zaterdag 28 januari 2023

De ineenstorting van het Covid narratief

 Zal iemand het merken?

januari 28, 2023   2031   4  


Project Veritas, de grootste waarheidsverteller van onze tijd, neemt Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations mRNA Scientific Planner, op terwijl hij beschrijft hoe Pfizer de regelgevende instanties volledig in zijn greep heeft en hoe Pfizer van plan is virussen te muteren, zodat Pfizer eindeloze winsten kan maken met de verkoop van vaccins, schrijft Paul Craig Roberts.

Deze bekentenis is schandalig. Verwacht niet dat de hoerenmedia hierover zullen berichten. Verwacht niet dat het Congres zijn politieke campagnedonaties van Big Pharma op het spel zet door een onderzoek in te stellen. De misdaden van Big Pharma en zijn federale regelgevende instanties tegen de mensheid zullen onverminderd doorgaan.

U kunt de video van de bekentenis hier bekijken: (*)

Dr. Robert Malone beschrijft de Amerikaanse farmaceutische industrie:

“Verstoken van empathie. Hebzucht is haar doel. Het gezicht gloeit van vreugde, onverschillig voor de diepe menselijke tragedie die het faciliteert, genietend van de schade die wordt toegebracht aan het web van de mensheid en de structuur van een natie. Onwetend van de verschrikking die in zijn woorden besloten ligt in het weefsel van zijn taal. Bezeten door een diep geloof in zijn eigen recht. Een duizelingwekkend narcisme. Het vieren van corruptie. Volledig verstoken van wijsheid, introspectie of zelfbewustzijn van de fundamentele perversie van zijn ziel.

Een hoge afgezant van een immoreel bedrijf, dat volgens de rechtbanken rechten heeft die vroeger alleen voor menselijke burgers golden, en dat chronisch aast en zich voedt met menselijk lijden. Een bedrijf dat enorme boetes voor illegale activiteiten afdoet als gewoon een ongemak, een zakelijke uitgave.

Kijk diep in het gezicht van deze ambassadeur uit een andere wereld, luister goed naar deze werelden. Dit is hoe we hier zijn gekomen. Dit is de cultuur die ons deze wereldwijde menselijke tragedie heeft gegeven.

Zie het banale gezicht van onberouwelijk kwaad:

De Amerikaanse farmaceutische industrie.”

Terwijl Amerika’s Big Pharma dienaar en marketingsagent, de US Food and Drug Administration, Covid injecties voor baby’s goedkeurt en helpt op de markt te brengen, waardoor voor het eerst in de geschiedenis hartaanvallen bij baby’s worden veroorzaakt, heeft de Britse regering Covid vaccin boosters voor mensen onder de 50 jaar beëindigd.

De Britse regering kon de aanbeveling van het Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization om de boostercampagne voor het grootste deel van de leeftijdsgroep te beëindigen niet verwerpen. De reden – een dekmantel – lijkt te zijn dat niemand met enig verstand nog een booster wil, zodat het programma economisch niet efficiënt is. Maar het programma wordt voortgezet voor “personen met een hoog risico” en “om de nationale gezondheidszorg te beschermen”. UK Government Ending COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters for Healthy People Under 50

Uit een recente Amerikaanse opiniepeiling blijkt dat 48% van de respondenten denkt dat de oversterftegevallen en plotselinge sterfgevallen wordt verklaard door het Covid-vaccin. 35% denkt van niet, en 28% kent iemand die na vaccinatie is overleden.

Steve Kirsch, die als geen ander de waarheid over het “vaccin” heeft nagestreefd, heeft geconcludeerd dat “de sterftecijfers aantonen dat de COVID-vaccins wereldwijd de levensduur verkorten.” The death records show the COVID vaccines are shortening lifespan worldwide

Dus beste lezers, de Amerikaanse farmaceutische industrie, Amerikaanse politici zoals Joe Biden en uw eigen politici, tweederangs corrupte medische bureaucraten zoals Tony Fauci, de hoerenmedia, de bedrijfsgeneeskunde, uw corrupte werkgevers, uw scholen en universiteiten, en luchtvaartmaatschappijen, en militairen, en ziekenhuizen, hebben u gedwongen zich te laten inspuiten met een dodelijke stof. Het aantal oversterftegevallen na de “vaccinatiecampagne” is ongekend hoog. De vruchtbaarheid stort in. En er is geen bewijs van enig voordeel van het “vaccin”.

“Geen bewijs van enig voordeel van Vax”. Covid vaccin “maakt het probleem erger”. 

