zondag 2 januari 2022

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny warn humanity about killer inoculations

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny warn humanity about killer inoculations

LINK: https://www.brighteon.com/730613f4-abd9-42f7-81f4-b6c5da506a4b 




Quote: "Almost every sector of American life is full of censorship on Covid 19 and the “vaccines” for it. You won’t see a real debate on YouTube, or on Twitter, or on your google results page. You can’t go on Fox News and see a real cross-section of nurses and doctors telling about all the sick vaccinated patients who showing up in their clinics and hospitals. But on this program we’re willing to have any kind of conversation about Covid, with no censorship, no propaganda, no bullshit. So on this show, you can hear doctors like Sherri Tenpenny tell the truth about what they’ve seen. Here’s what Tenpenny said when we asked her for the truth about the pandemic last summer. Get Dr. Zelenko's Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com



5G is a target acquiring weapon system - This is not for control but an extermination technology https://is.gd/mXXqXG

The Number of Athlete Collapses/Deaths Following Vaccination Is Shocking https://www.europereloaded.com/athlete-collapses-deaths-following-vaccination/

Prof. Francis Boyle "The British must not take these frankenshots"! Interview https://is.gd/9JKUJ3

Live: Dr. David Martin explosive COVID analysis: Best of 2021 most viral moments and interviews! https://is.gd/FVl7Ad ~ DAVID E. MARTIN – Exposing Moderna; the Star of Plandemic: Indoctornation Reveals the Truth https://freedomplatform.tv/david-e-martin-exposing-moderna-the-star-of-plandemic-indoctrination-reveals-the-truth/ ~ Dr. David Martin speech at Wise Traditions Conference ~ November 5th 2021 https://is.gd/xRYJYo ~ Dr. David Martin: COVID treasonous acts ~ Published November 4th 2021 https://is.gd/cUQrBW ~ Google { david martin exposes names faces https://is.gd/FRBBSc }

Mark Steele ~ Chat on The global speaker, topics 5G, so-called vaccines, related, 21st December 2021 https://is.gd/7jXnzZ

AGENDA-666 https://is.gd/vqyuqb ~ WHAT-IS-COMMUNISM https://is.gd/AzKPsS ~ Brighteon { covid-19 foreign-military-occupation https://is.gd/W7OChQ } ~ Source: WORM https://is.gd/sNsBOm

Breaking: Aboriginals hunted by military, kids jabbed by force - Disturbing video https://tinyurl.com/yvu8rt8u

Facial recognition and direct energy weapons: Gearing up to take out the vaxxinated https://is.gd/wUAS44 saveusnow.org.uk

Newsbreak 135--Breaking: Immense harm from crystallizing blood cells/graphene poisoning post-vaccine https://bit.ly/3baJJ6e ~ BitChute search { dr young falconscafe https://bit.ly/3CisV9o Newest First } ~ Dr Robert Young

Technological parasitism: Electromagnetic-based wireless nano-sensor network https://is.gd/1PePZf ~ MAC-cinated: Intra-body nano-network https://is.gd/AZaqCC ~ "Waves" are created with non-ionizing radiation https://is.gd/K3NARi

Dr. Andreas Noack - Recently deceased, explains the Graphene component in the vaccine (RIP) https://is.gd/qvKTc4

If you don't know what causes what they call a virus you will never know unless you read the science https://is.gd/auRSDr

The final refutal of virology https://bit.ly/3BcBxNo ~ The truth about rabies, tobacco mosaic virus, graphene, and 2nd phase of control experiments results https://is.gd/bxYn3J

Leuren Moret - Mind control from HAARP, smart-dust, satellites, TV, mobiles etc https://is.gd/MA1Kq6

Bohemian Grove Jr, Bridgewater Associates - CIA corporate front, CIA role in snuff and pornography https://is.gd/yA6e2R ~ Body Organs Of Over 18,000 Syrian Children Sold in Six Years https://is.gd/u4QfeK

The COVID-19 genocide of 2020 – Claire Edwards (v0) https://bit.ly/3nIX8Zh ~ BitChute search { claire edwards falconscafe https://bit.ly/3bqkb5p Newest First }

The more science we can throw at these demonic forces the better - Share this far and wide https://is.gd/LsgrFj

The cult are telling you they are murdering you in their concentration camps (hospitals) https://is.gd/Tx1NhU

They are killing people with this bio chemical weapon - Its all in the science - Why the cover up https://is.gd/19RXEf

Oversight needed, US Federal Law Enforcement, disposition matrix, gov. harassment and asset seizure https://is.gd/nTQsa2 ~ Blackb3rry Clu3s on Brighteon https://is.gd/JzGhgi

Wetenschappers lanceren door Bill Gates gesteund plan om ‘opwarming van de aarde’ tegen te gaan door de zon te blokkeren

  maart 25, 2025    14          Foto Credit:  https://depositphotos.com/nl E en groep Israëlisch-Amerikaanse wetenschappers heeft een ni...