maandag 18 oktober 2021

 Why Are More People Dying From Heart Disease?

October 16, 2021

Using data from the U.K.’s Government Statistical Service, diagnostic pathologist Clare Craig has found that excess deaths in the U.K. for the week ending September 10, 2021, are showing an alarming increase in heart disease mortality. Specifically, there were:

24% more heart failure deaths than baseline

19% ischaemic heart disease

16% cerebrovascular disease (strokes)

18% other circulatory diseases

Why is this happening? she asks. Blogger and political analyst Mike Whitney provides some disturbing answers. “The vaccines are an attack on the body’s critical infrastructure, the vascular system, and particularly the thin tapestry of cells that line the walls of the blood vessels,” Whitney says. “The vaccines trigger bleeding, blood clots and autoimmune disease.”

And, just in case someone counters with the idea that most people aren’t suffering with heart problems after their shots, Whitney shoots back, “the impact is likely to be just as devastating in the long-run …when antibodies attach to spike-producing endothelial cells on vessel walls following vaccine administration, activated complement proteins can be expected attach to the endothelial cells, and perforate their cell membranes … [and will create] a catastrophic microvascular injury syndrome mediated by activation of complement.”

Summarizing, he says this means “the vaccine creates a situation where your body viciously attacks your own circulatory system generating blood clots and leaky blood vessels. Do you think you can live with a damaged vascular system? Do you think you will enjoy a long and happy life with an immune system that is programed to attack and kill healthy cells that now produce the pathogenic “spike protein”? If so, then for how long; how long do you think you can survive that type of internal warfare? 2 years? 5 years? 10 years?”

In other words, those who have taken the shots and not reported any adverse events yet have only to wait a matter of time and then it will hit them, too.



Mike Whitney October 9, 2021

Claire Craig Twitter September 23, 2021

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