donderdag 29 juli 2021

MEDICAL BOMBSHELL: Blood doctor releases findings showing Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines change red blood cells from round to tubular, causing them to stick together

Tuesday, July 27, 2021 by: S.D. Wells

Tags: adverse eventsbadhealthbloodblood cellsBlood clotsheart healthinfectionmrna adverse eventsmyocarditispandemicvaccine deathVaccine injuriesvaccine side effectsvascular injuryvascular system




(Natural News) Yes, it’s time to become your own “medical investigator,” because these vaccine manufacturers and regulatory agencies do not have our best interest in mind. Would you like to know exactly what the mRNA vaccines do to your blood that’s far more dangerous than the Covid-19 virus or any of its variants?


You don’t have to be a mechanic to learn and understand how dirty oil can ruin a motor, and you don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to understand how mRNA Covid vaccines are changing red blood cells to make them stick together. This explains the blood clot phenomena happing around the world after Covid inoculation. This explains the inflamed heart epidemic happening around the globe after Covid vaccination. This explains the explosion of cases of neuromuscular degenerative conditions.


Why are thousands and thousands of Covid-vaccinated people complaining of relentless lethargy, dizziness and clouded thinking?


Myocarditis is the condition of an inflamed heart, that’s being overworked for various reasons. One main reason for myocarditis, strokes and heart attacks is clogged blood vessels, including arteries, veins and capillaries. each of which plays specific roles in the process of circulating oxygen and nutrients. Even some of the healthiest people on planet earth, our military members, are suffering myocarditis after Covid vaccination, and this is proven by science in clinical trials.

Under a regular microscope, the examination of blood samples (blood smear) from a specific doctor’s patients who received the Moderna Covid jab(s) reveal blood cells that are destroyed, mutated-tubular-looking and clumping together (aggregated). These patients and their doctor want to know exactly what is being pushed into their bloodstream, and what is now circulating throughout their body?


The misinformation is coming from Pfizer and Moderna about mRNA and its true function. That’s where all the misinformation stems from, not alternative news, as MSM would have everyone believe.


These pictures of blood smears from Covid-vaccinated patients appear as though the patient has been suffering from Guillain-Barre syndrome or MS, but they haven’t been. How are the vaccines causing this effect? The Moderna mRNA Covid vaccine mutates the shape and stickiness of the red blood cells, causing them to clot. The first diagram below shows healthy blood cells and then post Covid vaccination, you’ve got mutated, deformed red blood cells, spiked proteins, and the stickiness factor causing deadly blockages. It’s like a hundred-car pileup of wrecks on the highways and roadways where your blood travels, 24/7/365.


Take a look:





Severe myocarditis, caused by Covid vaccines, weakens your heart while preventing the rest of your body from getting enough blood


The Covid vaccines are not vaccines at all. They are gene-manipulating, toxic injections that clog human blood. Coincidentally, a viral infection is the most common cause of myocarditis, so Covid is the perfect cover for vaccines causing inflamed hearts and blood clots. During a viral infection, your body produces cells to fight the virus, but after an mRNA vaccine, your cells produce sticky proteins and prions, that cause “roadblocks” in your blood vessels, and your blood clogs even more around these obstructions. The problem is compounded and quickly becomes deadly.


Some victims of Covid vaccination are suffering from cerebral vein thrombosis or deep-vein thrombosis. These are deadly blood clots in or near the brain. Other vaccination victims are suffering from pulmonary embolisms right after getting the Covid jabs. These are happening due to abnormal coagulation, where the entire blood coagulation system has been hijacked and functions out of control, thanks to mRNA “technology.” Internal organs are also taking on damage from the vaccines.


If these vaccine-induced clots become dislodged from where they form, they can move to an organ or an artery that’s too narrow for it, blocking blood flow and resulting in pulmonary embolism, like what’s happening in these vaccine victim’s lungs, stomach, and brain (ischemic strokes).

Research shows that Covid-19 patients also have significantly elevated levels of blood clotting molecules, also aiding and abetting vascular disease, so the problem is compounded for people who got Covid and get the vaccine on top of that, but the CDC doesn’t care. Nobody is checked for anything at all before getting Covid jabs at abandoned shopping malls, sporting events, and nightclubs. It’s a free-for-all because the mRNA jabs are dirty, dirty, dirty.


Now, if for some reason, you already got jabbed with the blood-clotting Covid inoculations, and you are suffering from CoVax Syndrome, then report it to VAERS. Also, check out for updates on these crimes against humanity and the upcoming vaccine holocaust.


Sources for this article include:





Shocking Live Blood Analysis After Vax – Look at the Images

Monday, May 24, 2021 12:10



This was posted on a social media site. We are expecting more Dark Field Microscope Images will be posted showing the CATASTROPHIC changes in the blood of people who have taken the deadly injection…which is NOT a ‘vaccine’ by ANY stretch. Here’s the text that was posted with this image.

“I have a friend who is a Nutrition Microscopist. She is an expert in her field and has helped me immensely. She has many clients who took the so-called vax and asked them to come in for a free blood analysis. To her utter horror, this is what she saw.

The top image is of completely healthy blood and blood cells before the ‘vax’ injection. The blood cells changed drastically over the next few days. The third picture (bottom center) shows countless, foreign nano particles (white specks) that show up in your blood shortly after the injection. Your body can NEVER detox from this and eventually those nano particles will enter every cell in your body.”

What this means, in short, is that you will never be the same and your health will be heavily impacted for the rest of your life…however short that many be. This is, without question, a crime of mass genocide against humanity.

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Note the final picture just above, the fourth image, shows this person’s blood cells no longer being smooth and symmetrical. They are now covered with lumps and protrusions. This is an intentional world war on human blood.

As Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Luc Montagnier, and others, are saying, the injections will kill and will never stop killing. Dr. Montagnier, perhaps the world’s top Virologist, projects the life expectancy of all who have taken the kill shot injection is only 2 years. Remember the projections…only 99 million Americans will be alive by January 2025 …that’s just 3 and 3/4 years from now.

Also remember, all the top politicians and ‘name’ players such as Brain Dead Biden, Ho Harris Emhoff and arch fraud Tony Fauci…were given a blank saline injection…not the real shot. Fauci couldn’t even remember which arm he took the injection in the very next day…

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 VIDEO: BREAKING DISCOVERY! What COVID Injections Do To Your BLOOD! Doctor Releases Horrific Findings!



The Prisoner
Published Saturday | Comments

PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF! The shots being referred to as 'vaccines' are 

absolutely poisonous, and the proof is now here!

Mirrored - Stew Peters TV






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