dinsdag 3 augustus 2021

This incredible interview with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, is the first of a series of powerful eye openers, for humanity.


Dear Freedom Fighters,
Are you ready for some good news? Then check this: the past weeks I have been working on several very powerful, eye opening, and inspiring videos about people who are changing the world for the better.

This series is called

These unique videos feature top lawyers, scientists, medical doctors etc. who cannot be labeled as silly conspiracy theorists, because of their international leading position of authority and expertise.

The videos are also produced professionally, to build trust with critical viewers.

The first video in this series is an amazing interview with a true Hero of Humanity: the world famous lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. This renown trial lawyer has been succesfully suing large fraudulent corporations for decades, like Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank. His vast expertise and international network of lawyers makes him the chosen man for his next challenge:

they are preparing to sue governments, health institutions, and all who are complicit in the planned pandemic.

The past year Dr. Fuellmich and his network of laywers worldwide have listened to over a hundred experts from every field of science. This in depth investitation gave them undeniable evidence that the pandemic is the worst crime against humanity every committed.

A young man from South Africa interviewed Dr Fuellmich about this, and I came across this interview.

The message is extremely powerful and is bound to awaken many people.

There was however one downside to the interview: the video quality was terrible. In order to maximize the impact of this historic interview I worked hard to enhance the visual quality. Below you see how the original video looks, and underneath you see how I was able to improve it, by adding color and sharpness.

O R I G I N A L:

E N H A N C E D:

I also embedded it in a beautiful professional layout, where I can easily change subtitles, so the video can be translated into many languages.

Resource for Humanity

My plan is to translate every video of Heroes of Humanity, along with other documentaries, in at least twenty languages. This way the majority of mankind can have access to these critical truths. This should greatly assist the worldwide awakening, in countries around the world.

Stop World Control is not a news website, that shoots out all the latest and hottest stuff, but I am building a one stop RESOURCE for the whole world, where everyone can find the very best documentaries, interviews and reports, that will open their eyes. This incredible interview with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, is the first of a series of powerful eye openers, for humanity.

I encourage you to watch it now, as it’s only 20 minutes, and every second of it is very exciting and inspiring.

Dr. Fuellmich is not the next doomsday prophet, but he ends with an amazing message of hope: once all this is over, we will have a far better world.

Watch the video. It’s quite amazing 😃

Please understand that I make this as a TOOL for you, to awaken the world. Share it far and wide, send it around in emails, post it in social media groups, and send it to people in authority in areas of education, healthcare, law enforcement, etc.

If you want to help me make more of these powerful videos, then please support my work, which is completely free for the whole world.

We also have a huge and critical personal challenge, that I will tell you more about soon.

Much love,

David Sorensen


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Gideon van Meijeren wil onderste steen boven: ‘Waarom wordt deze belangrijke informatie geheimgehouden?’

Gideon van Meijeren merkte dinsdag tijdens het debat over de wolf op dat de discussie over dit onderwerp hoog oploopt en steeds feller word...