zaterdag 16 april 2022

The Great Reset And Your House

 #HousingMarket #Bitcoin


                 Video LINK:


1.492.280 weergaven

13 jun. 2021


166K abonnees


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In this video, I discuss how BlackRock and other institutional investors are buying up single family homes across the country, and thus creating price distortions in the housing market.

This is all made possible by a central bank that enforces low interest rates, and rewards those closest to the money printer (Cantillon Effect).

Central bank monetary policy is one of the largest drivers of wealth inequality and disenfranchisement of the younger generations.

Bitcoin fixes this.

Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor.

You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy:


Federal Reserve hires BlackRock:

 Institutional investors buying up single family homes:

Check out my online trading courses: Use this secret coupon code to get a discount: YT99

Check out my Amazon best-seller, "A Beginner's Guide to the Stock Market":

I am not being paid or otherwise compensated by any company or cryptocurrency project that I mention in my videos.

My opinion is not for sale. Please do not contact me with any affiliate or advertising deals.






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