vrijdag 20 augustus 2021

Dr. Roger Hodkinson: "It's all been a pack of lies"


 LINK:   https://www.brighteon.com/2cb95f1a-0e44-41ce-9cc6-d59e5d5c8fbd


  Health Ranger Report



Dr. Roger Hodkinson It's all been a pack of lies


29    CommentsBovenkant formulierOnderkant formuli


patskier  10 hours ago

Thank you, Dr. Hodkinson. This world affair is so heartbreaking. I have always been timid about speaking outside my little world of friends but this is not the time to be fearful. We must share the gospel and share the truth of the jab! They are lying to us and we must stop this crazy poison from being put in more people! For the sake of humanity!!!!

 Full retard  11 hours ago  edited

You can’t believe the hoops I jump through to log in on this site. But I wanted to make sure I liked the commentary and thanked Dr .Hodkinson. Ive followed him since he first spoke out publicly. Ive not just sat around on this, I’ve barked several times to my mp and my mla and alerted as many people as possible . Ive also sent a fairly aggressive letter to my doctor and he actually had the decency to reply to me. However he is an advocate of the shot. But he did respect my opinions . I know what a lonely place it is taking a stand against the crowd so we appreciate it. Ive been in his shoes on an extremely smaller scale and even that was a rough go. So hopefully he sees some of these posts and sees people support his stance on having a critically thinking mind

 Alan Raicer  13 hours ago

Dr. Hodkinson has been trying valiantly to sound the alarm for months and months, he's only one of the most eminent pathologists in the world, so what would he know... :o

 skill  9 hours ago

Thank you Dr. Hodkinson for speaking the truth. Respect sir.

 offbabelon  10 hours ago

it's patently obvious the emperor has no clothes.
demonic possession is the only excuse for continued denial of this scam

 Eva Graham  12 hours ago

I DON'T believe anything, what is not in line of my reasoning and my common sense. Thank you, Dr. Hodkinson for powerful message.

 Rick Bruce  14 hours ago

Excellent, thank you. And I think Mike Adams has the right information and tone to take in regard to the threat this poses and who is really behind it.

 harresonwaymen  10 hours ago

There is no isolated covid19 molecule in the entire world.
The jab is the pandemic.

What flue are you talking about?


Jean Bush  harresonwaymen  7 hours ago

What he meant was they just renamed the flu as Covid. There is no covid.

James Selby  10 hours ago

"Do no harm!" @ 2:10 what a joke. For over a hundred years that is just what they have been doing and expecting a different out come. I would LOL but it's so disgusting. The human brain on average weighs 3lbs 75% of that weight is cholesterol.And we are suppose to reduce our cholesterol intake! What's more we are suppose to take a drug, the most profitable drug on the market, to prevent our livers from making it. Is it any wonder as to how Alzheimer disease has become the sixth leading cause of death. When 45-50 years ago very few had ever heard the word.

 Greg Inman  11 hours ago

70 year old suffers worsening nerve damage (radicular neuropathy) after getting 2020 Flu vaccine.

Mary Mullins  11 hours ago

Thankyou for your courage from Ireland. God bless you.

LORI  14 hours ago

Bravo !!!!!!

Tricia Harris  5 hours ago

Thank you Dr. Hodkinson! Everyone needs to listen to you!

 homeboymi  11 hours ago

Well said.

 Shannon  12 hours ago

May this truth set you free !!


Gwen Schmidt  13 hours ago

Well said , thank you for speaking out !!

 Tuaca1107  13 hours ago

Thank YOU Dr. Hodkinson!!!

 GrownWoman  14 hours ago

Thank you Doctor for keeping us informed and your bravery!!!

Kanen Robinson  5 hours ago

HERO!!!! You make me proud to be Canadian again. Thanks for standing up, speaking the truth, being brave. The world needs to hear from you. Thank you very much for your work.

 Dianne Plock  7 hours ago

Of course this can't be shared on Facebook any longer b/c someone reported it as "disinformation"...not surprised...FB is such a coward...like the rest of MSM.

 Jane Jones  8 hours ago

Thank you....

 abrogard  2 hours ago

people generally think we're a bunch of far out whackos who don't know what they're talking about and the MSM and the govt and its shills promote that idea. the best thing we have is authoritative spokespeople and sources to point at. I only have few. I'll quote them here. If anyone knows of more please share them. I get information I believe from:
ivor cummings on youtube
chris martenson (?) and his youtube channel 'peak prosperity'
dr sam bailey on the tube
Prof Ioannidis - his rare but very important tube presentations
Dr Kory and his FLCCC Alliance
Used to be tony heller would put graphs and charts on youtube but he's given up on it now but the old ones are still there I think
Tom Woods used to put up some on the tube but now you get good stuff from him regularly via his newsletter if you opt for it.
'dr been' - dr mobeen sayed on the tube.

vernon coleman from 'white rose'
dr malone re the spike protein been on the tube a couple of times

AIER have posted some good stuff.
Ann Coulter tried a couple of times.
Dr John Lee on the tube.
the Mises Institute has put up a couple at least.
that 'history debunked' youtube channel has done a couple on the madness

and that's about all I know I think. Very much welcome any links to good sound authoritative reports.
I believe it is all scam. That essentially it's just something that has occurred in the past without needing the world to go into a panic and will occur again. That all the interventions are bad news, fruitless, gratuitously harmful. That the vaccines are an imposition, being untested. That it was/is evil of all govts. to never mention or denigrate ivermectin for instance. that it is evil for govts not to encourage people to take heart, have confidence and courage and up their immune systems with everything from cod liver oil to exercise via vit D, zinc, sunshine, air, friendship. I believe the situation if getting worse by the day and that it is planned to make it a permanent horrific part of the future.

If I'm wrong about all or any of that I'd appreciate authoritative sound links to proof of that, too.

 Terry Larson  3 hours ago

Bravo indeed!

 Palefeather Valdez  3 hours ago

That's right. From day one I never ever believed a word of any of it.

 Joshua Ashwood  5 hours ago

Thank you, Malcolm McDowell! (Kidding) Seriously, thank you Dr. For some of us, though, you're preaching to the choir.

Kathmandu  10 hours ago

Just a tidbit of info I obtained today.

I asked a Administration official/ Doctor that works for one of Milwaukee's biggest hospitals..( I'm their gardener at their summer lake house) )
?? Are you seeing more patients - with or without the vaccine??
He said, more without the shot - right now but, He also felt more of the non vaxed are getting natural immunity ..so hopefully things will smooth out.


Marilyn Chadwick  Kathmandu  7 hours ago

Dr. Peter McCullough (who Dr. Hodkinson refers to here) has stated that the majority of his covid patients ARE vaxxed (because before he knew better, he encouraged the shots to all his patients). Now, he says that no one should take these toxic, damaging shots and that they should be stopped completely.




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