maandag 6 maart 2023

Creepy Conspiratorial Globalists Were Behind Covid Lockdowns, UK Government Chats Show

UK government officials wanted lockdowns cancelled, but were pressured to continue

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A very well-written and deeply thought-out post, brilliantly authored by a prominent Covid skeptic, eugyppius, should prompt anyone to recall and revisit our recent Covid history:

eugyppius: a plague chronicle
Yet another leak reveals that Covid policies owe less to creepy conspiratorial globalists, than they do to the unbounded stupidity of our leaders, boring institutional dynamics and feedback effects
Isabel Oakeshott is a journalist and critic of pandemic containment policies who was unaccountably hired by disgraced former UK health minister Matt Hancock to write the Pandemic Diaries: The Inside Story of Britain’s Battle Against Covid. Hancock hoped that this exercise in autohagiography would rehabilitate his reputation after…
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Eugyppius is one of my favorite substack authors. I agreed with many of his past thoughts regarding Covid, society, and science.

However, I cannot agree with his post above. I want to put forth my reasoning that will arrive at the opposite conclusion, that is:

The UK government was reluctant to press on with lockdowns but was always pushed into lockdowns by powerful outside forces.

Those forces were paid and coordinated by aptly named (by eugyppius) “creepy conspiratorial globalists,” such as Bill Gates, his foundation, and the World Economic Forum.

The Purpose of Lockdowns Was to Keep People Miserable Until They Got Vaccinated.

The rest of my article is intentionally written in a non-judgemental tone. I will not speak of “evil plans,” “depopulation,” and other such concepts.

I hope to demonstrate that outside private forces influenced the UK government (and other governments) to implement their pandemic plan.

The WEF’s and Bill Gates’ Pandemic Plans

Bill Gates, as well as the World Economic Forum, had a pandemic plan. How do we know? Very simple, their plan was public. Here’s the video from the WEF where Bill Gates explains their plan! The key screenshots are shown, with timestamps added for your convenience:

The plan was quite simple:

  • Lock down every state (and every country)

  • Develop the COVID vaccine

  • Only after the vaccine is given can people get back to work

The plan was broadly in place before the official beginning of the pandemic. Event 201, held on Oct 12, 2019, and sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum, issued recommendations with similar suggestions.

Event 201’s recommendations mention (1) political decisions to slow or stop the movement of people and goods, a.k.a lockdowns, (2) vaccines, and (3) public-private cooperation.

Holding Governments Hostage Through “Public-Private Cooperation”

Underlined in blue in the picture (3) above is public-private cooperation. It is a relatively new concept.

In the past, sovereign governments were elected by voters and decided on policies to please domestic voters or, at most, domestic businesses.

In the last few decades, a new concept of global stakeholders has evolved. Those are large international businesses or private forums, not selected via any electoral process but possessing outsized influence on previously sovereign governments. Examples of “global business leaders” mentioned in the quote (3) are Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, Google, Facebook, and other large extraterritorial entities.

These unelected stakeholders played a large role during the pandemic, steering governments into adopting lockdowns.

Eugyppius mentions how Boris Johnson’s desire to lift the lockdowns was not supported by public opinion.

Boris Johnson considered lifting lockdown restrictions early but decided against it after being told that doing so would be “too far ahead of public opinion”.

But what formed that “public opinion”?

Global Social Network Stakeholders Blocked Undesirable Opposition

Global stakeholders such as Google and Facebook banned anti-lockdown protests and pages, so opponents of lockdowns could not voice their opposition:

Such bans, no doubt, contributed to “public opinion” steered firmly in support of lockdowns.

Bill Gates Sponsored the Media

The media, busy forming “public opinion,” was generously sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The BMGF gave $319 million to a variety of news media organizations. The UK media sponsored by Bill Gates includes:

Samples from the above publications cheering for lockdowns are shown below.

Pandemic Modeling with an Agenda

The UK government, during the pandemic, was using “pandemic models” that intentionally overstated projected deaths, as this Pandemic Files story shows:

Were the modelers unintentionally overstating predicted deaths? Was that just a bunch of academics overreacting?

It was not.

