dinsdag 28 september 2021

Who owns the world? Bill Gates, master criminal and expert in bribery

Bill Gates is all over the place: every major news media gives him a platform to tell the whole world what we can and cannot do, concerning our health. While he has no medical education whatsoever, he is dictating the health policies in virtually every nation. Because he owns half of the mainstream media, and pays the other half to work for him, he is able to effectively silence voices of millions of medical doctors and scientists who oppose his policies. 

Bill Gates is also the main sponsor of the World Health Organization and many other health institutes worldwide, as well as the main shareholder of most vaccine companies. Gates is the world’s #1 vaccine dealer, which made him the richest man in the whole world. Selling vaccines doubled his fortune to over 100 billion USD. He bribes or blackmails governments to propagate his vaccination agenda, and demands that all of humanity must be injected with an untested, experimental DNA-altering experimental agent, that is falsely marketed as a ‘vaccine for COVID-19’.


Bill Gates is not a computer genius

Thirty years ago the internet was buzzing with news articles about how Bill Gates was convicted for illegally suppressing all Microsoft competitors, in order to gain a world monopoly in the computer industry. After his conviction Gates launched a campaign to regain popularity, by donating billions of dollars to ‘help’ humanity. His new image was that of a generous philanthropist who uses his wealth to build a better world. The truth is, he was buying his way into the world’s health industry, in order to gain a world monopoly in that area as well. Now he is effectively dictating the health policies for nations around the world, without having any kind of medical degree. His money speaks louder than his lack of medical expertise.


Bill Gates wants to control the weather


Gates’ next goal is to become the world’s leading voice when it comes to the environment, climate change, the weather, agriculture and the food industry. Based on 100% false claims he warns how the earth is about to experience catastrophic climate change. It is his excuse to impose insane 'solutions': humanity must stop eating meat and switch to consuming artificial steaks. Of course he is the one cooking up these plastic patties in his ’fake flesh factories’. He is also buying up most of the farmland in the USA, in order to become the largest producer of plant based protein, which must replace the meat industry. 

That will ‘save the world’ Bill Gates says, because ‘cows emit too much CO2’.

Bill Gates is also involved in spraying our skies with toxins in order to ‘cool down the earth’ by blocking the sun from humanity. His diabolical desire to play god over the whole earth, is leading him to increasingly psychopathic ideas, like filming every square inch of the earth from countless satellites. Of course, all this is only for the ‘well being’ of humanity.


Bill Gates is backed up by the elite


Never before in the history of humanity did one man have so much power over the whole earth. How is this possible? Because Bill Gates is backed up by a dangerous group of super wealthy criminals, called the elite or the 1% (in reality this group is about 0,000001% of the world population) who use him to gain control over every aspect of our world. This small group of trillionnaires provided all the support he needed to wipe out his opponents, get a firm grip on the worlds mainstream media, become the single most influential voice to governments, and control the majority of the pharmaceutical industry. 


Does all this sound too insane to be true? Absolutely. No way can this ridiculous scenario be even remotely close to reality. Or… could it? 


The following documentaires have been produced by the world’s leading investigative journalists who spent decades gathering information about Bill Gates and his parters in crime, like Anthony Fauci. They made these high quality documentaires to open the eyes of humanity, before it is too late. Make sure to watch them, to understand what is going on in oru world...

Bill Gates Documentaries



Very impressive full lenght documentary by the world's nr 1 'Bill Gates expert', the renown investigative journalist James Corbet. He built one of the largest databases of information to expose the criminal elite who run the world:

 The Corbet Report - Open Source Intelligence News.






From the makers of the world's most viewed documentary PLANDEMIC comes an equally impressive short documentary about Bill Gates. According to legend Bill Gates built his computer empire out of his garage. Reality tells another story: Bill Gates stole inventions from others, lied and cheated, and took all the credit.... plus of course the billions of dollars.




For years this revealing short documentary was removed from the internet, nowhere to be found. Censorship seemed to have destroyed it entirely... untill it suddenly resurfaced in 2021! Immediately it went viral and is now present on all the free speech platforms.




