vrijdag 2 juli 2021

Shocking new study reveals covid vaccine TERMINATES 4 out of 5 pregnancies via “spontaneous abortions”

Image: DEPOPULATION ALERT: Shocking new study reveals covid vaccine TERMINATES 4 out of 5 pregnancies via “spontaneous abortions”

(Natural News) A shocking new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals that when pregnant women are given covid vaccinations during their first or second trimesters, they suffer an 82% spontaneous abortion rate, killing 4 out of 5 unborn babies.

This stunning finding, explained below, is self-evident from the data published in a new study entitled, “Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons.” Just as disturbing as the data is the fact that the study authors apparently sought to deliberately obfuscate the truth about vaccines causing spontaneous abortions by obfuscating numbers in their own calculations.

Originally brought to our attention by a Life Site News article, we checked with our own science contacts to review the data and double check all the math. In doing so, we were able to confirm two things:

  1. Yes, the study shows an 82% rate of spontaneous abortions in expectant mothers given covid vaccines during their first or second trimesters.
  2. Yes, the study authors either deliberately sought to hide this fact with dishonest obfuscation (explained below) or they are incompetent and made a glaring error that brings into question their credibility.

In other words, this study was almost certainly a cover-up to try to claim vaccinating pregnant women is perfectly safe. But the study data actually show quite the oppose.

Here’s how:

700 of the 827 women were vaccinated in the third trimester

Table 4 from the study, shown below, reveals that a total of 827 pregnant women were studied. Out of the 827 women, 700 of them received their first vaccine in their third trimester of pregnancy. This means 127 women (which is 827 – 700) received a vaccine during their first or second trimesters. (You have to read the fine print below the table to see this disclosure.)

Out of the 127 women receiving vaccines during their first or second trimesters, 104 spontaneous abortions occurred before their pregnancies hit the 20-week mark. These are indicated as “spontaneous abortions” in the table.

In simple math, 104 spontaneous abortions (during the first 20 weeks) out of 127 women who received vaccines in their first or second trimesters calculates to an 82% rate of spontaneous abortions among these pregnant women who were vaccinated.

It is important to note that deaths of unborn babies during the third trimester are known as “stillbirths” and not spontaneous abortions. Thus, the spontaneous abortions could not have possibly occurred in women vaccinated during their third trimester, by definition.

Thus, the study authors dishonestly used the wrong denominator of 827 in their “spontaneous abortions” calculation, when they should have used a denominator of 127, which is the number of women receiving vaccines during their first or second trimesters.

Put another way, it is impossible for a woman who was vaccinated for the first time during her third trimester to have a “spontaneous abortion” in the first 20 weeks, since they weren’t vaccinated during the first 20 weeks (and pregnant women aren’t time travelers). Thus, those women shouldn’t be included in the denominator used to calculate the spontaneous abortion rate.

The authors of this study should receive an award in the category of, “How to lie with statistics,” because they apparently tried to pull a sleight-of-hand trick to make it appear that vaccines are safe for pregnant women. In reality, they seem to be killing more than 4 out of 5 unborn babies in the first 20 weeks of gestation, at least in this data set. (It’s a small set of 127 pregnant women, so we’d like to see a larger review of many thousands of pregnancies in order to get a more clear picture.)

Apples and oranges, lemons and limes

A simple way to explain this with a metaphor is to imagine a bag of 50 lemons and 50 limes, with a science study asking the question, “What percentage of lemons are yellow?” The scientists count all the yellow fruit and reach the number 50. They mistakenly divide 50 into 100 because there are 100 total piece of fruit, then they declare, “50% of lemons are yellow” because it’s 50/100.

But the other 50 pieces of fruit can’t possibly be included because they’re limes, not lemons. So the correct math is 50/50, which means 100% of the lemons are yellow. That’s the correct answer.

In this science paper, they are using 827 as the denominator, even when 700 out of those 827 women were only vaccinated in the third trimester, which is long past the time window during which a “spontaneous abortion” can occur. And since pregnant women aren’t time travelers, they can’t go back in time and report a spontaneous abortion from months earlier.

If vaccine scientists either can’t do this basic math — or are willfully deceiving the world with dishonest obfuscation of the numbers — then “science” has already failed its core promise: to offer “evidence-based” conclusions to understand the world around us.

