donderdag 16 juni 2022

We exposed Paxlovid as Snake Oil. We Won

 Pfizer Abandons Paxlovid for "Standard Risk Population"



After the bad news about VRBPAC’s “expert” clown show approving “infant Covid Vaxx”, I was hoping that I could find something good and exciting to write about, to cheer up my readers. I spent an hour looking for good news with increasing desperation.

Fortunately, I found some great news. Pfizer is ending its failed Paxlovid standard risk trial! We exposed Pfizer’s Paxlovid medication as essentially snake oil that does not work, showed Pfizer’s corrupt motives, and made a lot of noise on substack and on Twitter. Brian Mowrey explained that Paxlovid is a five-day PAUSE button, not a STOP button. Hundreds of people reported Paxlovid rebounds on Twitter and even corrupt “health experts” could no longer deny that Paxlovid is a sham.

One such health expert describes his boosted wife (and himself) rebounding from Paxlovid, and his boosted wife is sadly suffering from serious long covid problems.

Our campaign thusly paid off, and embarrassed Pfizer is abandoning its attempts to trial its non-working medication in standard-risk patients.

Everyone is now aware that Paxlovid was never tested on the vaccinated. Everyone is also aware that it does not actually work in vaccinated people.

The FDA, as always, tried to gaslight the unfortunate rebounders but failed to quell the wave of complaints.

This was a big victory. That said, will Pfizer relegate Paxlovid to the few extremely high-risk unvaccinated patients? Of course not, what a stupid question. This is Pfizer, after all.

Bourla: Half of All People Are High Risk

Instead, Pfizer CEO Bourla declared that 40-50% of people are “high risk” and need to take Paxlovid anyway.

Try to think about this statement for a minute: most people, especially by far the most people over 50, are vaccinated and boosted. Aren’t they protected by safe and effective vaccines? Our health authorities said that vaccines provide 98% protection against severe outcomes. Is Bourla saying that half of the vaccinated people are high risk despite their multiple boosters? Is Albert an antivaxxer?

Albert is not an antivaxxer, he is just a grifter. Since Paxlovid does not work in standard risk people, he decided to label half of all people “high risk”, in order to keep selling Paxlovid. Bourla again sidesteps the crucial issue, that Paxlovid was never tested in the vaccinated and does not work in them. He wants everyone to forget this fact, and keep buying Paxlovid despite it having never been trialed in the vaccinated.


Since suckers are born every minute, Pfizer will succeed and will keep selling Paxlovid.

Unfortunately, suckers will also die every minute in the coming years, which is very regrettable.

Paxlovid not Working in the Vaccinated is a Sign of Immune Deficiency

Try to stop and think for a minute. Ask yourself a question: why, exactly, is Paxlovid not working in the vaccinated?

The problem is not with Paxlovid, it is the same medication as given to the unvaccinated. The problem is with the immune systems of the vaccinated. The vaccinated cannot clear Covid, while replication is temporarily paused by Paxlovid. The unvaccinated can. Why?

It is a question that I would like to explore, as it may be key to multiple reinfections of the vaccinated, as well as to “less severe disease” that the vaccinated are having, while simultaneously having higher viral loads.

Both phenomena are explained by lack of immune reaction to Sars-Cov-2 from deprogrammed immune systems that were unset and imprinted by several mRNA spike protein transfections.

Part of “severe disease” comes from cytokine storms, caused by an overreaction of immune systems. Well, if immune systems are deprogrammed, they will not overreact — not even react properly — and will not clear the virus either. They will not prevent reinfections, as well.

More on this later.

Onderkant formulier



Gideon van Meijeren wil onderste steen boven: ‘Waarom wordt deze belangrijke informatie geheimgehouden?’

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