maandag 23 augustus 2021

New interviews with Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Chris Shaw and Reiner Fuellmich reveal astonishing information about vaccine crimes against humanity

Sunday, August 22, 2021 by: Mike Adams
Tags: badhealthChris Shawcrimes against humanityhealth freedomLee Merrittmedical fascismMedical TyrannyReiner FuellmichTyrannyVaccine deathsVaccine injuriesvaccine warsvaccines



(Natural News) This past week, we posted three information-packed interviews with thought leaders on the subject of vaccines, neurological damage and international tribunals against the vaccine “war crimes” perpetrators.

First, if you missed it, I spoke with attorney Reiner Fuellmich about the his group’s investigations into violations of international law when it comes to vaccine coercion and the carrying out of medical experiments on the population. Fuellmich told me he believes the tide is turning and those responsible for vaccine coercion and deaths will be exposed and held responsible for their actions through a world court proceeding, much like the Nuremburg trials. His website is

Watch that interview here, via


I also conducted a new interview with Dr. Lee Merritt, who has publicly warned that this covid “vaccine” push is clearly a depopulation experiment being carried out against humanity. In this interview, she also warns that mass vaccination of military personnel could lead to “catastrophic” injuries and deaths that could strongly compromise America’s military readiness and national defense efforts. (She’s a former US Navy spinal surgeon.) Her website is

Note that the FDA is rumored to be granting full approval to the Pfizer covid shot tomorrow, and that Pentagon leaders have promised to require total vaccine compliance among all active duty soldiers once the vaccine is approved. This likely means a kind of “civil war” inside the military is about to be ignited, as more than half the soldiers outright refuse to be injected with spike protein bioweapons cooked up in a lab in China.

This last week, I also interviewed Dr. Chris Shaw, an expert in neurology, vaccines and the effects of toxic elements (especially as they relate to autism). Dr. Shaw offered an urgent warning about the neurological damage likely being caused by spike protein injections which are labeled “vaccines.”

According to Dr. Shaw, the world’s health care infrastructure may be overwhelmed in the near future by people suffering both cardiovascular and neurological damage from the spike protein found in vaccines. This could have devastating consequences for health care services which are already in a state of crisis due to nurses and doctors leaving hospitals and clinics in protest against draconian vaccine mandates.

Permission is granted to re-post these interviews on other platforms and channels.

I have more interviews and podcasts coming up this week at the HR Report channel on Brighteon:


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