woensdag 29 september 2021


September 2021
ECI Save Bees and Farmers
Dear Friend,

We are now almost 1 million European citizens demanding a pesticide-free EU agriculture! Thanks to your help and that of many dedicated volunteers and organisations across the EU, we made it until here.

We are, of course, thrilled, but wait… We’re not there yet!! We need 1 million VALID signatures. In previous ECIs, up to 15% of the signatures were invalidated by national authorities after verification. Why? Some people made a mistake when filling in the form (incorrect information or format). This will also happen with Save Bees and Farmers.

For this reason, we need to collect as many signatures as possible in these remaining 3 days. This will also give the maximum weight to our demands. EU citizens can still sign until Thursday, September 30, 23:59.

Let’s not waste this opportunity! Please continue spreading the ECI as much as possible, and we will do the same, again! Direct emails to your network are the most effective means to collect signatures. Private WhatsApp/Signal/Telegram groups also work well!

Some people were hesitant to sign until now, because of the data required in the form. You could convince them today. Their contribution could help us reach 1 million valid signatures. Please forward them this email, so they can sign and share right below.
Sign & Share
In the last weeks, many big environmental NGOs told their members about Save Bees and Farmers. But there are more. Do you know any organisation or network in your country that could do the same? Ask them to help - a political party, a trade union, an NGO working on nature conservation, animal rights, food and farming or climate change. Please forward them this email, with a personal message. Their action can be the key to a historic success. It is still time to join the hive!

We have gone so far together. Now let’s keep going until Thursday night, before we can safely celebrate.
Thanks a lot!

Casrten, Kasimir, Silvia, Sonia & Tjerk
from the ECI team


Grote accijnsverhogingen benzine in aantocht

  woensdag, 26 maart 2025 10:18 De auto is en blijft een melkkoe voor hen die zichzelf overheid noemen en die vinden het volste recht te heb...