zondag 25 september 2022

Pfizer's Bourla Is Having Covid Again, a Month After His Previous Bout

Bourla has Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficit Syndrome (VAIDS)

Amazing news from Pfizer’s Albert Bourla.

Mr. Bourla had his previous Covid infection in mid-August. Now he tested positive for Covid again, only a month after his previous illness. Albert is very lucky to be protected by his vaccine and previous booster doses!

Pfizer’s CEO says that he did not yet get the bivalent booster, because he wanted to wait 3 months after his most recent infection.

This is what the CDC said about this:

So, the CDC said that Bourla had a “low risk of reinfection” for three months after his last Covid — but Bourla got Covid a mere month after his previous infection.

Albert is not alone. Here’s a Redditor who is having his or her FIFTH Covid in 1.5 years:

Covid is not going anywhere.

Apparently, it is again rising strongly in the UK. The United States is usually about a month behind the UK. So, for now, the US is in the “Covid is over” phase.

Is Albert having VAIDS and is unable to get any kind of immunity?

He is definitely one person who I badly want to take his own 8-mouse booster as soon as possible.

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