendix 13). Both simulations
concluded that the world wasn’t prepared for a global pandemic. A few short
months following the conclusion of Event 201, which specifically
simulated a coronavirus outbreak, the World Health Organization (WHO)
officially declared that the coronavirus had reached pandemic status on March
11, 2020.
27 “The next severe pandemic will not only cause great
illness and loss of life but could also trigger major cascading economic and
societal consequences that could contribute greatly to global impact and
suffering” — Event 201 pandemic simulation (October, 2019)
27a Since then, just about every scenario covered in the
Clade X and Event 201 simulations has come into play, including:
- Governments
implementing lockdowns worldwide
- The
collapse of many industries
- Growing
mistrust between governments and citizens
- A
greater adoption of biometric surveillance technologies
- Social
media censorship in the name of combating misinformation
- The
desire to flood communication channels with “authoritative” sources
- A global
lack of personal protective equipment
- The
breakdown of international supply chains
- Mass
- Rioting
in the streets
28 After the nightmare scenarios had fully materialized by mid-2020, the
WEF founder declared “now is the time for a great reset” in June 2021.
29 We submit that it is highly unlikely, to the point
that it is unbelievable, that this is purely excellent forecasting,
planning, and modelling on the part of the WEF and partners that Clade X and
Event 201 turned out to be so prophetic.
30 Agenda 21/30 and the Great Reset Agenda
“The pandemic represents a
rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our
world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future” —
Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum
31 The so-called “great reset” promises to build
‘a more secure, more equal, and more stable world” if everyone on the
planet agrees to “act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our
societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working
conditions.” (Appendix 11) But it wouldn’t have been possible to
contemplate materializing such an all-encompassing plan for a new world order
without a global crisis, be it manufactured or of unfortunate happenstance,
that shocked society to its core.
32 Together, the Johns Hopkins Centre for Health
Security, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
submitted seven recommendations for governments, international
organizations, and global business to follow in the event of a pandemic
(Appendix 14). The Event 201 recommendations call for greater collaboration
between the public and private sectors while emphasizing the importance of
establishing partnerships with un-elected, global institutions such as the WHO,
the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the International Air
Transport Organization, to carry out a centralized response. One of the
recommendations calls for governments to partner with social media companies
and news organization to censor content and control the flow of information.
33 According to the report,
“Governments will need to
partner with traditional and social media companies to research and develop
nimble approaches to countering misinformation. National public health
agencies should work in close collaboration with WHO to create the capability
to rapidly develop and release consistent health messages. For their part,
media companies should commit to ensuring that authoritative messages
are prioritized and that false messages are suppressed including
though [sic] the use of technology.”
34 Censorship
Throughout 2020, Twitter,
Facebook, and YouTube have been censoring, suppressing, and flagging any
coronavirus-related information that goes against World Health Organisation (WHO)
recommendations as a matter of policy, just as Event 201 had recommended. Big
tech companies have also deployed the same content suppression tactics during
the 2020 US presidential elections — attaching “disputed” claims on
content that question election integrity. The UK government and governments
around the world are using the ‘pandemic’ to crack down on free expression and
access to information. From the onset of Covid-19, political considerations
have clashed with concerns about public health and free expression. Authorities
have blocked legitimate websites and ordered the removal of unwanted content.
Officials have reinforced these controls by criminalising more categories of
online expression and arresting journalists, activists, and members for public
speaking about the government’s performance. To suppress unfavourable health
statistics, critical reporting and other COVID-19 content the UK government has
blocked websites or forced users, social media platforms, or online outlets to
delete information. There has been an unprecedented assault on the freedom of
doctors to care for their patients, and Dr Robert Malone, the INVENTOR
of the RNA vaccines has been de-platformed on all social media for speaking out
against the covid injections. Some
academic journals are blocking the publication of studies showing the
effectiveness of drugs such as Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Smear
campaigns are being waged against any doctors and scientists who challenge the
WHO narrative on Covid-19 and the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’. We are in a situation
where governments and global NGO’s have seized control of the medical profession.
Parallels to 1930’s Germany
34a There are several survivors of the German Holocaust
drawing stark parallels between Covid restrictions and the beginning of the
Holocaust. An open letter sent to; the European Medical Agency (EMA), The
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), U.K, The Australian
Health Regulation Agency, (AHPRA), Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA),
Australia, Medsafe, New Zealand and the Federation of Medical Regulatory
Authorities (FMRAC), Canada (Appendix 50) states,
“We, the survivors of the
atrocities committed against humanity during the Second World War, feel
bound to follow our conscience. … Another holocaust of greater magnitude is
taking place before our eyes. We call upon you to stop this ungodly medical
experiment on humankind immediately. It is a medical experiment to which
the Nuremberg Code must be applied.” (Rabbi Hillel Handler, Hagar
Schafrir, Sorin Shapira, Mascha Orel, Morry Krispijn et al)
34b During an interview with Dr Reiner Fuellmich,
(Appendix 51) Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav draws on her experience during
Nazi Germany to form her perspective on what is happening in the world today.