The main institutions developing “pandemic models” were Johns Hopkins and Imperial College. Johns Hopkins was a major pandemic preparedness player that sponsored the above-mentioned Event 201 and received $1,048,972,282 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Imperial College, based in the UK, received $318,891,807 from Bill Gates. I will skip the rest of them to keep the size of my post manageable.

The excessive death predictions produced by modelers were a part of the plan of those who sponsored them. The models helped to keep lockdowns and human misery in place until rushed “vaccines” were ready to be administered.

Governments Were Kept in Place

Not all governments marched in lockstep with the plans of Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, and other “global stakeholders.” Tanzania’s president Magufuli refused to follow pandemic guidelines.

Bill Gates-sponsored The Guardian published an editorial that “it is time for Africa to Rein In Tanzania’s anti-vaxxer President.”

A month later, on March 17, Magufuli was dead under suspicious circumstances.

In the UK, the pro-lockdown press constantly vilified Boris Johnson.

WEF Members Exerted Pressure on Boris Johnson

A WEF Member, Nicola Sturgeon, obnoxiously forced Boris Johnson into mandating masks in schools despite no scientific evidence for doing so:

A WEF member Rishi Sunak schemed to oust Johnson’s adviser Dominic Cummings who was skeptical of lockdowns and flouted lockdown rules:

The Plan Worked

Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, Facebook, and other “creepy globalist conspirators” succeeded brilliantly. The lockdowns were mostly maintained in various countries until vaccines could be given to people.

You know the rest of the story. The vaccines did not stop the pandemic. Lockdowns continued for a bit longer and were used as a pretext to force reluctant people to vaccinate. Vaccines would “stop transmission,” we were told.

So, people dutifully lined up to get vaccinated. They were mad at the ignorant unvaccinated people who refused to “listen to science.” Terry Register was one of the thousands of such people. He got vaccinated and boosted and proudly announced that on social media by displaying his “I got my Covid booster” sticker.

While most people are luckily still with us, all of them were misled by “global stakeholders,” news media sponsored by Bill Gates, and BMGF-paid modelers whose false predictions influenced government policies.

Terry Register was a good man. He did his part to save humanity. It is not Terry’s fault that things did not work out, and he became a number in the excess mortality statistics.

Were the Governments “Just Dumb,” or Did They Fall Victim to Shadowy Influence?

Eugyppius says eloquently:

It always irritates some people when I say this, but it’s just the truth: The people responsible for the last three years of economic destruction, psychological injury and mass pharmaceutical experimentation are callous and evil, but they’re also just really dumb. None of this meant anything, none of this was for anything, and that’s the bitterest pill of all. Every last person in these text messages, from Johnson to Hancock to other ministers to random experts and everyone else, has absolutely no idea what they’re doing or what the purposes of their restrictions even are.

I agree with Eugyppius that the people in governments, such as Matt Hancock or Boris Johnson, who implemented useless lockdowns and forced people to take unproven vaccines, are dumb.

I disagree with Eugyppius's saying that the lock-step implementation of lockdowns in all countries was an accident and a “fruit of shallow low-wattage government functionaries who have a planning horizon extending no more than two weeks.”

Instead, the events of 2020 were planned and implemented in advance by ruthless Covid Globalists, who implemented their plans via corrupt media that they paid off, social media giants suppressing discussions, and hijacked science and pandemic modeling to further their plans.

Politico Article

I am not the only person who thinks Bill Gates and his co-conspirators hijacked the pandemic. Politico published a brilliant article about how Bill Gates took over the global Covid response.

If you do not believe me, read the Politico article!

Voice Your Opinion

I invite everyone to DEBATE my post. Express your opinion in the comments. Tell us what you think about the lockdowns:

  • Were they a result of local governments’ stupidity that accidentally manifested itself in perfect lock-step in most first-world countries, or

  • Were lockdowns a result of “creepy conspiratorial globalists” executing well-thought-out pandemic plans, resulting in governments caving to their pressure?

Dissent and disagreement are perfectly acceptable on my substack. Comment away!

(and upgrade to paid subscription if you liked this post, which took a lot of work to write)


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