woensdag 4 mei 2022

The World Health Organization has an official plan for 10 years of infectious diseases, from 2020 to 2030





The World Health Organization has an official plan for 10 years of infectious diseases, from 2020 to 2030

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The World Health Organization has an official plan for 10 years of ongoing infectious diseases. From 2020 to 2030: a decade of pandemics. That was revealed by Marion Koopmans, a WHO virologist from the Netherlands who did research at the notorious Wuhan biolab. She said on Dutch television that the World Health Organization has been working on this agenda for a long time.


The WHO prepared an official agenda for a decade of infectious diseases.


At the same time the WHO created the Pandemic Treaty, which gives them complete totalitarian control over all the nations in the world, whenever the WHO declares a pandemic... something they can do whenever they want, based on any test they choose.






The person who technically owns the World Health Organization is Bill Gates, also the #1 vaccine dealer in the world. He was selected by the financial elite to direct the agenda to mass inject all of humanity multiple times every year. Gates multiplied his personal fortune to hundreds of billions of dollars, by selling vaccines.

While discussing the next pandemic, both Bill and his former wife Melinda had the most inhumane response... they smiled, grinned and chuckled!


Can you imagine anyone expressing intense enjoyment about the idea of a next pandemic?


WHO told governments to 'GET READY NOW!' right before pandemic



It is clear that the WHO indeed has foreknowledge about the series of pandemics. Only five months before the coronavirus outbreak, in September 2019, the WHO instructed all the nations in the world to immediately prepare for an imminent influenza pandemic.

See this document in THE PLAN...


Right before the outbreak, the WHO told the world it was about to happen.


Australia published 'Plan for Pandemic' right before it happened



Clearly the Australian government is also perfectly informed about the timing of when these pandemics are about to be unleashed. They published a Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza (infuenza = coronavirus) six months before it occurred.

See this document in THE PLAN...


A few months before the pandemic, Australia released a guide on how to manage it.


2006 movie foretold 2020 pandemic in 'Vision of the Future'



There are more people who knew beforehand that this pandemic would hit in 2020. In 2006 a movie was released called V for Vendetta, which depicted a coronavirus pandemic, that results in worldwide tyranny. The theme repeated throughout the movie is 'This is for your safety'.

See more about this movie in THE PLAN ...


In what year was this movie set? 2020! The trailer of the movie stated: ‘An uncompromising vision of the future’.


2003 TV episode depicted 2020 outbreak, to the detail



In 2003 the TV series Dead Zone aired an episode called The Plague, showing a coronavirus pandemic. Everything we have experienced was shown in this episode: Chinese origin of the virus, masks, lockdowns, quarantines, test swabs, everything! Even the cure was mentioned: chloroquine!

See more in THE PLAN ...


This is called 'predictive programming': preparing the public for future events, so that the people would accept it more easily once it happens.


In 2012 the E.U. made a comic book about a Chinese virus



In 2012 the European Union published a comic book titled 'INFECTED'. It tells the story of a global pandemic that starts on a market in China, leading up to worldwide medical tyranny which is praised as the best solution. Exactly what happened a few years later...

Download this comic book



2013 song predicted 2020 outbreak


In 2013 a musician composed a song about a coronavirus pandemic, that would occur in… 2020! One of the lines of his lyrics says:

'2020 combined with coronavirus, bodies stacking.'

He said he could predict this because he had been investigating so called ‘conspiracy theories’.


Listen to this strange song ...





In 2017 and 2018 every nation on earth started buying and selling millions upon millions of virus test kits. Guess what they were called? You can see it on this screenshot from the website of the World Integrated Trade Solution...

Get more information about this


Two years before the outbreak, the entire world started distributing hundreds of millions of C19 Test Kits.



C19 Virus Test patented in 2015 by Richard Rothschild



In 2015 Richard Rothschild, a lawyer from London, patented a virus detection system for... C*V*D-19. This system sends biometric data to the cloud, where artificial intelligence can order the authorities to quarantine and inject a person.

⚠️ Learn more here


Why did a British lawyer - with no medical training - develop a C19 virus testing method, in 2015?



In 2017 Fauci guaranteed 'surprise outbreak' in next 3 years



In 2017 Anthony Fauci stated that there
is 'no doubt in anyones mind' that there would be a 'surprise outbreak' of an infectious disease during the first term of the Trump administration.

Hear Fauci guarantee ths in THE PLAN


Fauci literally guaranteed this outbreak to happen during the Trump administration.