During the interview she goes on to say:
34c “Under the Nazi Regime, moral norms were systematically
obliterated. The medical profession and institutions were radically
transformed, academic science, the military, industry and clinical medicine
were tightly interwoven, as they are NOW. The Nazi system destroyed a social conscience in
the name of Public Health. Violations against individuals and classes of human
beings were institutionalised. Eugenics driven public health policies replaced
the Physician’s focus on the good of the individual. [The] German
medical profession and institutions were perverted. Coercive public health
policies violated individual civil and human rights. Criminal methods were used
to enforce policy. Nazi Propaganda used fear of infectious epidemics to
demonise Jews as spreaders of disease, as a menace to public health….
Fear and propaganda were the psychological weapons the Nazis used to
impose a genocidal regime and today, some are beginning to understand
why the German people didn’t rise up, fear kept them from doing the right
thing. Medical mandates are a major step backwards towards a fascist
dictatorship and genocide. Government dictates, medical intervention,
these undermine our dignity as well as our FREEDOM….The stark lesson of
the Holocaust is that whenever doctors join forces with government and deviate
from their personal, professional, clinical commitment to do no harm to the
individual, medicine can then be perverted from a healing, humanitarian
profession to a murderous apparatus… What sets the Holocaust apart from
all other mass genocides is the pivotal role played by the medical
establishment, the entire medical establishment. Every step of the
murderous process was endorsed by the academic, professional medical
establishment. Medical doctors and prestigious medical societies and
institutions lent the veneer of legitimacy to infanticide, mass murder of
civilians. T4 was the first industrialised medical murder project in
history. The first victims were disabled German infants and children under 3….
The next victims were the mentally ill, followed by the elderly in nursing
homes. The murderous operations were methodical, and followed protocol
very, very carefully. “
35 a medical code of ethics based on the laws under
which the Nazi criminals were judged in U.S.A. vs. Karl Brandt, et al. (Nuremberg physicians’ trial), for their role
in conducting horrific medical experiments during the Second World War. The
Nuremberg Code later constituted the basis for the Helsinki Declaration 1965
which binds the World Medical Association and practicing physicians to ‘act
in the [individual] patient’s best interest when providing medical care’.
36 Article
21 of the Rome Statute sets out the legal sources upon which the ICC may draw.
The statute defines three primary sources of international law; international
treaties, international custom, and general principles of law recognised by
civilized nations. It is recognised that the three sources are of equal value
and that there is no hierarchy among them. According to the Statute, subsidiary
means for determining the rules of law are judicial decisions and academic
writings. Besides these enumerated sources, international legal rules can also
be created by unilateral acts, such as declaration or a reservation (Shabas
William, An Introduction to the International Criminal Court, 155,
36a We submit to the Court that the Nuremberg Code qualifies
as a source of international law by way of Article 21(1)(b) of the Rome
Statute. Article 21(3) states that the application and interpretation of law
‘must be consistent with internationally recognised human rights’. We submit
that that ‘Physician’s trial case’ established a precedent that must be drawn
upon for the purpose of this request and we submit for consideration the notion
that the Nuremberg code qualifies as a source of international law under the
jus cogens principle.
37 The elements of customary (jus cogens)
international law include:
widespread repetition by States of similar international acts over time (State
requirement that the acts must occur out of a sense of obligation (opinio
juris); and
the acts are taken by a significant number of States and not rejected by a
significant number of States.
38 In 1950, the International Law Commission listed as evidence of customary
international law: treaties, decisions of national courts and international
tribunals, national legislation, diplomatic correspondence, opinions of
national legal advisors, and the practice of international organizations
(“Report of the International Law Commission to the General Assembly (Part II):
Ways and Means of Making the Evidence of Customary International Law More
Readily Available,” [1950] 2 Y.B. Int’l L. Comm’n 367, ILC
Doc. A/1316).
39 i. Practice requirement – We submit that this
requirement is satisfied by way of the pharmaceutical manufacturers operating
internationally and the Nuremberg code for medical practice being extended into
general codes of medical ethics by both States, Global NGO’s and to which all
physicians and pharmaceutical companies are bound. The Nuremberg Code has
not been officially adopted in its entirety as law by any nation, nonetheless, its
basic requirement of informed consent, has been universally accepted and is
articulated in international law in Article 7 of the United Nations
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966). Informed
consent, with specific reliance on the Nuremberg Code, is also the basis of the
International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human
Subjects, the most recent guidelines promulgated by the World Health
Organization and the Council for International Organizations of Medical
Sciences (1993).