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DOWNLOAD The Vaccine Death Report (PDF) for Free! Millions Have Died From The Injections


THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT – Millions Have Died From The Injections





The Vaccine Death Report reveals a horrifying reality: millions of innocent people lost their lives and hundreds of millions are suffering crippling side effects, after being injected with the experimental covid injections. The Vaccine Death Report shows all the evidence for this, with hundreds of references that allow for further investigation.

This report is a critical alarm call to the world.
Download it and distribute it far and wide.



Our enemies are multi triljonaires and billionaires, whose unlimited financial resources allow them to buy and deceive the whole world. If you want to see humanity liberated from their grip, then please support Stop World Control, so we can open the eyes of millions worldwide. Together we can do the impossible!


LINK:  https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/downloads/en/vaccines/vaccine-death-report.pdf





Orange Vests March For Third Day in Melbourne Australia, Police Crack Skulls

Summit News

Orange Vests March For Third Day in Melbourne, Police Crack Skulls


Orange Vests March For Third Day in Melbourne, Police Crack Skulls

Construction workers irate at mandatory vaccination, shut down of their industry.

Published on  

Paul Joseph Watson



Video Screenshot




Orange vest construction workers marched for a third day in Melbourne, Australia against mandatory vaccination rules, with one video showing a protester profusely bleeding after police cracked his skull.

After authorities shut down the construction industry in Melbourne for two weeks in an effort to force workers to get vaccinated, anger only escalated, with the orange vests seen engaged in numerous clashes with police.

The demonstrations continued for a third day, with numerous clips illustrating how irate the mandatory vaccine rule has made the workers as well as the brutality of the police response.

“My skull is cracked,” said one man who said his name was Kyle Mitchell as he lie bleeding on the ground.


Police arrested a mother merely for carrying a protest sign while her crying child clung on  to her.  https://twitter.com/i/status/1440600441876664320 

Riot cops threw another woman to the ground.


 Another clip shows a female protester crying as she is dragged away by police.


 Another video purports to show police sending in agent provocateurs to stir up unoptical violence.



Police fired rubber bullets at the demonstrators.



One protester carried a sign saying “Andrews is the virus,” in reference to Dan Andrews, the Premier of Victoria.


 Another demonstrator asserted that the construction workers will never comply with communism.



Journalists who have amplified the government’s lockdown narrative for over a year aren’t being treated with much respect.



One of the protesters’ favorite chants is “every day,” as they vow to continue their resistance.



 As we document in the video below, the uprising has hallmarks of the Yellow Vest revolt in France given the demographic of the protesters and their distinctive clothing.



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 ENDLESS NIGHTMARE: Moderna CEO says booster shots will need to be taken FOREVER… Big Pharma now dictating all public policy as real science is SILENCED

Image: ENDLESS NIGHTMARE: Moderna CEO says booster shots will need to be taken FOREVER… Big Pharma now dictating all public policy as real science is SILENCED

(Natural News) Stephane Bancel, the current CEO of Moderna, has announced that everyone who took the company’s first two Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) mRNA “vaccines” will need to get continual “booster” shots for the rest of their lives if they hope to live.

Bancel’s goal is to manufacture enough booster shots for “everyone on this earth” to be “vaccinated” over and over again for the rest of eternity, which will be great for Moderna’s stock price.

Moderna was one of the companies selected by Donald Trump to mass produce injections under “Operation Warp Speed.” In just one year, Moderna raked in $19 billion from the scheme.

Now, Trump’s man is admitting that the true intent with Operation Warp Speed was to continue jabbing people on a regular schedule for the rest of their lives, which is the only way to “flatten the curve.”

“Those who don’t get vaccinated will immunize themselves naturally because the Delta variant is so contagious,” Bancel stated, clarifying that such people will still get sick, in his opinion.

“You can either get vaccinated and have a good winter,” Bancel added. “Or you don’t do it and risk getting sick and possibly even ending up in hospital.”

