dinsdag 21 september 2021


September 2021
ECI Save Bees and Farmers
Dear Reader,

Last week, 50,000 European citizens joined the movement to demand a pesticide-free EU agriculture. This is great, and we’re growing very fast now. But not fast enough, the deadline is approaching. We need more power! How?
1. Make sure that at least 5 other persons sign

Ask friends and family to sign on the spot. Present the form to them and let them do it right away. Don’t give up until you have collected at least 5 other signatures. (More is even better, of course.)
2. Ask influencers and well-known people to help

On September 11, German chancellor candidate Annelena Baerbock publicly signed the ECI, showing her support to bees and farmers. Reach out to well-known people – musicians, actors, artists, politicians. Ask them to express public support, tell the media and post it on their social media. It’s now or never!
3. Collect signatures at a Climate demonstration in your country

All over Europe, Climate strikes and marches will take place, mostly on September 24. This is a fantastic opportunity to collect more signatures. A4 posters with QR-codes on protest signs are fantastic tools to catch people’s attention. You can also print paper forms and ask people to sign on the spot.

Is there no climate demonstration planned in your area? Look around for other events on the themes of farming, food, bees and the environment to collect signatures. Paper forms with signatures collected before the deadline can be sent back to the return address printed on them even shortly after September 30.
Download Posters & Forms
In our campaign team, we are working hard to spread the ECI as wide as possible. Thank you for your financial support to help us doing so! Together, let’s keep on informing people and organisations about the ECI to collect a maximum of signatures. 

Sonia, Silvia, Tjerk & Kasimir
from the ECI team


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