40 ii. Opinio Juris sive necessitatis requirement
– We submit that the worldwide recognition, acceptance, adoption, and practice
of the ethical standards of the Nuremberg Code through general codes of medical
ethics amounts to an obligation on physicians and pharmaceutical
manufacturers to abide by the principles. Any physician or research scientist
found to have breached any of the 10 principles of the Nuremberg code would
face criminal liability, therefore we submit that the opinion juris requirement
is satisfied qualifying the Nuremberg Code as a source of international law
under the Jus cogens customary norm principle.
41 It is our intention to present to you, and detail
how, in the United Kingdom this year, the Government of the United Kingdom,
with its Ministers and senior officials have violated the Nuremberg Code not
only in a single aspect but in many aspects.
42 a)
Informed consent to participate in a medical experiment
The first principle of
the Nuremberg Code is a willingness and informed consent by the person to
receive treatment and participate in an experiment. The person is supposed to
activate freedom of choice without the intervention, either through force,
deceit, fraud, threat, solicitation, or any other type of binding or coercion.
43 When the heads of the Ministry of Health as well as
the Prime Minister presented the vaccine in the United Kingdom and began the vaccination
of United Kingdom residents, the vaccinated were not advised, that in practice,
they would be taking part in a medical experiment and that their consent
is required under the Nuremberg Code. This as a matter of fact is a genetic
medical experiment on human beings performed without informed consent under
a severe and blatant offense of the Nuremberg Code.
44 b) Alternative treatments
– On the subject of informed
consent for medical treatment, and based on the Nuremberg Code principles, an
obligation exists to detail and suggest to a patient several treatment
alternatives, detailing the medical process (and all that is included in it) as
well as the advantages and disadvantages/ benefits and risks, existing in every
treatment, to enable him to make an intelligent personal decision regarding
the treatment he prefers. As stated, this choice must be made freely by the
45 Despite all of the above-stated, the Government of
the United Kingdom and the Ministry of Health continue to fail to present the
citizens of the United Kingdom with the currently existing alternatives for
treating Covid 19. Alternative treatments that have now been proven to be both
extremely safe and extremely efficacious in the treatment of Covid 19 with up
to a 100% success rate with alternative treatments mentioned above. The
government of the United Kingdom continue to solicit their citizens, pressuring
and manipulating them in blatant violation of the informed consent process,
intentionally concealing information regarding the vaccinations and creating an
atmosphere of fear and coercion.
c) The experiment will be conducted to
prevent suffering or physical injury.
46 It is known that the m-RNA ‘vaccination’ treatments
have caused the death of many as well as injury and severe damage (including
disablement and paralysis) after the ‘vaccine’ was administered. Despite this
fact, the government did not instruct the initiation of an investigation into
the matter. It is also questionable that given the experimental nature of these
vaccinations, that there are not any full reports available of the numbers of
dead or injured, as may be expected in such a medical process for the benefit
of the public participating in the experiment.
d) The experiment must not be conducted when there
is reason to assume that death or real injury will occur.
47 - Regarding the violation of this principle, as stated above, the data on cases of death from the treatment
is suppressed and we the citizens hear only by word of mouth and on social
networks (friends, neighbours or relatives) not from the state media.
e) The individual in charge of the experiment must
be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause
to believe it will cause injury, disability or death of the experiment
48 - It has already been proven that many have died from
the m-RNA treatments, were injured or became disabled; however the Government
of the United Kingdom continues to compel this dangerous experiment on its
49 It is our further intention to present to you, and
detail how, in the United Kingdom this year, the Government of the United
Kingdom, with its Ministers and senior officials have violated the Rome Statute
of the International Criminal Court not only in a single aspect but in many
ARTICLE 6 – Genocide
50 Pursuant to the Rome Statute’s Article
6, - “genocide” means any of the following acts committed with intent to
destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group,
as such:
(a) Killing members of
these groups:
51 - the
group in this case is in principle “the entire population of the United
Kingdom” (and the world) starting with the elderly, chronically ill and
(b) Causing serious bodily harm or mental
harm to members of the group:
52 - Proven long-term effects 8 months after
first being infected by the virus (appendix 20
53 - Massive short-term damage and death from the
‘vaccines’. As of 24th November 2021, for the UK 136,582 yellow
cards have been reported for the Pfizer ‘vaccine’, 238,086 have been reported
for the AstraZeneca, 19,101 for the Moderna and 1,280 have been reported where
the brand was not specified. That is a
total of 395,049 reported adverse reactions in the UK alone that were serious
enough to warrant being reported to the Yellow Card reporting system (Appendix
54 - Expected long term effects as above in
the vaccinated
55 - Statistical evidence suggests massive
increase in deaths after ‘vaccination’ (Appendix 21)
56 - Immeasurable mental harm caused by 24/7
psychological warfare propaganda, false positive PCR tests, lack of medical
care and mass vaccinations.
