vrijdag 13 augustus 2021

Deze Video moet je zien (en vooral naar luisteren, duurt maar 7 minuutjes, is wel in het Engels).  Sterk aangeraden voor onze politici, het medisch & virologisch kartel en onze pro-Vaxx media!).

Informed physician blows the whistle on useless Covid vaccines in under 7 minutes at a school board meeting

Thursday, August 12, 2021 by: S.D. Wells
Tags: coronavirusdelta virusfreedomgoodhealthgoodmedicinegoodsciencehealth freedomLibertymasks uselessmedical fascismMedical Tyrannyoutbreakpandemicschool boardtruthvaccine deathvaccine injuryvaccine sheddingvaccines uselesswhistle-blower


(Natural News) Dr. Dan Stock is a practicing physician in Indiana, specially trained in immunology and inflammation regulation. He is blowing the whistle, big time, on how we’re dealing with this “pandemic” in all the wrong ways, which is just making it worse. Here are just a few of the questions and answers posed and shared by this amazing, courageous doctor willing to tell the truth at a school board meeting. Here’s Dr. Dan Stock blowing the lid off all the lies and propaganda in just a few minutes’ time:

“Ask yourself, why is a vaccine that is supposedly so effective having a breakout in the middle of the summer, when respiratory viral syndromes don’t do that?”

“Everything being recommended by the CDC and State Board of Health is actually contrary to all the rules of science.”

“Things you should know about coronavirus and all other respiratory viruses – they are spread by aerosol particles which are small enough to go through every mask, by the way” (supported by 3 cited and sourced studies run by the NIH).

In under 7 minutes, one speaker, a physician attending a Mt. Vernon School Board Meeting, blows your mind about the truth of the whole pandemic

Dr. Stock explains the pandemic, in laymen’s terms, to a large audience at the Mt. Vernon School Board meeting about Covid, citing and sourcing science and comprehensive studies done (and he provides them all on a thumb drive before the meeting): “That is why you keep struggling with this, is because you cannot make these viruses go away – the natural history of all respiratory viruses is that they circulate all year long, waiting for the immune system to get sick through the winter, or become deranged, as has happened recently with these vaccines, and then they cause symptomatic disease.”

We can’t make this go away, like we did with smallpox, because this virus has animal reservoirs, the physician informs us. Just like we can’t rid ourselves of influenza, the common cold, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), or adnoviral respiratory syndromes, because they are viruses with animal reservoirs.

Plus, nobody should even be considering a vaccine unless there were no other remedies available, but there are great ones, including vitamin D, zinc, and Ivermectin (anti-parasidic agents), and remedies this doctor has actively used for 15 of his patients that he swears have not even come close to needing to go to the hospital. He even sources all of this with data from active treatment trials.


The vaccines are ENHANCING coronavirus during the summer when human vitamin D levels are at their highest – any questions?

Vaccines are not working for Covid-19, just like they did not work in every coronavirus study done in animals, where the vaccine fought the virus wrong and thus let the virus “become worse than it would with native infection,” explains Dr. Stock.

That’s why we’re seeing this outbreak right now, in the summer, from a respiratory virus, in people who are fully vaccinated. They’re catching it from each other, spreading it to each other, and spreading it to the unvaccinated, rather than the other way around.

The advice we are getting from the NIH, WHO, CDC and state boards of health is actually counter-factual, and this physician is citing and sourcing the science and research to prove it. It makes sense, why Covid is not going away, but rather spreading, even after hundreds of millions of people have been vaccinated, wearing masks, social distancing, and spraying and rubbing disinfectants and antibacterial-everything everywhere, including all over their bodies.

This doctor has volunteered to testify in any court what he’s saying he knows and has cited as research for anyone who is worried about NOT following the useless rules and regulations or the CDC, NIH, or any State Board of Health regarding Covid-19 and its variants. Realize that the vaccines have created this outbreak of Covid in the middle of the hot summer when human vitamin D levels are at their highest. Think about that for a minute.

Check out Pandemic.news for updates on these crimes against humanity and the upcoming “Delta” and Covid “booster-vaccine” Holocaust. Also, if you know someone who already got pricked with the blood-clotting Covid inoculations, and they’re suffering from lethargy, pain, clouded thinking or an inflamed heart, that’s called CoVax Syndrome, so tell them to report it to VAERS.

Sources for this article include:





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