donderdag 23 september 2021

Sky News Australia drops bomb on Fauci, calls him “incredibly stupid” for funding illegal gain-of-function coronavirus research in Wuhan

Tuesday, September 21, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: badhealthbadmedicinebadsciencebiological weaponsbiowarfarebioweaponsbombconspiracycoronavirusCOVIDFaucigain-of-functionIllegallab leakpandemicPlandemicSky News Australiaspike proteintreasonTwisted


(Natural News) Sharri Markson of Sky News in Australia has dropped a major bomb on Tony Fauci and his contrived Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic narrative.

In a recent segment, Markson called out Fauci point-blank for funneling American taxpayer dollars to Wuhan, China, to conduct illegal gain-of-function research on coronaviruses.

Markson says that Fauci is “up to his neck” in crime, which “just shows how incredibly stupid” he is. Markson has been probing Fauci’s criminal activity for a while now, having uncovered that Fauci “had funded 60 projects at the Wuhan laboratory.”

“Then he wrote a paper where he said gain of function research was worth the risk of a pandemic, and that he had even funded coronavirus research in conjunction with the Chinese military,” Markson added.

Since the beginning of his tenure at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) back in 1984, Fauci has been complicit in funding “risky research” in China, including at the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), China’s only known level-four biosafety laboratory.

“He never mentioned that his agency was funding this, and he actually knew a whole lot about it,” Markson says about Fauci’s work over the past nearly 40 years that he has been employed in the federal government.

Markson put all of this together in a documentary called, “What Really Happened in Wuhan” that exposes Fauci for the criminal that he is. The documentary features interviews with both Mike Pompeo and President Donald Trump.

You can watch the segment with Markson below:

Link on Youtube:

Fauci is guilty of committing crimes against humanity

When even a mainstream news outlet like Sky News is talking about Fauci’s treasonous criminal activity over the years, you know the guy is in some deep doo-doo. And it is only a matter of time before his chickens come home to roost.

They say that the bigger they are, the harder they fall. And many people that Fauci has a whole lot more falling to do before he gets what is coming to him, and what he deserves, for unleashing mass genocide all across the world with his coronavirus experiments.

There is simply no more denying that Fauci committed many crimes over the years by funneling American taxpayer dollars to China to develop deadly bioweapons. This is no longer a conspiracy theory: it is now conspiracy fact.

The sooner the mainstream media here in the United States admits to this, the sooner we can be done with this nightmare. It all starts with telling the truth, though. After that, we can start dealing with Fauci and the other criminals who have perpetrated these crimes against humanity time and time again throughout history.

“Fauci should be charged with developing a Biological Weapon of Mass Destruction,” wrote one commenter at Citizen Free Press. “This should qualify him for the death penalty. Don’t worry. He’ll defect to China before they charge him.”

Another noted that we should not forget about Bill Gates and George Soros, who are also complicit in unleashing bioweapons for the purpose of achieving depopulation while raking in obscene profits.

“Demonic psychopaths and powerful elitists are always only one step away from crimes against humanity, but what is particularly disturbing is that the once-respectable field of medical science has capitulated to the political whims of demonic psychos with ambitions and visions of political destiny: a Marxist and globalist ‘utopia,'” wrote another.

“Can you say Agenda 2030?”

Yet another commenter called the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic “Fauci’s very own globalist pandemic,” asking why the guy is still allowed to be running around wreaking havoc instead of occupying a maximum security prison, which is where he belongs.

To keep up with the latest news about Fauci and the other Branch Covidian criminals, visit

Sources for this article include: 

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