woensdag 29 september 2021

 Just When You Think You’ve Heard It All — Get Vaccinated to Get Kissed


September 27, 2021

For those who are fully vaccinated with a COVID-19 jab, Oregon has good news: It’s OK to kiss your date now, provided your date is also fully vaxxed.

While permission to kiss hasn’t been publicized as an incentive for getting vaccinated, Oregon health officials are giving the green flag to kissing and intimacy. Previously the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) had advised masturbation in place of getting close to someone else.

As posted by Insider, the OHA says: “Once both parties are vaccinated, OHA recommends choosing an outdoor location for a date night if Zoom meetings aren't cutting it. If one party is experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, the date should be postponed for 10 days. If your date is going to be in a crowded or indoor area, OHA recommends masks and social distancing. 

“If both parties are fully vaccinated and taking precautions against the coronavirus, OHA is giving the green light for intimacy.”  

The OHA also made their announcement on their Facebook page, generating hundreds of comments both supporting and ridiculing the advice. 


Insider September24, 2021

OHA Facebook


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