vrijdag 2 juli 2021

 Half of all covid “variant” deaths occurring in people who were already vaccinated

Friday, July 09, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: badhealthbadmedicinebadsciencecoronavirusCOVIDdeathsDelta Variantinfectionssciencevaccinationvaccines


(Natural News) With millions of people now fully “vaccinated” against the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), one would assume that the number of new “cases” in this demographic is on the decline. To the contrary, the latest data shows that at least half of all new Chinese Virus cases are occurring in people who got the jab(s).

In the United Kingdom, which is reportedly a “testing ground for how vaccines are coping,” the so-called “delta variant” is on the rise among the injected, who are supposed to be protected against the virus based on government and media claims.

Of the 146,000 alleged cases of delta variant identified throughout Great Britain, at least 50 percent of them are people who rolled up their sleeves to “protect grandma” and do their part to “flatten the curve.” So much for “science.”

Hilariously, “health authorities” are still insistent that the injections are “working,” even in vaccinated people who are still testing “positive” for the Fauci Flu. According to the “scientists,” the shots are still effective, even though they are clearly not.

“First, vaccines aren’t 100% effective,” claims The Wall Street Journal, a supporter of the injections.

“Not everyone who is inoculated will respond the same way. Those who are elderly or whose immune systems are faulty, damaged or stressed by some other illness are less likely to mount a robust response than someone younger and fitter.”

The Journal goes on to claim that Wuhan Flu shots are still “highly effective” no matter what the data says because “some people will still be vulnerable to the virus even after receiving their shots.”

We know, it is hard not to laugh at such nonsense. These statements make zero sense, and yet some people read this type of thing and nod their head in blind agreement as if they prove the “science” behind the Fauci Ouchies.

No, covid vaccines are not safe or effective

As for other research that shows vaccinated people are up to eight times more susceptible to the delta variant, well, this, too, supposedly shows that the vaccines are “working.”

Even if every new case of the Chinese Virus was in a vaccinated person and the only people dying were vaccinated people, the mainstream media would still be claiming that the shots “work” and that this only goes to show that they are “not perfect.”

“I think it shows the vaccines are working,” says Tom Wingfield, a lecturer and infectious disease physician from England who believes in the vaccines, despite the evidence against them.

Julian Tang, a clinical virologist and professor of respiratory medicine at the University of Leicester, agrees. He says all the new cases of delta variant being identified in vaccinated people are simply “breakthrough infections” that are the exception rather than the norm.

The norm, Tang insists, is a suppression of hospitalizations and deaths following mass injection, simply because he says so – the data be damned.

“The EUA (emergency use authorization) documents filed by Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen all demonstrate that the use of these Experimental Drug / Vaccines that include either the mRNA or dsDNA of the Spike Protein produced by this Gain-of-Function Research, do NOT statistically reduce the incidence of COVID-19,” noted one Journal commenter.

Another tried to pull a fast one by virtue signaling about race, claiming that people with white skin have downplayed the Chinese Virus because it was never a problem for them, supposedly only affecting “black, brown, working class, and elderly people.”

“Speak to your neighbors from India … they all suspect ‘delta’ was a boon for the organ-harvesting market,” wrote another, offering a different perspective on the situation.

The latest news about Chinese Virus insanity can be found at Pandemic.news.

Sources for this article include:




The Guardian says people dying from covid vaccines is “proof” that they work

Image: The Guardian says people dying from covid vaccines is “proof” that they work

(Natural News) The general public should not worry about all the injuries and deaths being caused by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” because all of the carnage and destruction is simply “proof” that the injections are working, according to The Guardian.

You read that right: The mainstream media is basically now admitting that the serious adverse events, including passing away, are all the evidence that people need to know that the shots are “effective and imperfect.”

“Don’t think of this as a bad sign,” The Guardian reported, adding that “it’s exactly what’s expected from an effective but imperfect jab.”

In other words, serious injury and death caused by the injections is all part of the plandemic, helping to “flatten the curve” of humanity while tearing down the “old” world system so it can be replaced by the “new.”

They are not even hiding their agenda anymore because apparently it no longer matters whether or not people see what is really happening. Most of the world seems to just accept whatever comes their way at this point, so why even try to obscure the truth?

