zondag 4 juli 2021

 13-year-old dies in his sleep three days after receiving second dose of Pfizer vaccine

Thursday, July 08, 2021 by: Arsenio Toledo
Tags: badhealthbadmedicinebadscienceBig Pharmachildren's healthcoronaviruscoronavirus vaccinescovid-19Dangerous MedicinePfizerpharmaceutical fraudVaccine dangersvaccine deathVaccine deathsvaccine injuryvaccines


(Natural News) A 13-year-old boy from Michigan died in his sleep just three days after receiving his second dose of the experimental Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

Jacob Clynick received his second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at a Walgreens in Zilwaukee, Saginaw County, Central Michigan on June 13. According to Tammy Burages, Clynick’s aunt, the only side effects he initially experiences were fatigue and fever. These are supposedly normal.

But on June 15, Clynick started complaining about a stomachache. Burages said the family considered the stomachache to not be severe enough to warrant medical attention. Clynick died sometime after he went to bed. (Related: Texas woman with severe coronavirus dies in hospital after CATCHING FIRE.)

“He passed away in the middle of the night at home,” said Burages.

Clynick, who lived in Zilwaukee, had just completed eighth grade. According to his family, he was very healthy and had no known underlying medical conditions. He was looking forward to starting classes in the fall as a high school freshman at Carrollton High School.

His family remembers him as a kind boy who loved to go camping with his father and was brave enough to stand up to bullies in school. Burages said he was even voted “Most likely to become president of the United States.”

“He loved to tell corny dad jokes and always had plenty of them to hand out,” said Burages. “He found the funny side of every situation and the world will be a little less fun without him in it.”

Investigation into Clynick’s cause of death could take months to complete

In a joint statement, the medical director and the health officer of the Saginaw County Health Department said they are conducting an investigation to figure out if there is a connection between Clynick’s sudden death and the vaccination. This investigation will be headed by the Michigan Institute of Forensic Science and Medicine (MIFSM), in cooperation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“Meanwhile, the health department continues to encourage families to speak with their physicians to weigh their own risks and benefits of vaccination,” read the joint statement.

“We can verify that we are managing the investigation, and that’s the extent of what I can share,” said MIFSM Director of Operations Randy Pfau. The institute’s other doctors said they are regularly communicating with the CDC regarding the case.

“It’s still an ongoing investigation,” said Pfau. “I know the doctors are working on this case as a priority.” He added that the full investigation could take up to three to five months to complete.

According to Becky Naessens, funeral director for Deisler Funeral Homes, no cause of death was listed on Clynick’s death certificate because there isn’t one yet.

“Depending on the county and what labs … medical examiners use, it could be weeks or it could be months, quite honestly,” she said, before any information about his death was released to the public.

Clynick’s funeral was only held on June 26. This is nearly two weeks after his death and just three days after a CDC advisory committee acknowledged a “likely association” between the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines and a risk of heart problems in young adults and adolescents like Clynick.

Unfortunately for Clynick’s family, his cause of death is still unclear. An autopsy was performed, but its conclusions have not yet been revealed. Burages said she hopes the investigators will at least find some clues, but she is losing hope.

“This is one of those things that I suspect they’re never going to really be able to say, ‘Oh it was the shot,’ or ‘It wasn’t the shot,'” she said.

“There must be something that makes kids more susceptible to having a serious heart reaction, and I think Jacob was one of those kinds. So whatever that serious thing was, whatever the underlying health issue was, is something maybe that the autopsy will tell us,” added Burages. She lamented the fact that the investigation will take months and a lot more kids like Clynick will get vaccinated before its results are revealed to the public.

All Burages hopes now is that, one day, she and the rest of Clynick’s family will have answers that might be of some use for other families who are trying to decide whether or not to vaccinate their children.

“If there are factors that can make it riskier for some kids [to get a vaccine], I hope health officials can figure out what those are,” she said.

Sources include:





Jongeren vallen flauw na vaccinatie: wat is er precies aan de hand?

In de vaccinatiecentra hebben de EHBO-diensten extra werk. Jongeren vallen vaak flauw na de prik toegediend te hebben gekregen. De vaccinatiecentra lossen dat op met cola en druivensuiker of door jongeren liggend te vaccineren.

Hasselt: bron

Toch straf hoe snel de wetenschap tegenwoordig evolueert… In de winter was het vaccin nog niet veilig voor jongeren, maar in de zomer van hetzelfde jaar blijken we al op onze twee oren te mogen slapen?

Is dit nog wetenschap?

Enkele maanden geleden lazen we dit nog in de standaard:


Een studie van Pfizer is weinig geruststellend

Pfizer-studie: 79% van de gevaccineerde kinderen ouder dan 12 jaar kreeg bijwerkingen

Extreem hoog percentage bijwerkingen

In het nieuwe informatieblad staat dat het vaccin van Biontech/Pfizer is getest op 1.097 kinderen en jongeren tussen 12 en 15 jaar. Daarbij kreeg 78,9 procent van de gevaccineerden, oftewel 866 van de 1.097 kinderen, een of andere bijwerking. De bijwerkingen werden beschreven als “licht” in 466, “matig” in 393 en “ernstig” in 7.

De studie werd opgezet als een dubbelblind onderzoek, waarbij naast de 1.127 kinderen en adolescenten die werden gevaccineerd met de eerste dosis en 1.097 met de tweede dosis, ook 1.127 en 1.078 werden gevaccineerd met een zoutoplossing als placebo. De verschillen zijn zeer significant; van de kinderen die met een echt vaccin werden ingeënt, klaagden meer dan 5 keer zoveel kinderen binnen de eerste 7 dagen over bijwerkingen.

Eén op de vijf kinderen krijgt hoge koorts

Bijwerkingen inbegrepen:

  • Eerste vaccinatie
  • Koorts boven 38 graden C (114)
  • Vermoeidheid (677)
  • hoofdpijn (623)
  • rillingen (311)
  • Braken (31)
  • Diarree (90)
  • Spierpijn (272)
  • Gewrichtspijn (109)
  • Tweede vaccinatie
  • Koorts boven 38 graden C (215)
  • Vermoeidheid (726)
  • Hoofdpijn (708)
  • Rillingen (455)
  • Braken (29)
  • Diarree (65)
  • Spierpijn (355)
  • gewrichtspijn (173)

Een van de mogelijke ernstige bijwerkingen die bij de gevaccineerden vaker werden waargenomen dan in de vergelijkingsgroep was een mogelijk fatale blindedarmontsteking. Hier wijzen Pfizer/Biontech niettemin een verband met de vaccinatie af. (Geen verband? Is het toeval? Zijn we daar zeker van? Nemen we dit risico?)

Ernstige bijwerkingen tot overlijden bij 660.000 kinderen vergeleken met 295 sterfgevallen (meestal reeds bestaande aandoeningen)


Het CDC schrijft bovendien:

De meeste kinderen met COVID-19 hebben milde symptomen of hebben helemaal geen symptomen. Het is zeer uitzonderlijk dat ze sterven aan COVID-19.


Enkele vragen hierbij:

  • Kunnen we na al deze informatie tot de conclusie komen dat jongeren vaccineren tegen Covid-19 zinvol en veilig is?
  • Waarom vallen deze jongeren flauw?
  • Is het verantwoord om een experimenteel vaccin toe te dienen aan gezonde jonge mensen?

(Help ons. Deel dit artikel a.u.b.)

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