Bancel admits that those who took Moderna mRNA injections now have crippled immune systems that require constant boosters

If the masses obey his orders, then life can possibly get back to normal “in a year.” If not, then it will be a forever cycle of new Chinese Virus “variants” and associated media reports about “hospitals overflowing.”

Older people and other “vulnerable” demographics will “undoubtedly” need what Bancel described as refresher shots many, many times throughout their lives. Otherwise, the previous shots will lose their effectiveness.

The nation of Israel is among the first to eagerly embrace what Bancel is trying to sell them. The United States will more than likely follow suit once the time is right and more people are warmed up to the idea.

In order to continue living in Israel moving forward, all Israelis will need to keep their “green pass” updated with the latest booster shots. As of this writing, Israel is setting up for its fourth round of injections.

“This means that those hoping to ride out the pandemic while remaining unvaccinated, with all freedoms returned next year, may actually face a permanent bio-security police state which keeps them under de facto lockdown forever,” writes Paul Joseph Watson for Summit.news.

“Those who for whatever reason refuse to take their booster jabs will also face discrimination when it comes to travel and basic lifestyle activities in many countries.”

Moderna faces criticism for not delivering even a single dose of its mRNA injection to any “low-income” countries. Many believe that those living in such countries are actually much better off than we are because they might just escape all the medical fascism we now have to deal with.

“This seems to be yet another admission that the purpose of the vaccine is to destroy our immune systems and make us all customers for life of Big Pharma criminal corporations,” wrote one Summit.news commenter about what Bancel’s statements ultimately reveal.

“P.T. Barnum was right when he said there is a sucker born every minute,” wrote another about those who buy into the clot shot agenda. “Now we have a nation brimming over with them. Suckers galore.”

Another commenter pointed out that companies like Moderna bribe politicians knowing that those same politicians will issue decrees ordering people to take Big Pharma shots and pills under duress.

“Politicians invest in the company’s stock based on insider information,” this same person added.

The latest news stories about Wuhan Flu shot tyranny can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:




CEO of Moderna Says Even Young Will Need to Take Vaccine Booster Shots Indefinitely

Two tier society that punishes the unvaccinated could remain in place forever.

Published  23 September, 2021

Paul Joseph Watson


         Steven Ferdman via Getty Images



The CEO of pharmaceutical giant Moderna says that even younger people will have to get vaccine booster shots at least once every three years, meaning that a two-tier society which punishes the unvaccinated could remain in place indefinitely.

According to Stephane Bancel, the pandemic will continue for at least another year, at which point there will be enough vaccine doses “so that everyone on this Earth can be vaccinated.”

This includes jabs for infants and booster shots for those who require them.

“Those who don’t get vaccinated will immunize themselves naturally because the Delta variant is so contagious,” said Bancel, although he went on to assert that such people would still get ill.

“You can either get vaccinated and have a good winter. Or you don’t do it and risk getting sick and possibly even ending up in hospital,” said the Moderna CEO.

Bancel says life will return to normal “in a year,” but that this will be dependent on people continuing to receive regular COVID-19 booster jabs.

The CEO said older and vulnerable people would “undoubtedly” need refresher shots at least once a year, while even younger people who face an infinitesimal chance of dying from the virus will need booster shots every three years.

Israel has already signaled that vaccine passports will incorporate mandatory proof of an individual having received booster shots.

This means that those hoping to ride out the pandemic while remaining unvaccinated, with all freedoms returned next year, may actually face a permanent bio-security police state which keeps them under de facto lockdown forever.

Those who for whatever reason refuse to take their booster jabs will also face discrimination when it comes to travel and basic lifestyle activities in many countries.

Despite Bancel’s insistence that the entire planet will have been offered a vaccine within a year, according to Amnesty International, “Moderna has not yet delivered a single vaccine dose to a low-income country.”


Follow on Twitter: Follow @PrisonPlanet


Imam: ‘In Nederland zijn moslims de baas – als het je niet bevalt, vertrek je maar’ (Video)

  september 19, 2024   18              Foto Credit: Rairfoundation.com B roeder Rahide heeft een duidelijke boodschap voor zijn  TikTok ...