zaterdag 11 september 2021

STUDY: Covid “vaccine” spike proteins damage heart cells, alter heart function… and they’re in the booster shots, too

Friday, September 10, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: cardiovascular diseaseCOVIDdepopulationfascismgenocideheart attacksPlandemicsciencespike proteinsvaccines



(Natural News) A new study brings further clarity as to the effects of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” spike proteins on the human cardiovascular system.

According to science, vaccine-induced spike proteins change heart cells, disrupting their functionality. This was observed specifically in the small blood vessel cells that surround the heart, although it was also found to occur elsewhere.

A pre-print of the study was presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress, demonstrating that vaccine-induced spike proteins bind to cells known as pericytes. This binding causes pericytes to begin releasing a chemical that causes heart inflammation. (RELATED: Learn more about how covid vaccines are causing heart attacks.)

The small blood vessels that are targeted by vaccine-induced spike proteins do not just exist around the heart, by the way. They are located all throughout the body, suggesting that Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” injections cause systemic inflammation.

Vaccine-induced spike proteins are like a cancer that eventually overtakes the body

For their research, the team took small vessel cells from the heart and directly exposed them to spike proteins that are found in (Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca) or produced by (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) Chinese Virus injections. After this, they watched as the spike proteins merged with the cell membranes, releasing their genetic material.

Upon completion of this process, it was observed that the spike proteins essentially hijacked the cellular machinery, causing it to replicate the virus before eventually bursting out and spreading to other cells like a cancer.

“This mechanism has the potential to spread cellular and organ injury beyond the infection sites and may have important clinical implications,” the scientists wrote.

“For instance, in patients with disrupted endothelial barrier and increased vascular permeability due to underlying diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, and severe obesity, S protein molecules could easily spread to the PC compartment and cause, or exacerbate, microvascular injury.”

From this, the team was able to deduce, at least speculatively, that blocking what is known as the CD147 receptor could potentially help to protect the vasculature of injected patients from infection, not to mention the collateral damage caused by the S protein.

Even uninfected cells can be damaged by vaccine-induced spike proteins

In actual tests, though, the team found that blocking CD147 receptors did not prevent all inflammation. All it did was slightly reduce the effect of the vaccine-induced spike proteins on pericytes.

“Pericytes are found all over the body, including the brain and central nervous system,” reports GreatGameIndia.

It was discovered in a related study that the mRNA jabs from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna also induce prion-based disease in the brain, causing it to degenerate. This often manifests as some form of dementia, which is why many are now warning that taking these injections could lead to Alzheimer’s disease or some other form of neurodegeneration.

“The spike protein outer shell of the coronavirus contains ‘prion-like regions’ that give the virus very high adhesion to ACE2 receptors in the human body,” explains GreatGameIndia.

It never would have been possible for any of this to happen, it is important to clarify, had Tony Fauci not illegally funded the gain-of-function research that allowed the China Virus to cross species from animal to human in the first place.

“This special relationship between the S protein and ACE2 receptor is the key to cross-species infection which made it possible for the coronavirus to make a jump from animals to humans,” GreatGameIndia further reveals.

“However, this cross-species jump was not natural and was achieved by the team led by the Batwoman of China, Shi Zhengli.”

To learn more about this, check out the COVID-19 Files – Scientific Investigation on Mysterious Origin of Coronavirus.

Covid “vaccines” ARE the pandemic

This is all spelled out even further in the latest dump of more than 900 pages’ worth of “top secret” documents about the plandemic, revealing for the first time the complex web of lies and deception that brought us to this point in history.

Fauci, Zhengli, Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance, and many others in the United States Government are all complicit and have yet to face justice for their crimes against humanity. You can be sure they will, though – if not in this life, then certainly in the next.

Since each new day seems to bring fresh new revelations about the situation, perhaps we will not have to wait that long. Maybe a time will come when enough people are aware of the truth that something finally gets done now and justice gets served.

“If people don’t see what’s going on, then it’s on them,” wrote one commenter at GreatGameIndia.

“We are going through a Vaxdemic and it’s those who took the toxic jab that are transmitting either Graphene Oxide or Synthetic Spike Proteins to children. That’s the reason they are also getting sick, not to mention having to wear a face mask.”

Another pointed to a video from Dr. David Martin and Reiner Fuellmich explaining how the so-called “Delta variant” does not even exist – unless, of course, it is just vaccine-induced disease under a different name.

“My father got jabbed in March; he had a heart attack (no prior history of heart problems) last month,” a Natural News commenter added with a personal anecdote confirming the latest research.

To keep up with the latest news about injuries and deaths caused by Fauci Flu shots, be sure to check out

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