vrijdag 12 mei 2023

Wordt deze voorzitter van World Economic Forum-werkgroep de nieuwe directeur van Twitter?

Twitterbaas Elon Musk maakte deze week bekend dat Tucker Carlson zijn show gaat voortzetten bij Twitter. Daarnaast kondigde hij aan dat hij een nieuwe, vrouwelijke directeur heeft gevonden voor Twitter.

De Wall Street Journal onthulde de identiteit van de vrouw: Linda Yaccarino. Zij werkt momenteel bij NBCUniversal. Ze moet adverteerders gaan overhalen om terug te komen naar Twitter.

Op het LinkedIn-profiel van Yaccarino valt te lezen dat ze voorzitter is van de Taskforce on Future of Work van het World Economic Forum en in de Media, Entertainment and Culture Industry Governors Steering Committee van het WEF zit.

Ik zie jullie in de goelag

In januari 2020 gaf ze een speech getiteld ‘World Economic Forum: Creating the Workspace of the Future by Focusing on People’.

Bovendien zette ze samen met het bedrijfsleven, het Witte Huis en overheidsagentschappen een coronavaccinatiecampagne op poten die meer dan 200 miljoen Amerikanen bereikte.

Veel mensen reageren sceptisch. “Het was een paar maanden leuk op Twitter. Ik zie jullie in de goelag,” zegt iemand.

[Zero Hedge]

Elon Musk Appoints WEF Executive, Who Believes in Depopulation, As Twitter CEO

Fact checked

May 12, 2023 Sean Adl-Tabatabai NewsUS 8 Comments


Elon Musk has come under fire for appointing a WEF executive who believes in depopulation as the new CEO of Twitter.

Twitter’s new incoming CEO, Linda Yaccarino, is a World Economic Forum Executive Chair and NBCUniversal advertising executive, and recently lobbied Musk to commit to self-censorship and urged him to allow advertisers to feel that they can “influence” Twitter.

          Video Link: https://twitter.com/i/status/1656834841516687362

During an April 2023 interview with Musk, Yaccarino told Musk that advertisers “need to feel there’s an opportunity for them to influence what you’re building.”

Bovenkant formulier

She then criticized him for not censoring independent media on the platform and urged him to self-censor some of his own non-mainstream views. Musk agreed to try to tweet less after 3 am, when most of his ‘edgier’ tweets are made.

Video Link: https://rumble.com/v1rsxm4-satanic-elon-musk-partners-with-wef-to-usher-in-a-digital-great-reset.html

“If I were to say, ‘Yes, you can influence me,’ that would be wrong,” Musk said. “That would be very wrong because that would be a diminishment of freedom of speech.”

Yaccarino sharply disagreed, declaring that “influencing” is “more of an open feedback loop” for advertisers to “help develop Twitter into a place where they will be excited about investing” in areas such as “product development, ad safety, and content moderation.”

Reclaimthenet.org reports: However, Musk continued to push back:

“It’s totally cool to say that you want to have your advertising appear in certain places in Twitter and not in other places but it is not cool to try to say what Twitter will do and if that means losing advertising dollars, we lose it, but freedom of speech is paramount.”

Despite Musk making it clear that he felt it was wrong for advertisers to try and influence Twitter, Yaccarino kept trying to press the point.

She asked Musk to recommit to reinstating an “influence council” that allowed advertisers to have “recurring access” to Twitter leadership.

“I would be wary of that creating a backlash among the public,” Musk warned.

Prior to being tapped as the upcoming Twitter CEO, Yaccarino was the Chairman of Global Advertising and Partnerships at NBCUniversal. She has previously served as NBCUniversal’s Chairman of Advertising & Client Partnership and President of Cable Entertainment & Digital Advertising Sales during her almost 12-year tenure with the company.

She also has several ties to the World Economic Forum (WEF), a global group that consistently advocates for the censorship of “misinformation” and supports mass data collection.

In her LinkedIn profile, Yaccarino notes that she’s been a WEF Executive Chair since January 2019. Currently, she’s the Chairman of the WEF’s Taskforce on Future of Work. She also sits on the WEF’s Media, Entertainment, and Culture Industry Governors Steering Committee. Additionally, she is highly engaged with the WEF’s Value in Media initiative. Yaccarino has spoken at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting about shaping the future of media, entertainment, and culture.

Video Link: https://rumble.com/v2nbdlo-scientists-reveal-deadly-wef-diet-will-drive-human-race-to-extinction.html

Sean Adl-Tabatabai


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