donderdag 9 september 2021

 Israel hit by new wave of COVID-19 infections despite very high vaccination rates among its population

Image: Israel hit by new wave of COVID-19 infections despite very high vaccination rates among its population

(Natural News) Israel made headlines shortly after the first COVID-19 vaccines hit the market for leading the world in terms of vaccination numbers, but now they’re in the spotlight for an entirely different – but not unrelated – reason: The country is experiencing an unprecedented new wave of infections.

According to statistics compiled by Our World in Data, last Wednesday saw a record-setting 1,892 COVID-19 cases per million individuals in the country, which represents almost 0.2% of the country’s population in a single day. This is significantly higher than the country that ranks second on the list, Mongolia, with 1,119 per million and double the figures for positions 3 through 5 – Kosovo, Georgia and Montenegro, with 980, 976, and 909 respectively.

In Israel, 78 percent of people aged 12 and older are fully vaccinated, largely with the Pfizer vaccine. More than half of the country’s new cases are among fully vaccinated people.

Since mid-August, Israel has been regularly reporting some of the world’s highest infection rates despite its status as one of the planet’s most vaccinated nations. The only good news coming out of the country is the fact that COVID-19 deaths during this fourth wave in Israel are only about half of those seen during the country’s second wave. Although some believe this suggests the vaccines do protect people against severe illness with COVID-19, that doesn’t explain why fatalities have suddenly been climbing sharply in the last month.

Israel has a booster campaign underway despite vaccines’ lack of protection

However, instead of looking at why cases are rising again and whether or not being vaccinated could be contributing to the latest spike in some way, the country has instead decided to start offering boosters to people. In July, they started giving those older than 60 a booster and have now expanded the drive to encompass anyone over the age of 12 who has already received two doses of the vaccine.

The situation in Israel is prompting concerns around the world that highly immunized countries remain highly vulnerable to yet another wave of infections.

One country that won’t be jumping on the booster shot bandwagon just yet is the UK, where only those with severely suppressed immune systems will be given a third vaccine dose. The country’s health authorities believe that their longer two-dose strategy, which saw Brits receiving shots spaced out by as many as 12 weeks rather than the three-week gap recommended, may have created better immunity among the population.

They have also thus far resisted the calls to routinely vaccinate children, even as Canada, the U.S., France and Spain proceed with vaccination campaigns among younger people.

Meanwhile, American health authorities have released figures showing that vaccine efficacy is beginning to wane, with the Pfizer and Moderna shots only cutting the risk of hospitalization among elderly people by 75 percent against the Delta variant, compared to the 95 percent seen when the shots first became available.

A study carried out by King’s College London found that two doses of the vaccine become significantly less effective at stopping infections within mere months. For example, the protection afforded by two shots of the Pfizer vaccine dropped from 88 percent at one month to 74 percent at six months, while Astra Zeneca’s efficacy dropped from 77 percent to 67 percent.

It is interesting to note that Israel’s spike despite its high vaccination levels is coming at the same time as the neighboring area of Palestine is noting a drop in cases despite more than 90 percent of its population being unvaccinated.

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Israel’s covid plandemic czar tells citizens to prepare for upcoming FOURTH “booster” shot

Image: Israel’s covid plandemic czar tells citizens to prepare for upcoming FOURTH “booster” shot

(Natural News) Just when you thought the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” campaign was going to stop at a third “booster” shot, Israeli “coronavirus czar” Prof. Salman Zarka comes out to tell you that a fourth injection is soon on the way.

In order to remain “fully vaccinated” with full privileges for participation in the “new normal,” Israelis – and eventually the rest of the world – will need to submit to a fourth Chinese Virus shot on top of the first three that are currently being pushed.

“Given that the virus is here and will continue to be here, we also need to prepare for a fourth injection,” Zarka proclaimed, noting that the Israeli “Green Pass” system will likely need constant “updates” forever to accommodate each new injection as it is rolled out.

Israel’s “vaccine passport” system will soon require that all four injections be received in order for Israelis to enter synagogues, gyms, restaurants and other public spaces. Those who refuse will be denied the ability to buy and sell, as well as participate in society.

“This is our life from now on, in waves,” Zarka added chillingly.

Many predicted, only to be mocked and scoffed at, that Wuhan Flu shots would become a never-ending cycle of periodical injections. We knew that it would not stop with just two, or even three.

Four is the latest number, which is soon to become five, then six, then seven, and so on forever. Zarka said it himself: This is life from now on, in waves, whether people like it or not.

The “fully vaccinated” will need semi-annual booster injections for the rest of their lives

As of last Friday, some 2.5 million Israelis have already received a third dose of one of Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” injections. Soon, Israelis will need to roll up their sleeves for that fourth injection once it becomes available to them.

Israel would seem to be the testing ground for this global effort to force all of humanity to take these experimental injections, which we know permanently alter human DNA. They may also contain graphene, stainless steel and other mystery ingredients inside the vials.