“The fact that the vaccine doesn’t work means it’s working. Got it,” joked Mac Slavo, writing for SHTFplan.com.

Getting “vaccinated” means you’re more at risk of dying from covid

Perhaps unbelievably, The Guardian‘s coverage of Wuhan Flu shots also admits that the jabs are causing more people to get infected and die from the Fauci Fever.

But wait: Are not the injections supposed to keep one better protected against the Chinese Virus? That is what we were all told when the shots were first unveiled as part of Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” program.

We now know that the exact opposite is true, as “vaccinated” people are contracting and dying from Chinese Germs at a much higher rate than unvaccinated people. None of it makes any sense, to put it plainly.”

“They say the ‘vaccine’ is ‘effective’ which means if it’s a vaccine it will prevent the COVID-19 infection and transmission to a ‘vaccinated’ person,” Slavo writes. “But those are the ones dying because others have ‘limited coverage,’ meaning they haven’t taken this shot.”

The vast majority of people who are dying from the so-called “delta variant” are people who have received at least one does of a Trump Vaccine. Only a very small few who have never been injected are testing “positive” for it.

The delta variant, by the way, is probably better described as the Indian variant, as that is the country where it first appeared out of nowhere.

The website CovidVaccineReactions.com is loaded with cases of people who are now permanently injured or dead as a result of “doing their part” to help “stop the spread.” Does The Guardian think that the shots worked on them?

If the goal is to massively depopulate the world, then the answer to that question is yes. Suggesting such a thing even just a year ago would have been considered a wild conspiracy theory, and yet here we are having the mainstream media all-out admit it in plain sight.

We truly are entering the time of the “Twilight Zone” turned into real life. Nothing makes sense anymore and the headlines are becoming increasingly more bizarre the closer the medical fascists get to injecting their desired percentage of people. What will happen next once they reach their goal?

“This ‘vaccine’ propaganda isn’t going to stop, in fact, it is likely to speed up as they run out of willing guinea pigs,” Slavo notes. “Know what’s going on, ask the questions, and as always, continue to use your critical thinking and discernment.”

To learn more about Chinese Virus injections are injuring and killing people, visit ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:




New report stuns the world: 

The vast majority of those now dying 

with covid are people who were VACCINATED against it

Image: New report stuns the world: The vast majority of those now dying with covid are people who were VACCINATED against it

(Natural NewsPublic Health England just released a new report showing that at least 62 percent of all deaths associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are occurring in people who were already “vaccinated.”

The news just so happened to come out the same day that the mainstream media ran a distraction story about British politician Matt Hancock having a secret affair with his aide Gina Coladangelo. Many people missed it the day it broke, in other words, but now it is circulating the web and causing many to question whether the jabs are truly safe and effective as the government claims.

Fresh data out of the U.K. shows that injected people are three times more likely to die from the so-called “delta variant” than people who left their immune systems and DNA alone by just saying no, as Nancy Reagan once said, to dangerous drugs.

Titled, “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England,” the paper, which is the 17th technical briefing to be released thus far on the matter, is highly telling as to what is in store for the jabbed later on down the road.

A table in the report shows that between Feb. 1, 2021, and June 21, 2021, there have been 9,571 confirmed cases of the “delta variant” in British people over the age of 50. Of these, 8,025 were confirmed just within the past 28 days alone.

This sudden spike in new cases directly coincides with the U.K.’s vaccine push, showing that the more people are getting vaccinated, the higher the rate of infections.

The data clearly shows that a mere 10 percent of all new alleged confirmed cases of the Chinese Virus within this age group are unvaccinated people. Upwards of 37 percent of new cases are in people who got both of their injections in obedience to the government.

Another 40 percent of cases, it is important to note, occurred in people who received at least one dose of a Chinese Virus injection at least 21 days prior to testing “positive.” This means that 77 percent of new Wuhan Flu cases are occurring in people who had either one or both doses of the injection.

Delta variant is caused and spread by vaccines

Based on the figures presented by Public Health England, the number of confirmed cases of delta variant among fully vaccinated people over the age of 50 is three times higher compared to the number among the unvaccinated. And in 50-and-over partially vaccinated people, the ratio is nine to one.

