dinsdag 9 augustus 2022

NPR Turns Against Ukraine!

Video Link: https://youtu.be/f3ecNwGoCMw?list=PLh-mjUve73tbmWo6pj80293vHQCBzl2_i

308.719 weergaven

24 jul. 2022

The Jimmy Dore Show

1,06 mln. abonnees


Ukraine has long been considered the most corrupt nation in Europe, and was widely recognized as such by American media outlets – right up until Russia invaded and suddenly Ukraine had to be “reimagined” as a paragon of democracy and a plucky underdog in the fight for freedom. Now that the Ukrainians appear likely to lose the war, however, mainstream outlets like NPR are rediscovering Ukraine’s rank corruption and reporting the truth again – but unfortunately too late to stop the tens of billions of dollars in military aid that’s been shipped off.

Jimmy and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the curious timing involved in NPR’s rediscovery of Ukrainian corruption.

WATCH / LISTEN FREE: Videos: https://jimmydorecomedy.com/watch

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