57 - Increase in alcoholics relapsing, eating disorders
relapsing and not being managed in the community due to lockdowns.
58 - The number of vulnerable children calling ChildLine
was up 37% over lockdowns (Appendix 22)
(c) Deliberately inflicting
on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction
in whole or in part:
59 - Destruction of wealth and businesses by
the imposed lockdowns (Appendix 23)
60 - Inflicting damage on the immune systems of all
those who either got ill from the virus and/or received the m-RNA ‘vaccine’,
the mask mandates and mandatory test regimes
61 Statistics prove that those who received a
covid-‘vaccine’ are at greater risk of getting seriously ill, and even family
members of the vaccinated are become ill and in some cases dying. This is an
extremely alarming signal of what the future holds. (Appendix 24)
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent
births within the group:
62 - Proven increase in spontaneous abortion after a Covid
m-RNA ‘vaccination. A recent study in the New England Medical Journal showed 8
in 10 women had a miscarriage after taking a Covid ‘vaccine’ before the third
trimester (Appendix 25)
63 - Expected reduction in fertility after a Covid-‘vaccination’
due to the deliberate change in DNA sequencing from the m-RNA (Appendix 26)
ARTICLE 7 – Crimes against humanity
64 Pursuant to the Rome Statute’s Article 7 – Crimes
against humanity, means any of the following acts when committed as part of
a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population,
with knowledge of the attack:
(a) Murder:
65 - Statistics from the Office for National Statistics
(ONS) shown below (also Appendix 27) have recorded between January 2nd
2021 and July 2nd 202l, 18,653 deaths within 21 days of the first
dose of a Covid Vaccine – 4,388 (30%) of those involving the Covid-19 virus.
73,822 deaths 21 days or more after the first dose – 7,289 (11%) of those
involved the Covid-19 Virus. 11,652 deaths within 21 days of a second dose –
182 (1.5%) involved the Covid-19 virus and 57,721 deaths 21 days or more after
second dose – 458 (0.8%).
66 Further data from the ONS shown in the tables below (also
Appendix 28) demonstrates, that there was a 23% increase in the deaths
registered in January 2021 compared with January 2020. Similarly with February
2021 compared with February 2020 there was increase in overall deaths of 26%. We
know that the Covid 19 ‘vaccines’ were rolled out in the UK in December of 2020
and anyone who was genuinely willing to take the ‘vaccines’ freely and without
political pressure or coercion was going to do so within the first few weeks of
the rollout, this staggering increase in death within the first 8 weeks of the
introduction of the experimental vaccines is alarming to say the least and
warrants a full investigation by the court.
67 The protocol in the UK for an individual who tests
positive for Covid-19 has been to self-isolate and stay home until you
absolutely can’t breathe at which point you go to the hospital to be put on a
ventilator and in most cases die. A study (Appendix 29) of 1023 covid-19
patients on ventilators found that 42% of them died and 57% survived. We submit
that the suppression of safe and effective alternative treatments for Covid-19
amounts to murder and warrants a full investigation by the court.
68 Data taken from the ONS below shows that during April
2020 there were 26,541 deaths that occurred in care homes, an increase of
17,850 on the five-year average. (Appendix 52 )
69 The Liverpool Care Pathway was abandoned in 2014
after being deemed inhumane, but evidence suggests it was brought back at the
start of the pandemic in early 2020 and is being implemented in care homes
across the UK. In a House of commons document,
Matt Hancock and Conservative MP Dr Luke Evans discuss the use of
medications to give Covid patients a ‘good death’ (euthanasia).
(Appendix 30)
70 In March 202 Hancock ordered two years’ worth of a
sedative called Midazolam from a French supplier (Appendix 31). At the
time the order was made it was claimed that Midazolam was for the treatment of
covid 19 patients – Midazolam suppresses the respiratory system – Covid-19 is a
respiratory disease. We request the court carry out a full investigation into
why the UK government would purchase two years’ worth of Midazolam, a drug
associated with respiratory suppression and respiratory arrest, to treat a
disease that causes respiratory suppression and respiratory arrest.
(Appendix 32)
71 The document (Appendix 32) also provides a table
confirming dosage of Midazolam for the elderly or unwell should be no more than
0.5mg-1mg, side effects include cardiorespiratory depression and the drug
should be used with caution in those suffering respiratory disease.
