donderdag 2 september 2021

 The world will soon be divided between the DAMAGED vaccinated and the undamaged, “super powered” unvaccinated who will inherit the Earth

Wednesday, September 01, 2021 by: Mike Adams
Tags: #nutritionactivitiesdepopulationgoodhealthpreventionsuper powersvaccine damagevaccine injuryvaccine warsvaccines


(Natural News) Vaccine pushers are trying to divide the world into vaxxed vs. unvaxxed by denying unvaccinated people access to society (via vaccine passports). But they’re in for a shock… and a twist. The real division that will unfold is between the damaged vaccinated people vs. the undamaged unvaccinated people.

Damaged vaccinated people will:

  • Suffer cognitive damage that unfolds a lot like accelerating mental retardation.
  • Suffer cardiovascular damage that prevents them from carrying out normal, mundane tasks like carrying a bag of groceries up a flight of stairs.
  • Suffer infertility and reproductive damage that makes them unable to reproduce.
  • Suffer autoimmune damage that leads to extreme risks of ADE and hyperinflammation upon exposure to future circulating pathogens.

Undamaged people, on the other hand, will appear to possess “super powers” in their abilities to think and function in a normal, healthy way. While the vaccinated half of society will be mentally and physically disabled, unvaccinated people will maintain their full faculties and their ability to have children and participate in society.

The vaccinated think they got passports to freedom, but they really bought tickets to Hell

The real irony in all this is how vaccinated people think they are being granted access to the world via vaccine passports, but they will mostly spend the rest of their lives in hospitals, couches, beds or coffins because their bodies and brains will not function the way they used to. By taking vaccines, many of these people who imagine they are superior to others will actually end up:

  • Unable to achieve successful pregnancy or carry a child full term.
  • Unable to participate in outdoor activities requiring any real level of exertion.
  • Unable to work jobs other than menial labor, due to loss of cognitive function.
  • Unable to meaningfully socialize with family and friends due to losses in cognition and short-term memory.

(The good news is that I believe people who turn to nutrition can overcome a lot of the spike protein damage from early vaccines, but they must stop poisoning themselves with boosters shots, or nothing can save them.)

In essence, those who take spike protein injections in their quest for a vaccine passport are actually signing up for a lifetime of vaccine suffering. They will be prisoners in their own bodies for as long as they live, which may not be much longer if they continue to take spike protein “booster shots.”

Those very booster shots, of course, are far easier to promote to people who have already been cognitively damaged by the first two shots, suffering from impaired reasoning and emotional instability. We are now witnessing this in vaccinated people as they scream and condemn others in wild-eyed rants that you can find on TikTok and YouTube.

Witness some of the insanity for yourself: 

If you want to have “super powers” compared to the damaged, disabled vaccinated masses, just invoke natural immunity and beat covid with your God-given immune system. Before long, you will be among those of us who inherit the Earth as the vax-damaged recede into their homes, hospitals and coffins, all victims of the suicidal delusion that imagines spike protein bioweapons will somehow protect you from a pandemic.

Hear more hard-hitting truth in today’s powerful Situation Update podcast:

Find a new podcast each day at:

And be sure to watch Brighteon.TV each day for original programs and free speech hosts. It’s now on ROKU!


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