dinsdag 29 juni 2021

Vaccinated people found to be 600% more likely to die from covid “variants” than unvaccinated people

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 by: Ethan Huff

Tags: ADEantibody-dependent enhancementChinacoronavirusCOVIDDeltaPlandemicseneffunvaccinatedvaccinatedvariants





(Natural News) Those who have been injected for the coronavirus (Covid-19) are greater than six times more likely to die from a circulating “variant” like “Delta” than are unvaccinated people who just say no to strange experimental drugs from Tony Fauci and the government.


New data published by Public Health England on Friday found that compared to non-jabbed people, those who took the poison for the Corona Virus are far more likely to suffer an excruciating death upon exposure to one of the many Corona Flu variants that the media says are spreading.


As it turns out, experimental gene therapy chemicals make the human immune system more prone to sudden death upon exposure to Covid Germs than if that immune system was simply left alone to do its job naturally without pharmaceutical interventions.


Entitled, “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England, Technical briefing 16,” a paper covering the data shows that Corona Virus variants are pretty much a non-issue to begin with, as the vast majority of people who encounter them never even know it.

The minute few who do end up dying with a variant more than likely already had the shot, research shows. The even more minute few who did not get the shot and still end up dying after testing “positive” more than likely had a weakened immune system or some other health problem such as heart disease or obesity.


Most people have a zero percent chance of dying from a Chinese Virus “variant”


Public Health England even admits that the risk of dying with a Chinese Virus variant is exceptionally low, especially if a person has not received the jab. Those who do take the jab are much more likely to suffer and die, it turns out, which apparently comes with the territory when trying to stay “safe.”

Even so, the fake news media is ratcheting up the propaganda about the spread of variants, calling it the fifth or sixth or whatever “wave” we are on now, all the while urging the public to get injected as many times as necessary to “flatten the curve.”

Despite the fact that the injections are now known to be spreading the variants, the lying news media is hoping that most people have very short-term memories and will forget the truth out of fear that they might once again test positive for the Wuhan Flu.

In addition to higher death rates, vaccinated people who test positive for a variant are more likely than the unvaccinated to require hospitalization for their Chinese cold.

According to the latest data, a full 2.0 percent of vaccinated people who test positive for the Delta variant require emergency care, compared to only 1.48 percent of unvaccinated people.


“The current data is in keeping with data published last week by England’s public health agency that also showed a six-times greater death rate among the fully vaccinated than the unvaccinated and a hospital admission rate of 2.3 percent among those fully vaccinated at least two weeks earlier compared with just 1.2 percent among the unvaccinated,” further explains Celeste McGovern from LifeSiteNews.


All of this is only verifying what Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) research Stephanie Seneff warned about antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE, which is basically vaccine-induced immune damage that makes a person more prone to getting sick.


“It is conceivable to me that the laser-beam specificity of the induced antibodies is offset by a general weakening of innate immunity,” Seneff says.

“I also suspect that massive vaccination campaigns may accelerate the rate at which the vaccine-resistant mutant strains become dominant among all the SARS-Co-V2 [coronavirus] strains.”


To keep up with the latest nonsense about Chinese Virus “variants,” be sure to check out Pandemic.news.


Sources for this article include:




Bron: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-06-22-vaccinated-people-600percent-more-die-covid-variants.html 

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