Yet when 4 out of 5 pregnant women lose their babies in the first 20 weeks, these scientists falsely claim the spontaneous abortion rate is only 12.6%. Why? Because they’re covering up the atrocities of the vaccine for political reasons, most likely.

In fact, the key author of the study, Tom T. Shimabukuro, is also named in numerous other studies that claim to document adverse reactions in various vaccines, ranging from rotavirus vaccines to the H1N1 vaccine from 2009. It raises the obvious question: Did Shimabukuro make the same error in other studies that concluded vaccines posed no significant risk of adverse events? For example, here’s another study he co-authored: “Adverse events after Fluzone ® Intradermal vaccine reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 2011-2013.”

That study concluded, “Review of VAERS reports did not identify any new or unexpected safety concerns after TIV-ID.”

But is that conclusion based on bad math, like the study on covid vaccines given to pregnant women? We call for a review of all his methods and conclusions. Perhaps this same study architect has made the same systematic error (or possibly a deliberate obfuscation) for many years, spanning many previous studies. It wouldn’t be the first time one author was found to have made systematic mistakes across dozens of papers and is forced to retract them.

And isn’t that what the “scientific method” demands? Peer review. Double checking the math. Admitting to mistakes in conclusions. This is how science progresses, by pointing out errors and demanding they be addressed and corrected. We can’t just accept bad math and call it “science” when the bad math doesn’t check out.

Spike protein injections into pregnant women an “atrocity,” warns Dr. Peter McCullough

In the mean time, it’s clear that 4 out of 5 pregnancies are being terminated by covid vaccines when those vaccines are given during the first 20 weeks (at least, according to the small data set we have so far). And that means the “depopulation” aspects of the covid vaccine are working exactly as globalists hoped they would.

Remember: Bio-distribution studies (pharmacokinetics) show that covid vaccine spike proteins directly attack reproductive organs such as the ovaries. Given that spike proteins are engineered biological weapons designed to interfere with human cells, it should be no surprise whatsoever that they are achieving a high rate of spontaneous abortions in pregnant women.

I recently interviewed Dr. Peter McCullough, an internal medicine expert and editor of two medical journals. Although he does not characterize this as a depopulation agenda, he agrees that these vaccines are attacking pregnant women and causing more than 80% of unborn babies to be aborted. He calls it an “atrocity” and says the pushing of these vaccines on pregnant women is “shameful.” You can hear him in his own words in the following interview:


All this means that live births may plummet by 3.2 million over the next year, in the USA alone, if every pregnant woman is vaccinated during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. The number of unborn babies being murdered in the womb, in this case, is reaching “holocaust” levels, which is why this is being called a medical “atrocity.”

The fields of medicine and science have turned against humanity. They are now killing babies by the millions and injecting adults with spike protein bioweapons that are causing strokes, heart attacks, deaths and lifelong injury.

The vaccine industry is at war with the human race. And live-born babies are their enemy. Joe Biden’s land management czar once characterized human children as an “environmental hazard.”

This is a war. A bioweapons attack. And it goes beyond mere “crimes against humanity.” It is a spiritual betrayal of the entire human race by the institutions of science and medicine, both of which long pretended to be motivated by a desire to aid humanity, but are now clearly shown to be working towards humanity’s destruction.

Learn more in today’s mind-opening Situation Update podcast:


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Background: Many pregnant persons in the United States are receiving messenger RNA (mRNA) coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) vaccines, but data are limited on their safety in pregnancy.

Methods: From December 14, 2020, to February 28, 2021, we used data from the "v-safe after vaccination health checker" surveillance system, the v-safe pregnancy registry, and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to characterize the initial safety of mRNA Covid-19 vaccines in pregnant persons.

