donderdag 22 juli 2021

 UK chief science advisor admits that 60% of people admitted to UK hospitals are “fully vaccinated”

Tuesday, July 20, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson
Tags: badhealthbadmedicineBig Pharmabooster shotsdeceptionfraudulent clinical studieshospitalizationsnatural immunitypandemicpharmaceutical fraudspike protein experimentvaccine damagewaning vaccine immunity



(Natural News) On July 19th, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson held a news conference alongside Sir Patrick Vallance, Britain’s Chief Scientific Adviser. When Sir Patrick took the mic, he admitted that the “fully vaccinated” are being hospitalized en masse for covid-19 and are falling severely ill to the “delta variant.” In fact, Vallance clearly stated that 60 percent of UK hospitalizations are now coming from people who already had two doses of the covid-19 vaccine. Hospitalizations are climbing, as tens of thousands of “fully vaccinated” people realize they were duped again.

Vallance warned that hospitalizations could climb to 1,000 a day. According to these projections, up to 4,200 or more “fully vaccinated” people could require hospitalization every week in the UK. These figures do not include the tens of thousands of “fully vaccinated” people who sought hospitalization after suffering from adverse events following vaccination. Because these new vaccines use a unique sequence of the engineered spike protein, they introduce the bioweapon component of SARS-CoV-2 directly into the blood of people – poisoning the vaccinated, all for the promise of some immunological superiority. As thousands of vaccinated people are learning each week, the vaccines do not impart immunological superiority. These shots are a destructive, deadly experiment, making more people susceptible to coronaviruses and severe illness, while directly killing off tens of thousands of people in the process.

COVID vaccine efficacy could be as insignificant as 1%, when determining absolute risk reduction

After the press conference, Sir Patrick was forced to retract his “vaccine misinformation” on Twitter. “Correcting a statistic I gave at the press conference, about 60% of hospitalizations from COVID are not from double vaccinated people. Rather, 60% of hospitalizations from COVID are currently from unvaccinated people.”

If this statement is actually true, and the data is not manipulated any further to promote the vaccine, then at least 40% of COVID hospitalizations are coming from “fully vaccinated” patients. This means the vaccines are not effective at all. They do not prevent real COVID infection like a vaccine is supposed to do, and they don’t even lessen the severity of the illness. Instead, the vaccines cause more health problems, flooding people’s bodies with inflammatory spike proteins that obviously DO NOT translate immunity.

This real-world vaccine failure coincides with research comparing the vaccines’ relative risk reduction (RRR) versus absolute risk reduction (ARR). The vaccine manufacturers used RRR to falsely promote vaccine efficacy. By omitting ARR, the manufacturer used reporting bias to inflate the vaccine efficacy. The fraudulent vaccine studies also used disparate study protocols, including disparate primary endpoints (such as what is considered a COVID-19 case, and when is this assessed). The fraudulent studies also used previous vaccines as placebos to obscure the safety data, and the studies relied on variances in study populations, with disparate background risks of COVID-19, duration of exposure, etc. With these factors considered, the vaccine’s efficacy is closer to just 1 percent absolute risk reduction.

Natural immunity up to 40 times more effective in preventing hospitalizations in Israeli study

Israeli public health authorities have come to a similar conclusion, that the COVID vaccines are a false sense of security, with a real-world effectiveness rate that has fallen to 64 percent. That effectiveness rate is only bound to plummet further, as more fully vaccinated people are hospitalized — their bodies unable to adapt to new variants.

In fact, Israeli Health Ministry data on new COVID outbreaks suggests that natural immunity is more than forty times more permanent than vaccine-induced immunity. Only 72 of the 7,700 cases in May were from people who had been infected previously. That’s less than one percent of new cases. On the contrary, 3,000 new cases were from fully vaccinated people (approximately 40 percent of new cases).

As the delta variant becomes the predominant strain in the US, plaguing people who have already been vaccinated, Dr. Anthony Fauci urges Americans to listen to “trusted messengers” like himself. He says fully vaccinated people are “generally protected” and that children above age two should wear masks until they, too, are fully vaccinated. Pfizer is already pressuring regulatory agencies around the world to prepare populations for a third dose and subsequent booster shots each year. How can a vaccine be considered “efficacious” if more booster shots are required? Why are these vaccines still on the market if 40 to 60 percent of new covid hospitalizations are coming from the fully vaccinated?

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