Hier getuigt Dr. Fleming onder ede dat Covid een biowapen is, gecreëerd door de Amerikaanse regering.

Gaat u er iets aan doen?

Of blijft u op uw duim zitten zuigen terwijl u voor altijd in het volgende bedrog trapt, en het bedrog daarna?

Copyright © 2023 vertaling door Frontnieuws.


(*) Project Veritas has broken Pfizer's Gain-of-Function Research Program Wide Open.

Pfizer's research is dangerous, immoral and must be shut down now.

Robert W Malone MD, MS

, 2023   1,213  


Yesterday I was asked to be a part of the Project Veritas video that exposes a Pfizer Director discusses making a "Mutating" COVID-19 virus for new vaccines via 'Directed Evolution' research. Of course, I was honored to help. The above video is the final product.

Discussions concerning the deep evil which underlies the COVIDcrisis has become common among the many communities which Jill and I visit while traveling the world.

Here is the rough beast in the flesh, slouching towards Bethlehem to be born. Devoid of empathy. Avarice its purpose. It’s face glowing with joy, oblivious to the profound human tragedy it enables, reveling in the damage wrought to the web of humanity and the structure of a nation. Oblivious to the horror embodied in its words, in the very fabric of its language. Possessed by a deep belief in its own entitlement. Oozing dizzy narcissism. Celebrating corruption. Completely devoid of wisdom, introspection or self-awareness of the fundamental perversion of its soul.

A senior emissary from an immortal corporation, which courts have defined as having rights formerly restricted to human citizens, and which chronically preys and feeds on human suffering. A corporation which shrugs off massive fines for illegal activities as just another inconvenience, a mere business expense.

Look deeply into the face of this ambassador from another world, listen carefully to these worlds. This is how we got here. This is the culture that has given us this global human tragedy.

Behold the banal face of unrepentant evil.

Apparently there is additional video footage that will be released today.

Now, having seen, what are you going to do about it?

Highlights from the Video:

·         Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations - mRNA Scientific Planner: “One of the things we're exploring is like, why don't we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create -- preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we're gonna do that though, there's a risk of like, as you could imagine -- no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f**king viruses.”

·         Walker: “Don’t tell anyone. Promise you won’t tell anyone. The way it [the experiment] would work is that we put the virus in monkeys, and we successively cause them to keep infecting each other, and we collect serial samples from them.”

·         Walker: “You have to be very controlled to make sure that this virus [COVID] that you mutate doesn’t create something that just goes everywhere. Which, I suspect, is the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest. It makes no sense that this virus popped out of nowhere. It’s bullsh*t.”

·         Walker: “From what I’ve heard is they [Pfizer scientists] are optimizing it [COVID mutation process], but they’re going slow because everyone is very cautious -- obviously they don’t want to accelerate it too much. I think they are also just trying to do it as an exploratory thing because you obviously don’t want to advertise that you are figuring out future mutations.”

The full Transcript:

Undercover Journalist:  Pfizer ultimately is thinking about mutating Covid?

Jordon Walker: Well, that is not what we say to the public. No. Don't tell anyone this by the way. You have to promise you won't tell anyone. You got to promise you won't tell anyone, okay. You know how the virus keeps mutating?

Undercover Journalist:  Yeah.

Jordon Walker: Well one of the things we're exploring is like why don't we just mutate it ourselves so we could preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So we have to do that. If we're going to do that though, there's a risk of, as you could imagine, no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating a [inaudible 00:00:28] virus. It has to be very controlled to make sure that this virus that you mutate doesn't create something that goes everywhere.

Undercover Journalist:  Something crazy.

Jordon Walker: Yeah. Because the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest, it makes no sense of this virus pop out of nowhere.

Undercover Journalist:  Yeah, I know.

James O'Keefe: Meet Jordon Trishton Walker, a director of research and development, strategic operations and mRNA scientific planning at Pfizer.

Undercover Journalist:  It sounds like gain of function to me.

Jordon Walker: I don't know. It's a little bit different. I think it's different. It's definitely not gain of function.

Undercover Journalist:  It sounds like it is. I mean, it's okay.

Jordon Walker: No, no, no, no. Though directed evolution is very different. Well, you're not supposed to do gain of function research with the viruses. They recommend not. But you do things like selected directional mutations to try to see if you can make more potent. So there is research ongoing about that. I don't know how that's going work. There better not be any more outbreaks, because like Jesus Christ.

Dr. Robert Malone: The gentleman seems to have absolutely no moral compass at all.