In Israel, people who take just three injections, for example, will soon be considered “unvaccinated” for the purposes of the Green Pass. Those who take just two will also be lumped into this category.

Only those who take every injection that the government tells them to will be considered “fully vaccinated” and allowed to live. Everyone else will become a second-class citizen overnight.

“The most vulnerable population at the moment … are the ones who received two vaccine doses but not the third,” proclaimed Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

“They walk around feeling like they are protected because they received both doses … (but they) must quickly get vaccinated with the third vaccine dose.”

The latest edicts from the government suggest that “fully vaccinated” people will need to get booster shot “updates” every six months for the rest of their lives in order to remain “immune” against Chinese Germs.

“This is becoming absurd,” wrote one Zero Hedge commenter.

“First they said the ‘vaccines’ would prevent infection and transmission and would return to normal life. Not true. They said that natural immunity would not provide that protection and would not contribute to herd immunity. Not True … They said the ‘vaccines would prevent severe infection, hospitalization and deaths. Not true.”

“What’s next? Presumably injections at least every 6 months for life? Big Pharma will love it.”

The latest news stories about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” tyranny can be found at

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Israel now has more covid infections per capita than any country in the world, even as “booster shots” are being widely administered there

Just a few months ago, the mainstream media praised Israel for its “pandemic-ending” vaccination campaign. With over 40 percent of the population “fully vaccinated” in the first quarter of 2021, Israel was well on its way to stopping community spread and clearing out its hospitals.

The nation of Israel imposed some of the strictest lockdowns during that time, violating the Nuremberg Code and segregating the unvaccinated from public life. Israel bought up the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA covid vaccine and began issuing mandatory Green Pass “vaccine passports” as a requirement for citizens to enter public spaces. By August, Israel had intimidated and coerced its population into having one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, with 78 percent of people 12 years of age and older classified as “fully vaccinated.”

The world was reassured that this rate of vaccination was more than enough to ensure individual and “herd immunity.” However, infection rates have skyrocketed across the country since then, and Israel is now logging the world’s highest infection rates, with nearly 650 new cases daily per million people. At times, hospitalizations for the “fully vaccinated” have reached upwards of 95 percent.

Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is failing Israel, with case load and hospitalizations climbing in the vaccinated

By August 15, there were 514 Israelis hospitalized with severe covid-19, a 31 percent increase from just four days earlier. Most of the hospitalized patients had already received at least one vaccine and 59 percent were fully vaccinated.

“There are so many breakthrough infections that they dominate and most of the hospitalized patients are actually vaccinated,” said Uri Shalit, a bio-informatician at the Israel Institute of Technology. The vaccines do not protect older populations, either — a false promise advertised since the beginning of the vaccine rollout. In fact, of the hospitalized vaccinated patients, 87 percent were 60 or older.

This has not stopped the Israeli government from tripling down with this destructive vaccine program. Israeli officials have already begun to administer a third dose of the failed Pfizer vaccine to the population. Now controlled by the Green Pass vaccine passport system, Israelis are lining up to be inoculated again — like a grim scene of medical experimentation ripped right out of 1940s Nazi Germany. More than 100,000 booster shots are being administered each day, with 2.15 million Israelis having received their third shot.

Despite compounding vaccination, the nation still suffers, with the world’s worst seven-day rolling average number of covid cases per capita. Israel is on track to pass 11,000 daily covid cases — an infection rate that is magnitudes higher than a year before, when everyone in the country was unvaccinated. U.S. health officials have access to this data, but were quick to approve the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and begin pushing for unlawful vaccine mandates across the country. (Related: Pfizer’s vaccine studies are based on FRAUD and put lives in danger, warns former Pfizer vice president.)

COVID vaccines are mass murder weapons, enslaving, weakening and killing off the world population

Using a non-neutralizing vaccine against a novel, endemic virus only perpetuates the transmissibility of the virus among people. When the spike protein of that virus is forcibly replicated throughout the population, entirely new health problems occur. By placing selective pressure on an amino acid sequence of the virus, and scaling up that attack across the population, these vaccine programs only cause mutations in the viral sequence, leading to new outbreaks and vaccine failure. A study published in the Journal of Infection discusses antibody-dependent enhancement and the serious risks of the vaccine program. Any perceived benefits of vaccination for coronaviruses are short-lived, as artificially-augmented antibody levels wane, making the population more susceptible.

Now living in a medical police state, Israelis are suddenly considered “unvaccinated” and banned from public spaces if they haven’t submitted to a THIRD dose of Pfizer’s spike protein mRNA. As millions more boosters are forced onto the population, it’s only a matter of time before the infection rates, hospitalizations and deaths go up again, making today’s hospitalization rates pale in comparison. How long will government officials keep this cycle of vaccine destruction going, before they face TRIALS for human rights violations and mass murder?

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