vrijdag 15 oktober 2021


Pilot calls on Americans to push back against vaccine mandates and fight for their health freedom

Wednesday, October 13, 2021 by: Ramon Tomey
Tags: airline pilotsAllied Pilots Associationaviation industrybadhealthbadmedicinecoronavirus vaccinecovid-19 pandemichealth freedomMedical Tyrannynew normalResistvaccine mandatesvaccine warsWuhan coronavirus



(Natural News) Many public and private entities have issued mandates requiring employees to get the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. These mandates, however, infringe on people’s freedoms and set a dangerous precedent for tyranny. Thus, a pilot has called on Americans to push back against these vaccine mandates and stand up for health freedom.

Podcast host Benny Johnson tweeted the video from TikTok user @cellsaucenutrition on Oct. 11. The TikTok user, a pilot of 18 years, mentions in the video that he is facing an ultimatum – get vaccinated or lose his job. “I’ve been told in order to continue my career as an airline pilot, I must be vaccinated – which really means I have to choose between putting food on the table for my family and my freedom of choice,” he says.

LINK: https://www.brighteon.com/d8fc35df-dbb1-46e1-a34f-4fd99d58de52  

The pilot continues: “Whether you believe in vaccination [as] the right thing to do or not, the situation goes far beyond health. You may think being forced to wear a mask or get a vaccination is insignificant. But when you begin to compile mandate after mandate and loss of freedom after freedom, it becomes very significant.

“Whether you believe in vaccination or not, I’m standing up to your freedom of choice. You may support the vaccine mandates because they fall in line with your current beliefs. But if we let this happen now, there will be a day when what you’re told to do will not fall in line with your beliefs.”

He explains that every mandate imposed by higher authorities is one step closer toward a so-called “new normal” where people no longer have the freedom they used to enjoy. “As each thing is taken away, we face what is known as the ‘shifting baseline syndrome.’ This syndrome changes our idea of a new and acceptable normal. Soon, we will not remember what it was like to have the freedoms we once did,” the pilot says.

The pilot leaves a grim warning if these mandates are left unchecked. He says: “Our children and grandchildren will experience less freedom and they won’t have the privilege or the pleasure to enjoy the same choices our parents had or that we have. Do you really want someone telling your children or your grandchildren what, when and how they will live every minute of their lives?”

Other pilots are joining the movement against vaccine mandates

The pilot also points out a clear irony in the mandates.

“We, the American people, have fought for freedom for 257 years. We go around the world spreading ideas of freedom and democracy. We help other countries and people fight for their freedoms while ours are being stripped away,” he says.

“If we give in to these mandates, we do not stand up for our freedom of choice. We dishonor every armed service person over the last 257 years, a disservice to the people who fought and bled for the very freedoms we enjoy.”

The video by @cellsaucenutrition follows an earlier endeavor by the Allied Pilots Association (APA) against these vaccine mandates. APA, which represents pilots working for American Airlines, expressed its opposition to compulsory vaccination in a Sept. 24 letter to legislators. They warn that the mandate would lead to travel disruptions and ask for exemptions to the rule.

The APA writes: “To ensure commercial aviation’s ongoing viability by avoiding a scenario in which airlines are forced to either offer unpaid leaves of absence or … implement mass terminations of unvaccinated pilots, it is essential that an alternative means of compliance … be made available for professional pilots.”

Some of the measures the APA has proposed include regular COVID-19 testing, proof of natural immunity and continued tenure for unvaccinated pilots.

The pilots’ labor union also noted in the Sept. 24 letter that pilots “are held to unique physical fitness standards” and that their “careers can summarily end due to a wide range of medical conditions.”

It adds: “Some of APA’s members are unable to undergo vaccination for documented medical reasons, while others are reluctant to get vaccinated based upon concerns about the potential for career-ending side effects.” (RelatedCOVID-19 vaccine mandates for airline pilots increase the risks of flying.)

The APA ultimately warns: “All of these members are still able to perform their duties as professional pilots. To force these pilots out of their positions, rather than offering viable alternatives, will have adverse consequences upon their families and the airline industry as a whole.”

HealthFreedom.news has more articles about Americans standing up against vaccine mandates.

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