dinsdag 27 augustus 2024

Korea Launches Investigation Into 'Genocidal' mRNA Nanotech Found in Billions of Vaccines

VIDEO Link: https://www.brighteon.com/e146da90-b5b3-46cb-be9f-32a6cc46a8c1

Korea Launches Investigation Into 'Genocidal' mRNA Nanotech Found in Billions of Vaccines

The Prisoner


3252 views • 25/08/2024

Groundbreaking scientific research from Korea has revealed the Big Pharma-Global elite nexus has even tighter grip on the human race than previously understood.

Groundbreaking research out of Korea has revealed that bodies of vaccinated people contain billions of mRNA vaccine nanorobots that can be switched on and off to control a host of bodily functions including the chemicals that control emotions, sex drive, and appetite.

According to Korean scientists, the mRNA nanotechnology appears to even have the capacity to switch off maternal instincts and even “program death” for the vaccinated host.

Source: https://www.brighteon.com/e146da90-b5b3-46cb-be9f-32a6cc46a8c1  

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