zondag 1 mei 2022

Former commercial airline pilot says “Squawk 7700” emergency alerts have risen 12,400 percent in age of COVID vax, 5G rollout

 Friday, April 29, 2022 by: JD Heyes

Tags: air emergenciesair trafficair travelairlinescommercial airlinescommercial pilotsCOVIDcovid vaccineemergenciesemergencyin-flight emergencypilotspublic safetySquawk 7700Vaccine deathsVaccine injuriesvaccine rolloutwarning

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author


(Natural News) Something is happening in the skies above the U.S. and countries around the world, according to a former airline pilot who claims that emergency alerts have skyrocketed so much in the past several months that he himself worries about safety.

“Something HUGE and really scary is going on with aviation. You can see for yourself. I am a former airline captain, I am out of the industry but I still keep tabs of what is going on. I have an app on my phone, it’s a free app that you can download yourself, it is called flightradar24,” the pilot noted, according to Rumor Mill News, which published his account.

“One of the really cool features of this app is you can have alerts set up so if an aircraft somewhere in the world declares an emergency, in the industry we call it ‘squawking 7700,’ you can get a notification” on the app, the pilot continued.

“I’ve had this app for years and usually you would see one to four emergencies pop up every month. That’s how it’s always been, aviation is pretty safe, there’s not a whole lot of emergencies worldwide on the monthly basis,” the pilot continued.

However, in recent months, that has changed very significantly, the pilot reports.

“But over the last couple of months, I have been getting notifications sometimes up to 10 times a day. I’ve already had four this morning!” the pilot noted further.

“Something huge and scary is going on out there and nobody is talking about it. I am seeing so many aircraft declaring emergencies on a daily basis, and I don’t know what is going on. You don’t have to believe me, you can download the app for yourself and set up the notifications. A lot of emergencies happening these days, I don’t know if I want to fly commercially anymore,” the pilot, who posted anonymously, added.

Most recently, airlines canceled flights ahead of a long-expected rollout of new 5G technology by AT&T and Verizon over concerns that the new signals would interfere with the avionics of some airliners, especially the Boeing 777, with one airline executive calling the botched exercise one of the most horrific things he has seen over his decades in the industry.

Emirates president Tim Clark said that the Dubai-based carrier was not aware of the issues until the day before the scheduled unveiling of the technology “to the extent that it was going to compromise the safety of operation of our aircraft and just about every other 777 operator to and from the United States and within the United States.”

“We were aware of a 5G issue. Okay. We are aware that everybody is trying to get 5G rolled out after all it’s the super-cool future of whatever it may be communication and information flow. We were not aware that the power of the antennas in the United States have been doubled compared to what’s going on elsewhere,” he added.

“We were not aware that the antenna themselves have been put into a vertical position rather than a slight slanting position, which then taken together compromise not only the radio altimeter systems but the flight control systems on the fly by wire aircraft. So on that basis, we took that decision late last night to suspend all our services until we had clarity,” he added, saying that the airline wouldn’t take any risks,” he said, adding: “I need to be as candid as I normally am, and say this is one of the most delinquent, utterly irresponsible issue subjects, call it what you like, I’ve seen in my aviation career because it involves organs of government, manufacturers, science, etc.”

There are also rising concerns that negative impacts from COVID-19 vaccines are affecting pilots and air travel.

Last monthNatural News reported that pilot deaths have increased by a whopping 1,750 percent since the vaccines were introduced.

Sources include:





Jim Stone quotes former airline captain: "Something HUGE & SCARY going on with AVIATION. Lot of emergencies happening these days. Don't know if I want to fly commercially anymore"

Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Thursday, 20-Jan-2022 12:51:59

Incorporating concerns about the potential impact of 5g, airline passengers are taking a huge risk when they elect to take a commercial flight...

Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist


This was real easy to fact check, it is legit

I have fact checked this, it is legit. In-flight emergency sqwaks, (sqwak 7700) have indeed increased by about 124X (12,400 percent) since the vax. Gosh, that matches the previous percentage increase of pilot deaths too. Pretty soon we are going to start having planes with both pilot and co-pilot disabled.

A while ago I posted a list of all the commercial pilot deaths post vax. Pilots are quite healthy so usually the list only has a few per year. However, after the vax there were hundreds on the list for 2021, and now we have THIS from a pilot:

"Something HUGE and really scary is going on with aviation. You can see for yourself. I am a former airline captain, I am out of the industry but I still keep tabs of what is going on. I have an app on my phone, it's a free app that you can download yourself, it is called 

One of the really cool features of this app is you can have alerts set up so if an aircraft somewhere in the world declares an emergency, in the industry we call it squawking 7700, you can get a notification. I've had this app for years and usually you would see one to four emergencies pop up every month. That's how it's always been, aviation is pretty safe, there's not a whole lot of emergencies worldwide on the monthly basis.

But over the last couple of months I have been getting notifications sometimes up to 10 times a day. I've already had four this morning! Something huge and scary is going on out there and nobody is talking about it. I am seeing so many aircraft declaring emergencies on a daily basis, and I don't know what is going on. You don't have to believe me, you can download the app for yourself and set up the notifications. A lot of emergencies happening these days, I don't know if I want to fly commercially anymore."

My comment: Posted anonymously but was VERY EASY to confirm. I frequently look at flightradar24. so I suspected this was legit and sure enough, there really are that many planes declaring emergencies. I did not know how many was normal, so I looked for precedent and found it.

Normally there really are only a few sqwaks per month, here is a post from six years ago where a pilot is wondering why there were suddenly 1-4 per week. I wonder what he would think of 10 per day. This is on Aviation.stackexchange. before the shot, a few a week was a lotWTH is going on????


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