While the WHO instructed governments worldwide to 'GET READY NOW!' for an imminent coronavirus pandemic, Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab organized a coronavirus pandemic exercise, only a few months before the coronavirus pandemic actually happened. Interestingly, right after the exercise for the outbreak - where they discussed how only injections are the answer - Gates tweeted how excited he was about selling shots the coming year.

More info in THE PLAN...



Right before the pandemic, Gates 'practiced' for it, and expressed excitement about vaccine sales...




So called 'preparedness organizations' released several videos in 2017 and 2018, announcing... a coronavirus pandemic that starts in the area of Wuhan and spreads worldwide.

It's understandable if they want to protect and prepare the world for possible outbreaks. But it gets seriously suspicious if you see how they literally predict the exact type of virus, the exact timeframe when the outbreak will occur, and the area where it will start. That's only possible with detailed foreknowledge about what is about to be unleashed...

See these videos in THE PLAN...


Official videos predicted every detail of the pandemic: virus, timeframe, area of origin...



'Scenarios of the Future' predicted coronavirus pandemic



In 2010 the Rockefeller Foundation published the notorious Scenario for the Future of Technology. A scenario that predicts the future! Fascinating… What does it say?

It describes a coronavirus pandemic, that results in... a worldwide dictatorship.


The document praises China as the perfect example for the rest of the world, because they use the pandemic to implement suffocating control systems on society.



A second Futuristic Scenario was published by John Hopkins Center for Health Security, which is financed by Bill Gates. This Futuristic Scenario also describes a flu pandemic with a 'novel coronavirus' that originates in Asia. Once again: how can these organizations know all these things, unless they are involved in creating them?

Download these 'Scenarios for the Future'


Several 'Scenarios for the Future' describe a coronavirus pandemic, leading to worldwide tyranny...


Watch 'THE PLAN'



All these facts are only a few examples of the overwhelming evidence you can see in the mind blowing video THE PLAN. This incredibly powerful video shows how Gates, the WHO and Prince Charles announce the next pandemics, how a WHO virologist unveils the plan for a decade of pandemics, and how these outbreaks are announced with great detail, even in movies and songs that literally announce the year: 2020.

THE PLAN is probably the best short video to show humanity that these health crises are no natural occurence.

Make sure not to miss this life changing and eye opening evidence based video. It's not long, so you can watch it right now.


If the button doesn't work, then copy this url and paste it into your browser: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/proof

Download the documents
featured in THE PLAN

Documents that open the eyes of humanity

✔︎ Grand Jury Evidence 1

✔︎ Vaccine Death Report

Documents that announced the coronavirus pandemic

✔︎ Scenarios for the Future by the Rockefeller Foundation

✔︎ A Futuristic Scenario by John Hopkins Center

✔︎ Australian Health Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza

✔︎ WHO instructed world to prepare for imminent coronavirus pandemic

✔︎ EU Comic Book shows pandemic starting in China, and medical tyranny

Thousands of medical doctors say the pandemic was planned


A group of almost one thousand medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’, which is supported by more than 7,000 professionals including attorneys, scientists, teachers etc., made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1)

‘The Corona panic is a play. It's a scam. A swindle. It's high time we understood that we're in the midst of a global crime.'

This large group of medical experts publishes a newspaper with circulation of 500,000 copies every week, to alert the public about the misinformation in the mainstream media about the coronavirus. They also organize mass protests with millions of people throughout Europe. 


Hundreds of Spanish medical doctors say the pandemic was created


In Spain, a group of 600 medical doctors called ‘Doctors for Truth’ made a similar statement during a press conference. 

‘Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse. We urge doctors, the media and political authorities to stop this criminal operation by spreading the truth.’ (2)

World Doctors Alliance:
'Greatest Crime in History'

 'Doctors for Information' and 'Doctors for Truth' have joined forces with similar groups of practitioners around the world in the 'World Doctors Alliance' (2A). This historic alliance connects more than one hundred thousand medical professionals around the world. They reveal how the pandemic is the greatest crime in history, and offer solid scientific evidence for this claim. They also take legal actions against governments who are playing along with this criminal operation. 

World Freedom Alliance:
Connecting Attorneys


Similarly, the World Freedom Alliance was formed - a network of attorneys, medical experts, politicians, bankers, and many other professionals who are working together to expose the 'Covid Crime', and who are starting to build a new world of freedom. They want to make sure these kinds of worldwide scams that destroy millions of lives can never occur again. 


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The mainstream media is funded by wealthy criminals, who pay them to spread lies that lead the world into their tyranny. We don’t have this kind of financial support, but we rely on good people who see what is going on, and who want to help us defend humanity. Your support can help us protect our world, from the greatest criminal operation ever to be launched against humanity.

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