maandag 20 september 2021


WebMD Covid vaccine complaint board plastered with horrific descriptions of sustained critical injuries from toxic clot shots


(Natural News) Nearly every single natural health advocate knows that you don’t look on WebMD for answers to health-related questions; however, occasionally they shoot themselves in the foot with their own ‘customer-for-life’ backlash, as is happening right now under their user reviews for the dirty, deadly Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA Covid vaccine. WebMD pushes anything that’s made in a laboratory as “safe and effective” always, and never publishes anything positive about natural health, natural remedies or natural immunity, because it simply wouldn’t make them much money.

Listen to the injected sheeple scream out in horror, as Spike Protein Syndrome is sweeping the nation. And now, here they come, the horrible, long-lasting (maybe forever for some) “side effects” from billions of toxic spike proteins traveling in the blood vessels, polluting the heart, the lungs, the brain and vital cleansing organs. Spike proteins that stick to the inner walls of blood vessels, causing the heart to overwork (hence all the myocarditis cases), and the central nervous system to fire warning shots throughout the body (hence all the nerve pain and sciatica complaints).

These are virus-mimicking spike proteins that drive severe and chronic inflammation, worsening any present sicknesses, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis and dementia. This is the Covid “vaccine” that offers no immunity, no defense against transmissibility, and minimal reduction of Covid severity for the millions of jabbed humans who are still catching Covid anyway. This is billions of toxic spike proteins clogging human blood, never to be undone.

Currently 200 million Americans are suffering on some level from Covid vaccine toxic spike proteins clogging their blood and vital organs

It really doesn’t matter which poisonous jab people got, whether it was mRNA or a single protein payload stab, the billions of toxic spike proteins are clogging their blood and vital organs as you read this. The toxic jabs don’t discriminate either, as to your age, race or physical fitness level. You can be a soldier in top shape, or someone’s grandma in the nursing home, and still, the deadly Covid jab will work its nightmares on the human body, including decimation of the vascular and immune systems.

Take a look at just a handful of posted complaints, which are all fairly recent, regarding the nightmarish “side effects” and adverse events going on now, some weeks or months after getting stabbed with billions of toxic spike prions, all just to try to ward off a bad case of the China flu (which none of the inoculations have been proven to do yet).

WebMD blames anything but the Covid vaccines for all the health problems caused directly by the vaccines

There may not be any worse health-related advice than what comes from WebMD, the internet “doctors” who doctor all information to suit pharma profits, keep people sick and push them to the doctors and dentists for more lab-made concoctions. This is not a legitimate way to heal from anything, but simply dampen symptoms to a tolerable level while the roots of the problems get deeper embedded and more severe.

Vaccine-damage victims are now very easy to find, even on mass media. That tells you a lot. That means the damage is very widespread, and that you’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg. Most likely, these complaints will be taken down from the website, but for now, they are there in plain sight, for the world to see, describing how these people just wish the pain and agony will go away.

WebMD has a history of steering people in the wrong direction that are seeking medical advice online. They pushed mercury dental fillings for years, even though the entire industry knew how detrimental mercury can be to the brain and central nervous system. Maybe some good will come of these complaints plastered all over their website about horrific health detriment that comes from the dirty Covid jabs. Seek natural immunity and never take experimental lab-made concoctions.

Are you, or is someone you know suffering from SPS – Spike Protein SyndromeTune your truth news dial to for updates on the war against dirty vaccines and communism, and how to keep your family happy, healthy and safe.

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Woman regrets getting J&J vaccine after suffering blood clots, German scientists say they may know what’s causing clots

Symptoms started six to eight days after getting Johnson & Johnson’s COVID vaccine when doctors discovered blood clots in her lungs, stomach, brain and throat.

Megan Redshaw, J.D.

Mon May 31, 2021 - 10:28 am EDT

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May 31, 2021 (Children’s Health Defense) – An Oregon woman developed rare blood clots after receiving Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) COVID vaccine earlier this month.

Barbara Buchanan chose J&J because it was a one-dose shot, and because experts declared the vaccine was safe after they lifted a 10-day pauseKGW8 reported. The pause in the U.S. was triggered by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) investigation into reports of rare blood clots.

Buchanan said she now regrets her decision. The 63-year-old first noticed symptoms six to eight days after her shot.

“I had a low-grade temperature and I just felt really tired,” she said. “I thought I was suffering from seasonal allergies.”

Buchanan also felt severe cramping in her legs, which she attributed to arthritis. Then she started coughing up blood. Doctors at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center ran a CT scan and discovered blood clots in her lungs, stomach, brain and throat.

“There has been an association with a very small number of people getting this vaccine that can get this special kind of blood clot with low platelets,” said Dr. Ray Moreno, chief medical officer at St. Vincent.

Moreno said Buchanan had blood clots with low platelets, the pattern seen in cases that prompted the CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration last month to pause the vaccine. But Moreno said the reaction is “very rare” and people shouldn’t be afraid of getting the vaccine.

“As with any medication or medical treatment, there is always the possibility of someone having an adverse reaction. That’s why it’s important to talk to your doctor, do your research and make an informed decision,” Moreno said in a statement to ABC affiliate KAT2TV.

As for Buchanan, she said the experience was “devastating.” She was “very scared that I was never going to see my home again or my family.” She spent about a week at the hospital and was released Monday. The clots are still in her body and she will have to take blood thinners.

“I have a good support system at home, but I’m scared, I’m scared,” Buchanan said. “People don’t think when they go to bed at night that they’re not going to wake up the next day, I don’t know that anymore.”

Bovenkant formulier

Onderkant formulier

According to the most recent data from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 21 there were 4,433 reports of clotting disorders and other related conditions. Of those, 1,842 reports were attributed to Pfizer, 1,168 reports to Moderna and 1,093 reports to J&J.

German scientists think they might know what’s causing blood clots 

German researchers on Wednesday said they believed they’ve found the cause of the rare blood clots linked to J&J and AstraZeneca COVID vaccines.

The researchers, in a study yet to be reviewed, said COVID vaccines that employ adenovirus vectors — cold viruses used to deliver vaccine material — send some of their payload into the nucleus of cells, where some of the instructions for making coronavirus proteins can be misread. This can result in proteins that can potentially trigger blood clot disorders in a small number of recipients.

Other scientists have suggested competing theories for the clotting condition.

Onderkant formulier

Scientists and U.S. and EU drug regulators have been searching for the cause of rare but potentially deadly clots accompanied by low blood platelet counts. The condition has led some countries to halt or limit use of AstraZeneca and J&J vaccines.

Johnson & Johnson, in an emailed statement said: “We are supporting continued research and analysis of this rare event as we work with medical experts and global health authorities. We look forward to reviewing and sharing data as it becomes available.”

AstraZeneca declined to comment.

© May 28, 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

De Daily Mail ontwaakt plotseling uit haar journalistieke coma en meldt een feitelijk verhaal over Covid-doodsinjecties

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