Results: A total of 35,691 v-safe participants 16 to 54 years of age identified as pregnant. Injection-site pain was reported more frequently among pregnant persons than among nonpregnant women, whereas headache, myalgia, chills, and fever were reported less frequently. Among 3958 participants enrolled in the v-safe pregnancy registry, 827 had a completed pregnancy, of which 115 (13.9%) resulted in a pregnancy loss and 712 (86.1%) resulted in a live birth (mostly among participants with vaccination in the third trimester). Adverse neonatal outcomes included preterm birth (in 9.4%) and small size for gestational age (in 3.2%); no neonatal deaths were reported. Although not directly comparable, calculated proportions of adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes in persons vaccinated against Covid-19 who had a completed pregnancy were similar to incidences reported in studies involving pregnant women that were conducted before the Covid-19 pandemic. Among 221 pregnancy-related adverse events reported to the VAERS, the most frequently reported event was spontaneous abortion (46 cases).

Conclusions: Preliminary findings did not show obvious safety signals among pregnant persons who received mRNA Covid-19 vaccines. However, more longitudinal follow-up, including follow-up of large numbers of women vaccinated earlier in pregnancy, is necessary to inform maternal, pregnancy, and infant outcomes.



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Dr. Peter McCullough: Covid vaccines are killing babies in the first trimester at an astonishing rate… an “atrocity” to vaccinate expectant mothers

Image: Dr. Peter McCullough: Covid vaccines are killing babies in the first trimester at an astonishing rate… an “atrocity” to vaccinate expectant mothers

(Natural News) Dr. Peter McCullough, professor of medicine at Texas A&M, warns against vaccinating pregnant women for covid-19. He said the covid vaccines are completely unnecessary for pregnant women and are “directly killing babies in the first trimester.”

Dr. McCullough was recently interviewed by Mike Adams on Brighteon Conversations. He discussed effective prophylactics, nutraceuticals, treatments and antibody infusions for covid-19. He iterated that these approaches are successful for the elderly and at-risk populations. And for the majority of people under age 50, he said getting over covid-19 is a “breeze.”

Common sense: Pregnant women and babies should never get covid vaccines

Most importantly, pregnant women and their developing fetuses should not be subjected to repeated medical experimentation all because they might get a potential infection that they can readily overcome.

“Pregnant women can breeze right through covid-19,” said Dr. McCullough. “No woman should ever take the risk with the covid-19 vaccine during pregnancy, period.” He said treatments like hydroxychloroquine, zinc and prednisone are safe for pregnant women, but the covid-19 vaccines were never tested on pregnant women in the clinical studies because it is unethical to put pregnant women through such abuse. Therefore, the study designs did not test for mutagenic or reproductive defects.

A new study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, corroborates Dr. McCullough’s common sense claims. The study, “Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons” finds that covid vaccines cause spontaneous abortions in 104 out of 127 pregnant women! This means that the vaccine is disrupting critical stages of early prenatal development, and is killing four out of five babies in the first 20 weeks of gestation.

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists continue to recommend that pregnant women have access to COVID-19 vaccines. These authoritative, vaccine-worshiping organizations refuse to rescind their recommendations, even though preliminary evidence shows that these experimental vaccines cause an 82 percent spontaneous abortion rate.

Once upon a time, there was a certain level of common sense in the medical community on the issue of protecting pregnant women from potentially harmful substances. Fetal development is a critical and delicate process, especially in the first trimester, when vital organs and physiological functions are taking form.

Infertility from covid-19 vaccines is not a conspiracy theory; it’s a plausible outcome

With the number of spontaneous abortions climbing, it has become apparent that the lab engineered spike protein was designed to depopulate the human race. Infertility caused by covid-19 vaccines is not a conspiracy theory. It’s a macabre experiment initiating a scientific process that exploits human physiology. The covid-19 vaccines are translating spike proteins in human cells, and delivering this foreign lab-made toxin into the bloodstream, where they can accumulate in reproductive organs. These spike proteins are attacking blood vessels and causing severe inflammation in the heart. Dr. McCullough says these systemic vaccine injuries are atrocities that we now know a great deal about.

Furthermore, as the immune system detects the presence of spike proteins in the blood, immune responsive cells will attack them (a process that was anticipated in accordance with traditional vaccine science). These spike proteins contain a homologous form of syncytin-1, which resembles a natural protein in humans. If the immune cells are trained to attack the syncytin-1 spike proteins, they could attack the natural form as well, a protein that is created from human endogenous retroviruses and is responsible for the placenta development in humans. If the human body begins to attack its own placenta cells, then females will have another serious obstacle to overcome when attempting to conceive.

Sources include:





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