72 A document produced by the NHS (Appendix 33) states
that Midalozam should be used for comfort at the end of life care due to
Covid-19 to ease fear, anxiety and agitation. The document states that
Midazolam should be used for sedation prior to the patient requiring mechanical
ventilation. The same document also provides confirmation that Midazolam has
the potential to impair the respiration system, particularly in the presence of
disease or old age and clearly states that dosage should be kept to a minimum
and should be within the manufacturers guidelines.
73 We submit that
creating policy for treating patient allegedly suffering anxiety due to
Covid-19 with a starting dose of 2.5mg of Midazolam when the recommended dose
for elderly and/or frail patients is 0.25mg amounts to unlawful euthanasia and
murder and warrants a full investigation by the court.
74 Additionally,
a large number of vaccinated people are getting seriously ill and are at risk
of dying from an immune system failure, antibody dependent enhancement, in the
near future (Appendix 34)
(b) Extermination:
75 There is good reason to assume that a large
percentage of the UK population (and world population) is now at risk of either
serious illness or death due to the recent mRNA ‘vaccines’. Animal studies
conducted in 2012-2013 (Appendix 35 and 36) to test mRNA vaccines found most
animals died within 2 weeks of receiving the treatment, this is equivalent to
1.5 years for humans. The vaccinated
have been exposed to the very same ‘man-made spike protein’ as the virus. Both
the virus and the vaccines have been proven to be able to change human DNA (Appendix
37). The immune system is unlikely to ever return to what it was after
receiving a covid ‘vaccination’. Several high-level immunologists and vaccine
designers including joint applicant on this request Dr Mike Yeadon, have
warned, in the worst possible scenario, most of the human race who have
received these m-RNA treatments will perish.
(e) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of
physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law:
76 - Ban on freedom of travel both national
and international
77 - Forced lockdown and economic warfare – especially
on small business owners – forcing people to be dependent on the State for
78 - Forced quarantine in hotels for both healthy and
false positive PCR tests and rapid flow tests returning from international
79 - Forced ‘self -isolation’ at the demand
of NHS Track and Trace app
80 - Severe deprivation of physical liberties on travel,
visiting friends, arranging parties, taking part in cultural and sports
activities, religious congregations
(f) Torture:
81 - Psychological terror and warfare (mental torture)
is being administered by the Government, State Media and main-stream media
along with Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and
(g) Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution,
forced pregnancies, enforced sterilisations, or any other form of sexual
violence of comparable gravity:
82 - One effect of the ‘vaccines’ suggested by a number
of medical doctors and scientists is ‘enforced sterilisations’ with a number of
spontaneous abortions/ miscarriages reported by pregnant women who received a
covid ‘vaccine’ (Appendix 38, 39)
(h) Persecution against any identifiable group or
collectively on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious,
gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally
recognised as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act
referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the
83 - Persecution against the unvaccinated,
loss of jobs, refusal to public events
84 - Persecution against all religious groups
being hindered to attend places of worship
(j) Apartheid:
85 - The real effect of the new ‘vaccine passport’ will
introduce a new form of medical apartheid, for the benefit of pressuring people
to get vaccinated and to deprive those who are not vaccinated of the right to
travel, work and participate in society as normal.
(k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character
intentionally causing great suffering or serious injury to the body or to
mental or physical health:
86 - Social distancing measures, mask mandates, fear
mongering, vaccination pressure as well as the ‘vaccines’ themselves are all
reasons for serious injury to the body, mind and soul.
ARTICLE 8 – War crimes
87 Contextual element of a war crime - We submit to you that a covert war has
been waged against the people of the United Kingdom (and the world) through the
release of the biological weapon SARS-Cov-2 and the additional bioweapon, m-RNA
gene therapy ‘vaccines’. We submit that the people of the United Kingdom (and
the world) are under systemic attack from those who released the
beforementioned biological weapons and by those individuals within the UK
Government and international leaders against which we have brought this
request, who seek to serve the same agenda. We therefore submit that the
contextual element of a war crime has been met and the alleged crimes took
place in the context of an international and non-international armed conflict.
88 Mens Rea element: We further submit that the members of the UK government
and world international leaders against which we have brought this complaint,
are knowingly working on behalf of this global agenda for depopulation
through the biological weapons known as SARS-Cov-2 and the m-RNA ‘vaccines’. We
submit therefore that the members of the UK government and world leaders
against which we have brought this complaint have both knowledge and intent
with respect to these alleged crimes.
89 The Court shall have jurisdiction in respect of war
crimes in particular when committed as part of a plan or policy or as part of a
large-scale commission of such crimes.
