zondag 3 oktober 2021

Dr. Stella Immanuel talks about how hospitals are ignoring hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as effective treatments for COVID-19 – Brighteon.TV

Friday, September 17, 2021 by: Mary Villareal
Tags: badhealthbadmedicineBrighteon.tvcoronavirusCOVIDcovid treatmentscovid-19 pandemicCOVID-19 treatmentsCuresDr. Stella Immanuelgoodhealthgoodmedicinehydroxychloroquineivermectinlong-term treatmentmedicationmulti-drug approachpandemicPrescription drugspreventionremediesWuhan coronavirus


(Natural News) In the most recent episode of Health with Dr. Stella Immanuel on Brighteon.TV, Dr. Stella Immanuel discusses how the coronavirus is affecting the nation because of hospitals withholding treatment for their patients.

According to Dr. Immanuel, hospitals are withholding treatment and not giving patients the medicine they need to get better from COVID-19. She says that hospitals are pushing for vaccination, that they are ignoring other life-saving medications such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

What is hydroxychloroquine?

Hydroxychloroquine, an analog of antimalarial drug chloroquine, was developed in 1946 to treat autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, along with malaria. It is found that it inhibits fusion between SARS-CoV-2 and its host cell membrane, and thus it can block the transport of the virus and possibly prevent the release of the viral genome.

Both chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine have immunomodulatory effects that are believed to be another potential treatment for COVID-19.

Immanuel says that he previously successfully treated hundreds of patients with hydroxychloroquine — a treatment that former President Donal Trump also said he has taken himself. “Nobody needs to get sick,” Immanuel says. “This virus has a cure.”

The pediatrician and religious minister also said that the potency of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment means that protective masks are no longer necessary, claiming that she and her staff have so far avoided contracting the disease despite wearing ordinary medical masks instead of more secure N95 models.

Ivermectin as COVID-19 cure

Ivermectin, a drug that is primarily used to deworm animals, also proved useful in combating human diseases caused by parasites. Called a “wonder drug” because of its use in treating parasitic diseases, some doctors are also prescribing it to treat COVID-19, which is a viral disease.

In recent weeks, conservative figures and activists have embraced ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19.

Ivermectin is generally safe in low doses, but high doses can be toxic for humans. In large doses, it can cause side effects, including skin rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain, to name a few.

Multi-drug approach to treating COVID

Immanuel also speaks about using hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for COVID-19 prevention. Further, she notes that doctors using one drug alone to treat COVID-19 are not doing enough, and are in fact, doing them a disservice.

She also encourages everyone to get their vitamins such as vitamins C, D and zinc and to get plenty of sunshine and exercise to keep themselves healthy.

The U.S. system’s health protocols have consistently failed Americans when doctors ignore other medications like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. (Related: Dr. Stella Immanuel reveals the stunning truth about COVID cures and how hospitals are KILLING patients – Brighteon.TV.)

There are several advocacy organizations that have been on a campaign to mainstream ivermectin. Immanuel, a member of American’s Frontline Doctors said that they went from 100 to more than 700 people a day signing up for telehealth with patients seeking ivermectin.

Immanuel also describes the pandemic situation as a grand design by vested interests to promote vaccines and denounce treatments. She also cites media as co-conspirators. She notes that the greatest fear of humans is the fear of death and the government and media are using this fear to terrify Americans of a disease that does not even have a high mortality rate.

In an earlier report, she mentioned that she has treated over 6,000 people and put over 15,000 on preventative medication for COVID, and so far, she lost only about seven patients. “People are running away from the hospitals and coming to our clinic,” she said.

A pastor herself, she also mentioned that the COVID-19 pandemic is not just a medical battle, but a spiritual one between good and evil.

Health with Dr. Stella Immanuel airs on Brighteon.TV on Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m.

Learn more about alternative medication for COVID-19 on Pandemic.news.

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