What this means, of course, is that the vaccines are dangerous and ineffective at preventing the spread of Chinese Germs, despite having received emergency use authorization (EUA) at “warp speed” from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Very limited trials were conducted beforehand that of course showed that the jabs “work.” Anyone who has been paying attention knows that Big Pharma has refined the art of tampering with “science” to produce the desired outcome, which is exactly what happened with these “Operation Warp Speed” abomination injections.

“Unfortunately, it looks like Mr. Hancock has been lying again and instead of the Covid-19 vaccines being our route back to normal they are instead quite the opposite,” reports Humans Are Free, noting that the only people who are falling for all the lies are people who religiously watch mainstream “news” and trust everything the government tells them.

“Because the data published by Public Health England shows us that the number of alleged deaths due to the Delta variant are highest among those who have received two doses of the vaccine.”

More of the latest news stories about how Wuhan Flu shots are injuring and killing people can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:



VAX FAIL: Latest “covid” outbreak in Israel occurred mostly in “fully vaccinated”

Image: VAX FAIL: Latest “covid” outbreak in Israel occurred mostly in “fully vaccinated”

(Natural News) The Israeli government is claiming that the majority of people who are testing “positive” for the new Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “Delta” variant were already vaccinated.

Ran Balicer, who leads an Israeli government “expert advisory panel,” says that his country is considering another lockdown due to this latest “strain” of the Chinese Virus, which is supposedly linked to a spike in hospitalizations.

The vast majority of those who are suffering in this hospital, however, are people who received both doses of Pfizer-BioNTech’s experimental mRNA gene therapy injection, which proves that the jabs are useless.

“The entrance of the delta variant has changed the transition dynamics,” Balicer is quoted as saying, adding that this B.1.617.2 strain, as they are calling it, has been “detected” in more than 70 countries.

More than 200 people in Israel allegedly tested “positive” for the Delta variant, which prompted Israeli authorities to demand that everyone in the country put back on their face masks while indoors.

Everywhere except one’s personal home is once again a face mask zone in Israel, which has seen some of the most draconian Chinese Virus measures be enforced throughout this past year.

About 55 percent of Israel’s 9.3 million residents have now received both doses of the Pfizer injection. Children as young as 12 are now eligible to take it, and the government is pushing hard for everyone to obey.

“Our goal at the moment, first and foremost, is to safeguard the citizens of Israel from the Delta variant that is running amok in the world,” announced Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

When will the coronavirus madness end?

The Israeli government continues to aggressively demand that all residents take the Pfizer injection, despite the Israeli People Committee (IPC) having already come to the conclusion that the jabs cause catastrophic damage to the body.

It is obvious that everyone who is still getting sick from “covid” is actually suffering adverse events from the injection itself. Many of us predicted this would happen and here we are watching it unfold in real time.

The plan all along was to scare everyone into getting injected, and once the vaccine side effects kicked in, to then blame those on new “variants” that required more lockdowns, masks and vaccines.

It will become a never-ending cycle of tyranny, injections and fearmongering, as long as people accept it. Hopefully Americans do not allow what is currently happening in Israel to once again happen here.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are already well over 10,000 “breakthrough” cases of the Chinese Virus that have been documented across 46 states and territories, all resulting from post-injection side effects.

Try as they might to continue blaming all the sickness on invisible floating virus variants, the truth of the matter is that every new “wave” of disease is a product of the jabs.

“They won’t be satisfied until they complete the global reset and usher in the one world order with the satanic antichrist,” wrote one commenter at The Epoch Times, speculating as to the true purpose behind all this nonsense. “Believers: get ready to meet in the air.”

“Why on God’s green earth would anyone allow themselves to be injected with an experimental biologic agent/gene manipulation when there are safe and effective treatments for covid-19,” asked another.

“The spike protein is toxic and after being injected, your cells are churning them out by the millions and they are traveling to numerous other locations in your body. If you don’t die soon after being jabbed, expect to suffer the effects in the months and years ahead.”

The latest news about Chinese Virus tyranny can be found at Pandemic.news.

Sources for this article include:



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