90 Pursuant to the Rome Statute Article 8 ‘war
crimes’ means:
(a) Grave breaches of the
Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949, namely, any of the following acts
against persons or property protected under the provisions of the relevant
Geneva Convention:
(i) Wilful killing:
91 - We have provided statistical data of the death rate
of the ‘vaccines’ killing a relatively large proportion of recipients, with
numbers increasing as a result of more ‘vaccinations’ being administered, it is
a logical conclusion that the continuing use of these ‘vaccines’ constitutes a
wilful killing. Even if the victims are predominantly elderly, we also have a
relatively high proportion of deaths and harm for younger and healthier people.
92 - We have provided evidence that the use of 5 times
the recommended amount of Midazolam for patients in care homes amounts to
wilful killing
93 - Graphene hydroxide in the vaccines
(ii) Torture
94 - The Cov-SARS-2 Virus is a man-made “gain of
function virus”. It was created as a
“biological experiment” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology during a period of
at least 10-15 years, according to massive documentation enclosed hereby. The
Virus was released, either by an accident or deliberately.
95 - The development of such a biological
weapon is a crime on its own merit.
96 - The use of the masks by a mandate also constitutes
a biological experiment. Which has caused massive harms as documented in
the Danish Mask study (Appendix 40)
97 - The use of the test-pins and the use
of cancer rated chemicals in the noses of millions of humans are also clearly a
biological experiment or warfare.
98 - The so-called vaccines are only approved for
emergency use only, and the massive use of these gene therapy drugs constitute
the largest biological experiment in human history and causing an irreversible
change to the DNA, through the Vaccination.
99 - Such an experiment on our DNA is the worst crime
ever committed against the human race, totally without informed consent.
(iii) Wilfully causing great suffering, or
serious injury to body or health:
100 - The forced use of face masks has caused
great harm, both physically and mentally.
101 - The closing down of doctor’s offices has clearly
caused serious injury to body and health with a number of serious illnesses
going undiagnosed and/or untreated for months due to closures
102 - The vaccines are proven to kill and cause major
damage to health, based on the short-term effects only.
103 - The psychological warfare, and economic warfare by
the lock downs, combined with the medical and biological warfare causes immense
injury to the health.
104 - The denial of use of effective medicine (HCQ,
Ivermectin), against Cov-Sars2 is a cause of serious injury to body or health
and the cause of many preventable deaths in the UK
105 - Suppression of alternative treatments
106 - Use of ventilators with such low success
107 - Midazolam used to euthanise elderly in
care homes
(iv) Extensive destruction
and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried
out unlawfully and want only:
108 - The extensive economical destruction of business activity, as well as
private wealth and personal and business income due to UK lockdowns has led to
a massive appropriation of private property by the banks, from people, who are
not able to achieve a normal income due to all the effects of the lockdowns
109 - A massive transfer of property from the middle
class to the ultrarich Globalists will be the consequence of these policies
worldwide. This can be interpreted as the biggest land and power grab in
modern history.
(v) Intentionally directing attacks against the
civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct
part in hostilities:
110 - The people of the United Kingdom (and the entire
human race) are currently under attack by way of these draconian measures and
biological warfare, which is an integrated part of a psychological and economic
(iv) Intentionally launching an attack in the
knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to
civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe
damage to the natural environment which would be clearly excessive in relation
to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated:
111 - The creation of the Cov-SARS-2 virus was
the pre-condition for launching this attack.
112 - There is a timeline going back to the 1990s and the
first SARS1 virus, as to the MERS Virus. And to both US Military biological
research (DARPA), linked to French, British, Australian and to a large extent
the Chinese efforts done during more than 15 years.
113 - There is a clear link to the so-called Globalist
Elite, the Club of Rome, the WEF (Davos Group), Globalist politicians, the
biggest Capitalists on earth, and their plan of Agenda 2030 (UN), WHO, and “the
Great Reset”.
114 - These people have clearly spoken of a need for a
great global depopulation, and Bill Gates among others, have stated that the
Vaccinations is one way to do it.
115 - Gain of Function manipulation of the Virus has
given the virus properties that makes it able to spread 10-20 times compared to
the SARS 1 and MERS and all other Corona viruses. The scientists behind this
gain of function research have created a dangerous synthetic Virus, as
documented enclosed. With a dangerous “Hiv GP120” component to make it dormant,
like HIV. (Appendix 49)
116 - The project seems to be a Global conspiracy to
radically change both the demographical as well as the political landscape, by
a transformation from a democratic system into a totalitarian world, to be
ruled by a centralised unelected elite.
