vrijdag 20 augustus 2021


Hawaii health care whistleblower says he has seen more people die from COVID-19 vaccines than from the virus

Thursday, August 19, 2021 by: Arsenio Toledo
Tags: badhealthbadmedicineBig Pharmaconspiracycoronaviruscoronavirus vaccinescovid-19Dangerous MedicinedeceptionfraudHawaiihealth carepandemictruthVaccine deathswhistle-blower


(Natural News) A healthcare worker in Hawaii said he has seen more people die after getting the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines than from the virus itself.

Abrien Aguirre is a board-certified occupational therapist working in the state capital of Honolulu. He recently went public regarding his knowledge of working in Hawaii’s healthcare industry.

Aguirre currently works for the largest skilled nursing facility on the island of Oahu as “director of rehab.” Previously, he worked in three different COVID-19 units, all of which also accepted elderly patients. Two of those COVID-19 units were “isolation units.”

During an interview with Hawaii Free Speech News, a citizen-journalist newsgroup, Aguirre admitted that during his time working with the COVID-19 units he has seen more people die from the COVID-19 vaccines than from the virus itself.

“I’ve seen 32 elderly people pass away immediately after taking the Moderna vaccine,” he said. “None of that is being talked about on the news. It doesn’t fit their narrative. I’ve seen more people pass away from the vaccine, than I have in COVID units.”

Hawaii Free Speech News interviewed Aguirre during a recent outdoor protest at the Hawaii State Capitol in Honolulu. The protest was against new state and county COVID-19 vaccine mandates implemented due to the surge in post-vaccine COVID-19 cases.

Listen to Aguirre’s entire interview with Hawaii Free Speech News here:


Patients without COVID-19 were still listed as having the virus

Aguirre explained that the mainstream media is misrepresenting what is happening with hospitalized COVID-19 patients. He said a lot of those patients are not actually dealing with the coronavirus.

In one of the COVID-19 units he worked for, the patients that were moved there did not actually have the coronavirus.

“They tested positive with the PCR test,” he said. “But most of them were asymptomatic and only suffering from their pre-existing conditions.” (Related: FDA document admits “covid” PCR test was developed without isolated covid samples for test calibration, effectively admitting it’s testing something else.)

In addition to this, he explained how a billing department in one nursing facility he worked at had healthcare workers that changed their medical diagnosis codes for conditions like pulmonary disorder to COVID-19. He said this was so that the facility could get more reimbursements for the patients they were treating.

Aguirre claimed that people who were asymptomatic but had positive COVID-19 PCR tests were also listed as having COVID-19. A similar situation occurred to some patients who tested negative for the virus.

In this nursing facility, patients with terminal illnesses were also put on what he called “COVID death lists.” This means that once they died, their deaths would be listed as due to a COVID-19 infection. He said this operation is “complete fraud.”

In other instances, Aguirre said some of the patients he had to handle did not even test positive for COVID-19 but were still listed as having the virus.

“It’s just fraud on every level,” he said.

Aguirre said he has been trying to reach out to various officials, including Hawaii Gov. David Ige, a Democrat. He wants to expose the ongoing fraud occurring in Hawaii’s healthcare systems, but he has not received any response from anybody.

Aguirre warning people to not send their loved ones to skilled nursing facilities

At the end of his interview, Aguirre had one thing to tell people: Do not send their sick family members or loved ones to skilled nursing facilities.

“My advice to people: If your elderly are sick, your grandmother, your great grandmother, your mom, don’t send them to a skilled nursing facility,” he said.

“They’re not going to receive adequate care,” he added. “Treatment is going to be withheld from them. They’re going to be forced to wear a mask all day, and social distance. They’re going to become depressed and want to commit suicide. Because that is what I am seeing in our facilities.”

Current data shows that Hawaii is one of the most vaccinated states in the country. As of press time, 65.5 percent of all adults in the state are fully vaccinated, and another 20.9 percent of adults have already received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Aguirre has only testified to witnessing 32 COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths. It is unclear how many more have died due to the experimental and side effect-riddled vaccines but have gone unreported.

Learn more about the dangers of taking the COVID-19 vaccines by reading the latest articles at Vaccines.news.

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