donderdag 15 juli 2021

 "Proof that puts an end to the Sars-CoV-2 Narrative" 

 - Professor Sucharit Bhakdi



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Health Ranger Report
Published Monday | 
"Proof that puts an end to the Sars-CoV-2 Narrative" - Professor Sucharit Bhakdi

Some good news and some troubling news, from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D.

Some of the 79 Comments

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Alan Raicer  3 days ago

Dr. Bhakdi has been doing his utmost for months and months to provide a reality check to the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic narrative. But the globalist agenda is impervious to real science & the truth re human immune function, and utterly denies innate and pre-existing defenses to the common family of viruses known as Corona. The Gain of Function research that added the Spike protein did not change the underlying morphology or morphing capabilities of the Corona carrier, but initiated a wide range of pathology which was of course the intention all along. The jabs are not vaccines, they are destroyers of health & immune function. God help you indeed as Dr. Bhakdi has warned, if you or anyone you know & love have opted in to this insane experiment, it was not a mistake friends, hardly... :o



chris  2 days ago

Prof. Bhakdi always tries his best to get people to understand the most recent discoveries, which almost always confirm what was always known, human immune system is perfect, always ready, anytime, anywhere to get rid of invaders, whether small or big, with just those few components, for all the coronas, whether it is 20% difference in sequence(2002) or just 0.03% as in the case of the 'new variants' (2021). He was the first to write his great book: "Corona false alarm', and still the deception goes on! Who actually has the lockdown key in their hands and tries everything to destroy humanity?? Gates/WHO/Fauci/CDC/FDA& Co. Whereby Co are the scientists, the ones who propagate the deception.



Kerry Lyn Latchford  2 days ago

Information Warfare
Published 3 hours ago |
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi shows how the SARS CoV2 virus is not a stranger to our immune system. It recognizes the virus and removes it in 99% of us. This means we already have herd immunity. Sucharit also shows how coronaviruses can't mutate as much as a flu virus. This means we are already immune to all current and future variants. This also means that NO VACCINES ARE NEEDED and that THE PANDEMIC IS OVER! (Wohoo!) Now, what needs to be done is to inform the public about the DANGERS of these experimental COVID-19 gene therapy "vaccines" and end the mass vaccinations immediately. These new studies as of June/July of 2021 effectively ends the COVID-19 pandemic for good. The question is: Will we follow the science and recreate an amazing world of freedom and opportunity? Or will we bow to dictators and tyrants scaring us using psychological torture tactics, lying about variants and vaccines and requiring passports to leave our own home... Your choice humanity. Your choice.

Scientific literature references for Dr. Bhakdi’s presentation:
* SARS-CoV-2 elicits robust adaptive immune responses regardless of disease severity
(v important DK)
* Human IgG and IgA responses to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines
(v. imp. IgG IgA response to mRNA vacc. +++)
* Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients
(key spike and IgG after vacc)
* SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination induces functionally diverse antibodies to NTD, RBD, and S2
(third IgG response to vaccine paper)



Guido  Kerry Lyn Latchford  a day ago

I didn't need to be convinced, as I have always thought "immune system is the best Medicine", but these 5 links all together makes for a most excellent emailer to send to others who are confused about whether to vaxx or NOT to vaxx. Much thanks for making them easily available for us. I have saved thousands of url's on a whole slew of different topics for the purpose of later sharing of the info. In short, .... I like your style !!


Phil Cruz  3 days ago

Good explanation. Good use of metaphors that non-biologists can understand. Impressive given that English is not his first language and metaphor is very language specific and nuanced.

Vaxx weaponizes your immune system against yourself. The fact that it turns your cells into factories that produce the target protein (spike protein) should have been a big red flag to most. Once vaxxed, you cannot be unvaxxed.

Future reactions are not dependent on future viral contact. Another shot, that will turn your cells into spike protein factories again will be all it takes. Your immune system has been permanently hard wired to create and release the antibodies that previous spike protein encounters have stimulated.


TRexLives  Phil Cruz  a day ago  edited

Well explained. I'm hearing BigPharma on the other end saying the SP doesn't continue to appear in the body, that the vax wears off or out somehow. They have an excuse for everything. The dead are part of the process for them, collateral damage in the war against "COVID!"



Phil Cruz  TRexLives  18 hours ago

Can go and have war without some dead bodies, even if you have to create them yourself. Perhaps it's not really a war against covid?

I think the duration of Spike protein production is a big unknown, everyone's immune system is unique. I heard Dr. Judy Mikovits discussing once. The mRNA is synthetic, packaged in a synthetic lipid envelope and designed to be resistant to the body's normal disposal methods making it persistent and active far longer than the day or two of normal mRNA.

In this context, synthetic meaning man-made, not naturally occurring, not found in nature. As a general rule, if nature has never seen it, if your body has never seen it; then it probably will have a hard time dealing with it.



TFJ  a day ago  edited

While I fully agree with the Professor's recommendation NOT to take the "vaccine" (which is NOT a vaccine), I do have some issues with this nice and well meaning man's assumptions.

The problem I have with this is first the assumption that disease is caused by germs like viruses and bacteria which is an acceptance of the germ theory of disease that modern medicine thrives upon. Bad theory and not true which is why modern medicine has such as piss poor track record of very costly failure against ALL major diseases.

Secondly, that there ever was an actual virus id'd and isolated called the SARS-CoV-2. Fact is, there wasn't. The COVID-19 virus genome was made up out of whole cloth. it was never properly isolated, nor identified.

The intent was to create a reason to inject the COVID vaccine into the entire human population to cull the herd.

The problem is not the so-called virus. It is the vaccine which is the real danger in all of this complete sham and the real target of it all in the end.


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