117 - The massive destruction of life, the effects of economic
warfare, connected to an alleged medical emergency, and a massive psychological
warfare operation, with the initial aim of
brainwashing the population into accepting mass vaccination, as the only
remedy for returning to a less than normal situation, and the only available the
first step.
118 - The massive economic melt-down is leading to a
financial collapse of epic proportions, causing states and currencies, at least
in Europe, to collapse totally.
119 - Based on the economic ruin and catastrophe, it is
likely that martial law will be introduced, a result of the economic collapse
and the coming social unrest. Under the Defence Act 2020 new powers were given
to the police to ‘strengthen enforcement powers to reduce the spread of Corona
virus, protect the NHS and save lives’
I20 -
The financial crisis will most likely lead to the collapse of both banks and
central banks, and loss of private property on a massive scale, to the benefit
of the ultrarich elite only.
121 - New bail out rules, and delays on
financial reporting, has only delayed this crash.
122 - On top of all of this, and other measures, the
medium and long-term effects of both the Cov-SARS2, as well as the “Vaccines”
will soon be apparent, causing massive illness and death of biblical
proportions, never seen before.
8 bis3 - Crimes of aggression
123 For the purpose of this Statute, “crime of
aggression” means the planning, preparation, initiation or execution, by a
person in a position effectively to exercise control over or to direct the
political or military action of a State, of an act of aggression which, by its
character, gravity and scale, constitutes a manifest violation of the Charter
of the United Nations.
124 This is a global criminal conspiracy,
which has been planned for several decades.
125 It is now obvious that “the plan” involves the
ultrarich and leaders of most nation states, with a few exceptions. It is also
clear that powerful think-tanks including WEF in Davos as well as the Club of
Rome, and other NGOs like WHO and GAVI among others, are at the centre of this
draconian criminal conspiracy. Under the official slogan; “BUILD
BACK BETTER”, used by the President of WHO, the President of USA, as well as
the President of WEF, the Prime Minister of the UK as well as countless other
World leaders.
126 The goal of this activity is to create a new world
order, through the UN¨s Agenda 2030, by dismantling all the Democratic Nation
States, step by step, controlled by an un-elected elite and to destroy the
freedoms and basic human rights of the peoples of the Earth. In addition
to this, the aim is to destroy small and medium sized businesses, moving the
market shares to the largest corporations, owned by the Global Elite. The
fulfilment of this goal will most likely lead to full enslavement of mankind.
127 This is being done by means of the threat from both a
dangerous biological weapon, the virus, the vaccines, the testing test pins,
the mask mandates and all other measures. All of which constitute not only a
breach of National laws, but also a fundamental breach of the Charter of the
United Nations and the Treaty of Rome and our Fundamental Human rights.
128 It is of the utmost urgency that ICC take immediate
action, taking all of this into account, to stop the rollout of covid vaccinations,
introduction of unlawful vaccination passports and all other types of illegal
warfare mentioned herein currently being waged against the people of the United
Kingdom by way of a court injunction.
129 Jurisdiction
Alleged crimes within the jurisdiction of
the court
On the basis of the
information available, there is a reasonable basis to believe that violations
of the Nuremberg Code, genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes have
been committed.
Place and date of alleged commission of
the crimes:
130 - The above crimes are alleged to have been committed
in the territory of the United Kingdom (and the world)
131 - Since the United Kingdom is a State Party, the
Court may exercise jurisdiction over all alleged crimes committed on United
Kingdom Territory since October 4, 2000, irrespective of the nationality of the
132 - In particular, article 12(2)(a) provides that the
Court may exercise its jurisdiction over crimes referred to in article 5 if the
“State on the territory of which the conduct in question occurred” is a Party
to the Statute. Thus, since the alleged crimes identified in this Request have
been committed on the territory of a State Party to the Rome Statute, the Court
has territorial jurisdiction over these alleged crimes, regardless of whether
the alleged suspects are nationals of a State Party (D. Akande, ‘The
Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over Nationals of Non-Parties:
Legal Basis and Limits’, Jrnl Int’l Crim Justice 1 (2003), pp. 618-650; G.
Danilenko, ‘ICC Statute and Third States’, in A. Cassese, P. Gaeta & J.
Jones eds., The Rome Statute Of The International Criminal Court: A Commentary,
(2002), pp. 1871-1897).
