maandag 24 januari 2022

How Bad is My Batch

 How Bad is My Batch

Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines


home|  Booster Warnings by Month |  Moderna |  Pfizer |  Janssen |  Moderna (outside USA) |  Pfizer (outside USA) |  Janssen (outside USA) |  Severe |  Lethal |  Size Matters |  Time till onset |  Causality |  All or Nothing |  Clusters |  Lot Sizes |  Lot Expiry Dates |  Data Cleaning |  Symptom |  Children |  Gender |  States |  Geography |  Japan |  Sweden |  Case Reports |  Whistle Blowers |  Video Library |  Treatment |  Background |  Download Source Code |  Donate


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!! NEW : Size matters - how injuries increase in direct proportion to numbers vaccinated - a causal link. See Size Matters

!! NEW : Vaccine injury / death differs by state. See States

!! NEW : Lot expiry list reveals which lots are biologically active vs placebo. See Lot Expiry Dates page.

!! NEW : Gender differences in response to vaccine. See Gender

!! NEW : Revelations from Sweden See Sweden

!! NEW : Documents submitted "People vs MHRA" See Prosecution docs

!! NEW : Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology, talks about his vaccine injury.

Some batches/lots are associated with excessive deaths, disabilities and adverse reactions. This variation could be due to -

1.    variation in the amount, meaning the number of doses distributed for a particular lot, OR

2.    variation in the toxicity of the doses

Both factors may play a part. Until we know for certain, it is best to be cautious.

You can use this website to find out the number of deaths, disabilities and illnesses associated with your particular batch code. The sheer number of deaths and disabilities is cause for concern - far exceeding the adverse events associated with flu vaccine lots of equal size.

Check out your batch code (lot number)

Latest Info on Boosters

Variation in Toxicity

Do the Batch Codes Code for Toxicity?

VAERS Database

Data Source

USA Data : All data is sourced from VAERS, a public database of over 700,000 adverse reaction reports for Moderna, Pfizer and Janssen Covid 19 vaccines in the USA.

Foreign Data : VAERS database now also includes data for Moderna, Pfizer and Janssen Covid 19 vaccines in countries outside of the USA. This data can be found here - Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) - the last table listed. This non-domestic data has been submitted by foreign regulatory agencies and consists of approximately 1,000,000 adverse reaction reports.

Our intention is to present the VAERS data in an accessible and unadulterated form, that can be easily verified using the links below


Created by Craig Paardekooper ©2021 |


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