Jordon Walker: There's a revolving door for all government officials. It's pretty good for the industry to be honest.

Undercover Journalist:  Yeah.

Jordon Walker: It's bad for everyone else in America.

Undercover Journalist:  Why is it bad for everybody else?

Jordon Walker: Because if the regulators who have to approve our drugs, you know that once they stop being a regulator they want to come work for the company, they're not going to be as harsh on the company [inaudible 00:01:44] they're getting a job.

Dr. Robert Malone: If this is the quality of individuals within Pfizer that are making these huge decisions that risk global public health, it's profoundly corrupt.

Undercover Journalist:  What is Pfizer doing, I guess, to optimize the vaccines now?

Jordon Walker: Oh, we actually had a meeting about that today. So there's a lot.

Undercover Journalist:  Really?

Jordon Walker: I don't know if I should say this.

James O'Keefe: Our undercover journalist asked Walker how Pfizer is handling the fact that their Covid vaccines are ineffective against virus variants. What he said is disturbing. Listen to this.

Jordon Walker: We're exploring, you know how the virus keeps mutating?

Undercover Journalist:  Yeah.

Jordon Walker: Well one of the things we're exploring is like why don't we just mutate it ourselves so we could preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So we have to do that. If we're going to do that though, there's a risk of, as you could imagine, no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating a [inaudible 00:02:44] virus. So we're like, do we want to do this? So that's one of the things we're considering for the future, like maybe we can create new versions of the vaccines and things like that.

Undercover Journalist:  Okay. So Pfizer ultimately is thinking about mutating Covid?

Jordon Walker: Well, that is not what we say to the public. No. It was a thought that came up at a meeting and we were like, why do we not? It was like, we're going to consider that. There'll be more discussions. [inaudible 00:03:11] exactly actually, right? We were like, wait a minute... people won't like that.

James O'Keefe: That's right, it appears that Pfizer is internally discussing the possibility of mutating the Covid virus themselves in order to tailor a vaccine to sell to the public. Listen to Walker describe in detail just how they would conduct such a scientific experiment, first in living animals.

Jordon Walker: So the way that we were thinking about it, don't tell anyone this, by the way, you got to promise you won't tell anyone. You got to promise you won't tell anyone, okay? The way it would work is we put the virus in these monkeys and then we successively cause them to keep infecting each other and we collect serial samples from them and then the ones that are more infectious, so like the virus, we'll put them in another monkey and you just constantly actively mutate it, that's one way. Or you can even do like directed evolution, which we tend not to prefer, and you just sample what the different proteins on the surface on the virus look like over time. So there you can see the mutation and you can now force it to mutate in a certain way you want. But you have to be like very controlled to make sure that this virus that you mutate doesn't create something that goes everywhere.

Undercover Journalist:  Something crazy.

Jordon Walker: Which, I suspect is the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest. Like it makes no sense that this virus popped out of nowhere.

Undercover Journalist:  Yeah, I know.

James O'Keefe: Covid virus experimentation on live monkeys? This is unethical, to say the least, and Walker describes those experiments as if they are ongoing and not simply a hypothetical discussion.

Undercover Journalist:  So, I mean, when is Pfizer going to implement the mutation of all these viruses?

Jordon Walker: I don't know. It depends on how the experiments work out. Because this is just something we're trying, right.

Undercover Journalist:  It sounds like gain a function to me.

Jordon Walker: I don't know. It's a little bit different. I think it's different. It's definitely not gain a function.

Undercover Journalist:  Sounds like it is. I mean, it's okay.

Jordon Walker: No, no, no, no, no. Though directed evolution is very different.

Undercover Journalist:  Direct evolution?

Jordon Walker: Directed evolution.

Undercover Journalist:  Directed evolution, okay. So I mean, is that what it is then?

Jordon Walker: Maybe. I don't know. Well, you're not supposed to do gain of function research with the viruses. They recommend not. But you do things like selected directional mutations to try to see if you can make more potent. So there is research ongoing about that. I don't know how that's going to work. There better not be any more outbreaks, because like Jesus Christ.

Undercover Journalist:  So tell me more, like what's developing with the whole virus mutation process?

Jordon Walker: Well, they're still kind of conducting the experiments on it, but it seems like from what I've heard they're kind of optimizing it. But they're going slow, because everyone's very cautious. They obviously don't want to accelerate too much. But I think they're also just trying to do it as an exploratory thing because you obviously don't want to advertise that you're trying to figure out future mutation.

Undercover Journalist:  Right. So did the whole virus mutation thing come from your executive, Sarah?