133 - A suspect is not required to be physically present in
the territory of a State Party when a crime is committed for the Court to be
able to exercise jurisdiction over his or her conduct, as long as the crime
imputed to the suspect occurred within the confines of such territory (Prosecutor
v. Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi and Abdullah Al-Senussi, Appeals Chamber, “Judgment on
the appeal of Libya against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I of 31 May 2013
entitled ‘Decision on the admissibility of the case against Saif Al- Islam
Gaddafi’”, ICC-01/11-01/11-547-Red, 21 May 2014, para. 62)
134 Date
- The crimes allegedly
committed on the territory of the United Kingdom between …….. and …… fall
within the Court’s jurisdiction ratione temporis
135 Admissibility
a. Legal references
Article 17(1)(a) and (b)
establishes a twofold test for complementarity:
136 (i) whether, at the time of the proceedings in
respect of an admissibility challenge, there is an on-going investigation or
prosecution of the same case at the national level (first limb); and, if this
is answered in the affirmative,
137 (ii) whether the State is unwilling or unable
genuinely to carry out such investigations or prosecutions (second limb)
(Prosecutor v. Germain Katanga and Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui, Appeals Chamber,
“Judgment on the Appeal of Mr. Germain Katanga against the Oral Decision of
Trial Chamber II of 12 June 2009 on the Admissibility of the Case”,
ICC-01/04-01/07-1497, 25 September 2009 (“Katanga Admissibility Appeals
Judgment”), paras. 1 and 75-79).
138 Inaction by a State under the first limb renders a
case admissible before the Court, subject to an assessment of gravity under
article 17(1)(d) (Katanga Admissibility Appeals Judgment, para. 78). The
Prosecution conducts its determination(s) on complementarity in relation to the
potential cases that are likely to be the focus of an investigation by the
139 The admissibility provisions of the Statute are
founded on the complementary relationship between the ICC and “national
criminal jurisdictions”. As such, in principle, it is only national criminal
investigations and/or prosecutions of a State that can trigger the application
of article 17(1)(a)-(c).
140 Gravity
The gravity assessment has
been conducted against the backdrop of the potential cases that are likely to
arise from an investigation into the Situation (Kenya Article 15 Decision,
paras. 50, 58, and 188; Côte d’Ivoire Article 15 Decision, para. 202).
141 A gravity assessment involves a generic examination
of whether the persons or groups of persons relevant to the assessment capture
those who may bear the greatest responsibility for the alleged crimes
committed. The assessment must also be done from both a quantitative and a
qualitative viewpoint, and factors such as nature, scale and manner of
commission of the alleged crimes, as well as their impact on victims, are all
indicators of the gravity of a given case (Kenya Article 15 Decision,
paras. 60-62; Côte d’Ivoire Article 15 Decision, paras 203-205; Georgia
Article 15 Decision, para. 51).
142 Accordingly, the Prosecution’s submissions on gravity
relate to an assessment of gravity of the entire situation rather than the
gravity one or more potential cases.
143 Based on the information available, the potential
case concerning alleged crimes committed by members of the United Kingdom
Government and world leaders mentioned herein are of sufficient gravity to
justify further action by the Court.
144 The alleged crimes have been committed on a large
scale, with reports that murder has been practised institutionally
145 Interests of Justice
seriousness and extent of the crimes committed in the United Kingdom,
highlighted by the scope of people that these crimes affect, that these crimes
continue to be committed, the wide range of perpetrators, the recurring
patterns of criminality and the limited prospects for accountability at the
national level, all weigh heavily in favour of an investigation.
146 Victims of alleged crimes within the context of the
situation have manifested their interest in seeing justice done. We have sought
to ascertain the interests of victims, through direct consultations with
victims’ organisations in the United Kingdom as well as through examination of
communications and publicly available information.
147 In light of the gravity if the acts committed, and
the absence of relevant national proceedings against those who appear to be
most responsible for the most serious crimes within the situation, the
potential case that would arise from an investigation of the situation would be
admissible. Taking into account the gravity of the crimes and the interests of
the victims, there are no substantial reasons to believe that an investigation
would not serve the interests of justice.
148 Experience shows that impunity is a factor that
aggravates the commission of crimes
149 The decision to seize the Pre-Trial Chamber for the
initiation of the investigation would be hailed by the peoples of the United
Kingdom and the world.
150 This decision would have a particularly useful role
as it would be a response to crimes currently being committed. It would inevitably
bring about a change in practices, at least in the extent to mandated
vaccinations and vaccine passports and this decision would save lives limiting
the number of new wounded by these m-RNA treatments.
151 The
request for investigation meets the criteria of the Statute, and will
constitute progress in the fight against impunity and ultimately secure the
survival of the human race as we know it.
152 And Justice will be done
153 WE WANT TO REPEAT: It is of the utmost urgency that ICC take immediate action, taking all
of this into account, to stop the rollout of covid vaccinations, introduction
of unlawful vaccination passports and all other types of illegal warfare
mentioned herein currently being waged against the people of the United Kingdom
by way of an IMMEDIATE court injunction.
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