dinsdag 10 augustus 2021

Preeminent European physicians, scientists push back on claim that children must be vaccinated for COVID: “Unnecessary” and potentially “catastrophic”

Monday, August 09, 2021 by: JD Heyes
Tags: adolescentsbadhealthbadmedicinebadsciencebiological weaponsChild abusechildrencoronaviruscovid-19deathexpertskidspandemicResearchersschoolscientistsvaccinevaccine warsvaccines


(Natural News) Scores of top, European senior scientists and physicians are railing against plans by leaders to vaccinate children and adolescents for COVID-19 because they say there is no evidence it is necessary and plenty of reason to believe mass inoculation of youth could be “catastrophic” in terms of health outcomes.

LifeSite News notes:

Eminent European physicians and scientists this month co-authored an expert statement regarding Comirnaty–COVID-19 mRNA vaccine for children, outlining their expert opinions that “vaccination of adolescents for COVID-19 is unnecessary, claims demonstrating efficacy are misleading, and the safety profiles are catastrophic.”

Declaration of Bhakdi, Hockertz, Palmer, and Wodarg – unabridged

Download PDF file on https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/files/declaration-of-bhakdi-hockertz-palmer-and-wodarg-unabridged/

“This declaration is submitted in support of legal actions to revoke the COVID-19 injections and to revoke  the  emergency use authorization for COVID-19 injections,” the document states, adding that the statement is signed “under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States  of America.”

Specifically, the document was written to answer three basic questions:

— Is vaccination of adolescents against COVID-19 necessary?

— Is the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine effective?

— Is the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine safe?

To begin with, the authors point out what we’ve known about the novel coronavirus practically since the pandemic began.

“There are several lines of evidence that show vaccination of adolescents against COVID-19 to be unnecessary. The vast majority of all persons infected with COVID-19 recovers after minor, often uncharacteristic illness,” they write.

“According to world-leading epidemiologist John Ioannidis, the infection fatality rate of COVID-19 is on the order of 0.15% to 0.2% across all age groups, with a very strong bias towards old people, particularly those with co-morbidities. This rate does not exceed the range commonly observed with influenza, against which a vaccination of adolescents is not considered urgent or necessary,” the experts continued, adding that beginning in April 2020, as the virus spread around the U.S., infection rates for Americans younger than 18 years old was a minuscule 1.7 percent.

“Within this age group, the most severe cases were observed among very young infants,” the wrote.

What’s more, the group states clearly that vaccines are not even necessary because COVID-19 can be (and has been) successfully treated with existing medications.

“Treatment options are available both for the early stage of the disease, at which emphasis is placed on inhibiting viral replication, and for the later stage, at which anti-inflammatory treatment is paramount. Two drugs that have been used successfully at the early stage are hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Both drugs have been, and continue to be, in use against a variety of other diseases,” they wrote.

Of course, these treatments have been suppressed on social media and anyone who has pushed them — including experts who have used the drugs to treat COVID-infected patients — have been booted off their platforms.

Another reason why vaccines are unnecessary is that people who have had the virus, and hundreds of millions of people around the world have, is that they develop good antibodies and reinfection rates are extremely low.

“Past COVID-19 infection has been found to protect very reliably from reinfection [10 ], and strong specific humoral and cellular immunity is detected in almost all recovered individuals,” write the researchers.

Even as the Biden regime claims in recent days that the new Delta variant makes it necessary to ensure that kids go back to school being forced to wear masks all day — which are useless — the researchers write that “asymptomatic transmission does not occur.”

The experts also concluded that giving vaccines to those who do not need one can lead to hugely negative consequences, such as fatalities among breastfed infants and blood clotting disruptionThe experts also discuss “antibody-dependent enhancement” (ADE), where in some cases antibodies can actually increase the severity of the disease, even though antibodies generally act to protect humans from infections.

“The only possible conclusion from this analysis is that the use of this vaccine in adolescents cannot be permitted, and that its ongoing use in any and all age groups ought to be stopped immediately,” the authors recommend.

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