MMS: The "injecting disinfectant" saga.
WHAT IF THERE WAS ALREADY A CURE but Big Pharma was doing all it could
to harass those that were freely giving it to the world?
Published a year ago |
EXPOSED. New series with hard hitting
investigating Journalism that puts the Mainstream Media to shame.
Documentary on how MMS / CLO2 cures most diseases.
Information on protocols and how to use yourself refer to Andreas website
“To declare Chlorine Dioxide as a dangerous to ingest when there is not a
single scientific documented case of death in 100 years is a serious mistake,
that will cost thousands of lives for the negligence of not having proven this
false premise by the governments” - Andreas
Andreas is a bio/physicist and researcher
His book and website:
Information on scientific studies and safety of chlorine dioxide for
- Infowars interview discussing MMS can be viewed here;
... starts at the 5 minute mark.