Jordon Walker: No, no, no. That came from, we have two scientific officers in the other divisions.

James O'Keefe: In a subsequent meeting, our undercover journalist asked if this type of gain of function research is already being studied at Pfizer. But no, as long as it's called directed evolution, Pfizer's in the clear.

Undercover Journalist:  What's the goal for Pfizer of doing that?

Jordon Walker: So part of what they want to do is to some extent try to figure out if like, you know how there's all these new strains and variants that just pop up? Why don't we try to catch them before they pop up in nature and we can develop a vaccine prophylactically for new variants.

Undercover Journalist:  Yeah.

Jordon Walker: So that's why they're thinking if you control it in a lab, then you say "Oh, this is a new epitope". And so then if it comes out later on in the public, we already have a vaccine kind of working on it.

Undercover Journalist:  Oh my God. That's perfect. Isn't that the best business model though? Just control nature before nature even happens itself, right?

Jordon Walker: Yeah, if it works.

Undercover Journalist:  What do you mean, if it works?

Jordon Walker: Because some of the times there are just mutations that pop up, right, and we're not prepared for it. Like with Delta and Omicron and things like that. So who knows? I mean, either way it's going to be a cash cow. Covid will probably be a cash cow for us for a while going forward which I obviously like.

Undercover Journalist:  Well, I think the whole research of the viruses and mutating it would be the ultimate cash cow.

Jordon Walker: Yeah, it would be perfect.

James O'Keefe:           Now, you would think that creating viruses to sell the vaccine would be illegal. But no, the pharmaceutical industry, as Walker puts it, is quote "a revolving door for all government officials", unquote.

Jordon Walker: It's a revolving door for all government officials.

Undercover Journalist:  Wow.

Jordon Walker: Yeah, for any industry though. So in the pharma industry, all the government officials who review our drugs, mostly they come work for pharma companies. Like in the military, all the army and defense government officials eventually go work for the defense companies afterwards.

Undercover Journalist:  How do you feel about that revolving door?

Jordon Walker: It's pretty good for the industry to be honest.

Undercover Journalist:  Yeah.

Jordon Walker:Yeah. It's bad for everyone else in America.

Undercover Journalist:  Why is it bad for everybody else?

Jordon Walker: Because if the regulators who have to approve our drugs, you know that once they stop being a regulator they want to come work for the company, they're not going to be as harsh on the company [inaudible 00:08:09] they're getting a job.

Undercover Journalist: Right.

Project Veritas - James O'Keefe:

We talked to Dr. Robert Malone, physician, scientist, and author to get his take on the comments made by Jordon Walker.

Dr. Robert Malone: You're gaining function, you're creating a new function in virus one by adding elements from virus two, infecting one monkey and then another monkey. That's called serial passage. That appears to have been one of the technologies deployed in the Wuhan Institute of Virology with the humanized mouse strains that I believe were obtained from EcoHealth Alliance. That's an example of directed evolution.

The gentleman seems to have absolutely no moral compass at all about what he's doing. The hubris and arrogance and immaturity. If this is the quality of individuals within Pfizer that are making these huge decisions that risk global public health with such a casual disregard for the human toll, it's profoundly corrupt in terms of would it be feasible for Pfizer to circumvent international or national law?
I think that is undeniable.

And the gentleman in your investigative work has clearly indicated that Pfizer believes that it has successfully captured the regulatory apparatus of the United States government and presumably worldwide. Pfizer has completed regulatory capture, is quite proud of it.

Project Veritas - James O'Keefe: With governments turning a blind eye and Pfizer hiding information from the public, this is an ongoing story. Be brave. Do something. Spread these videos and stay tuned.

Project Veritas’ article on their transcript can be found here.

Pfizer Executive: ‘Mutate’ COVID via ‘Directed Evolution’ for Company to Continue Profiting Off of Vaccines … ‘COVID is Going to be a Cash Cow for Us’ … ‘That is Not What We Say to the Public’ … ‘People Won’t Like That’ … ‘Don’t Tell Anyone’

Twitter Spaces had an interesting discussion on this video, to listen- click on the image below.

Project Veritas @Project_Veritas

Thank you @RWMaloneMD for joining us tonight! Your insight is invaluable. We are still going strong! Join the space now:

4:13 AM ∙ Jan 26, 2023



De Daily Mail ontwaakt plotseling uit haar journalistieke coma en meldt een feitelijk verhaal over Covid-doodsinjecties

februari 21, 2025   10        Foto Credit: W aar is dit soort berichtgeving de afgelopen vier jaar gebleven toen...